Chapter 300: The setting sun world, the master of Huangquan!

“Where is this?”

Bai Ye looked around and saw that the lake he came from had disappeared.

It was replaced by a sea of bright red flowers. At the end of the sea of flowers, there was a mountain wall like a disk, surrounding the sea of flowers. And that sunset was hanging on the cliff. Bai Ye squinted at the sunset for a while, but the sunset still didn’t move and had no intention of falling.

“Sunset World, come here.”

The girl said, gesturing to Bai Ye to follow her.

After hearing this, Bai Ye turned around and saw that the girl had already walked out for a distance. Seeing this, Bai Ye hurriedly followed her.

After looking around, Bai Ye asked the girl:” Didn’t you say you were going to send me to hell? Why are you here again?”

“…You can’t go to hell.”

Hearing this, the girl paused in her progress. After a moment of silence, she spoke.


Seeing that the girl didn’t intend to send herself to hell, Bai Ye was slightly stunned, and then asked

“There is no curse on you, I can’t send you to hell.”

The girl replied, and after that, she continued to walk towards 03. Hearing the girl’s answer, Bai Ye didn’t understand.

How can you go to hell and be cursed? It’s like a ticket, but listen to the name [Hell], it should not be a good place.

Following the girl, Bai Ye suddenly found a neon-style wooden house in the space in front of him. The house was surrounded by red flowers and there were a few scattered big trees around it.

“There, stay there first.”

The girl pointed to the house in front and said to Bai Ye

“Is that your home?”

Bai Ye looked at the house. It seemed to have a sense of age. Even though there was some distance between him and the house, the oldness coming from the shop floor could not be avoided.


Hearing Bai Ye’s question, the girl was silent for a long time, then nodded.

“There, there is no danger.”

The girl pointed to the house and said

“Isn’t it dangerous? But I always felt like something was wrong with that house.”

Bai Ye looked at the house, rubbed his chin, and said to himself.

This house gave him a strange feeling. Bai Ye couldn’t place it. It was as if the house was an eye, always looking at him.

“Nothing is wrong.”

After the girl finished speaking, she continued to walk forward.

Seeing this, Bai Ye said no more and followed the girl.

Just as the two of them approached the house, a voice suddenly sounded from the house:”Ai, did you take it with you? Bring those who should be brought.”

The voice sounded like a female voice, a bit old, with a trace of panic hidden in her tone.

“Mother-in-law is a spirit that comes in along the mist. There is no curse on him. I want to send him back to this world.”

The girl stretched out her hand to stop Bai Ye, and then said to the house

“…He shouldn’t be able to come in. I’ve seen all the spirits that come in from Sanchuan Road. As long as any spirit can pass through the white mist, it will come to Sanchuan Road. If he is really a spirit, it should come from Sanchuan Road. I’ve been walking by, but I haven’t seen him.”

The old voice came again and fell into the girl’s ears.

Hearing the words, the girl frowned slightly, glanced sideways at Bai Ye, then looked at the house, and said:”But if it wasn’t a spirit body, it wouldn’t be able to walk through the white mist, let alone reach the underworld.”

“Love, you know too little. Only the spirit body can walk through the white mist. It has been a long time ago.”

My mother-in-law seemed to sigh softly, and her voice sounded a little tired.

“Mother-in-law, what do you mean?”

The girl was still a little confused and asked.

“Love, in today’s world, there are a few human beings who can enter the underworld on their own. One is the demon kings walking on the earth. Their power can completely ignore the white mist. The other is the human beings with extremely strong spiritual power, so powerful that even the entire Huang Quan’s ghost energy is no match for the spiritual power in his body”

“Neither of these two types of human beings is something we can afford to offend. The guy you brought back now may have been discovered by the adults in the underworld.”

Hearing this, Bai Ye frowned. Regarding why he was able to pass through the white mist and come here, it should be that the latter’s spiritual power is extremely strong, but what kind of devil is the demon king walking on the earth in the former

? The mother-in-law is defined as a human being, and is also called a demon king?

Could it be that he is some powerful human being that he doesn’t know about? But even if that is the case, why is he called a demon king?

Could it be that he has done something sinister and evil? Called the Demon King?

That’s not right. He has been in this world for more than ten years, constantly looking for strange news, and has learned about some major disasters, but these disasters are nothing more than natural disasters, and he has never heard of man-made disasters.

And Bai Ye doesn’t think that any human being will be remembered by these ghosts just because they have done bad things.

“Then he is….”

Hearing the explanation from the mother-in-law in the house, the girl’s face showed a trace of surprise, and she turned to look at Bai Ye, her eyes full of surprise.

She originally just finished her work and rowed home, but she met Bai Ye on the way. It turned out that a spirit came here accidentally through the white mist. She originally wanted to take this spirit home with her., but now it is discovered that this spirit body is actually a living human being! And they are humans she can’t afford to offend!

Thinking of this, the girl’s scalp felt a little numb. She didn’t know why she wanted to bring the boat to Bai Ye and bring Bai Ye to the sunset world. She originally thought she was bringing a harmless kitten, but it turned out to be a white tiger.

According to what the mother-in-law said, the Bai Ye in front of them is definitely not something they can solve. There is only one solution now, and that is to wait for the master from Huangquan to deal with Bai Ye.

Although the girl herself has a boss-like existence, the girl does not think that her boss can deal with Bai Ye.

Even if someone calls it the [Boss of Hell], although her boss does have matching strength, her mother-in-law just said Bai Ye was so powerful, and she doesn’t think her boss can defeat Bai Ye.

With this thought in her mind, the girl’s face became a little wary, she looked at Bai Ye and slowly backed away. Seeing this, Bai Ye shrugged helplessly.

He had told this girl before that he was human, but there was nothing he could do. She didn’t believe it, and Bai Ye couldn’t help it either.

“I told you before that I was a human being, but you didn’t believe me. However, I am a little curious, who is the Lord of Huangquan you are talking about?”

Bai Ye looked at the girl and asked.

He had been curious before about what kind of existence could control the underworld, and even used pure ghost energy to prevent ghosts and humans from entering this so-called underworld.

Could it be that it was A god like Yato?

No, no, no, although Yato’s fighting ability is passable, it is still a bit too reluctant to achieve these things.

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