Aoki packed the test papers and put the other papers back in the backpack.

Looking at the exhausted girls under the podium, they said with a smile.

"You guys are doing very well tonight, go to rest now, I have to get home as soon as possible."

Urging the girls to wash up and go to bed quickly, Aoki also rode a bicycle and ran towards home.

His current physical fitness is extremely strong, and he does not feel tired after a journey of more than ten kilometers.

About half an hour later, Aoki had returned home smoothly.

After sending a message to the five sisters on the mobile phone to report that they were safe, they also hurried to the bathroom to wash up.

Tomorrow morning, I have to read the papers, I have to rest early. *

[40] Test scores far exceeding expectations

The next day, Aoki got up early in the morning.

As usual, I went out to exercise for a while, and by the way, I bought a breakfast and came back.

Dian Dian also just woke up from his sleep, yelling to eat cat food.

Aoki played with it for a while, and then opened a can of cat.

Then he picked up a bowl of rice and snorted.

After eating and drinking, I took a shower.

Next is the time to mark the test papers.

Take out the five sisters' test papers from the backpack.

It is densely filled with formulas.

Compared with the previous test paper, it is much more tidy.

At least from a sensory point of view, the impression on the teacher is much better.

"Yihua's math test paper, let me take a look..."

Multiple choice question...only two mistakes...

Fill in the blanks...only three wrong...

Application questions...Most of the formulas are used correctly...

The more he changed, the more surprised Aoki became.

Except for the last big question, I wrote some formulas because I had no clue.

Other application questions can basically get [-]% of the score.

He knew very well that this set of papers was completely different from the ones they tested.

This is the title after his careful revision.

Although the knowledge points themselves are the same.

But the problem-solving idea will go around a few big circles.

This means that solving the problem takes more time and effort.

And Yihua can complete all the questions except the big questions in the stipulated time.

It shows that she has mastered the knowledge points quite proficiently.

A flower with the worst foundation in mathematics has achieved this level.

Then her sisters...

Aoki re-checked the test paper in disbelief.

It was discovered that Yihua's results were indeed much higher than he expected.

This made Aoki excitedly pick up the next test paper and correct it.

About half an hour later, all the papers have been corrected.

Aoki unfolded the modified paper on the desk.

Kazuka Nakano: 119 points

Nakano Nino: 124 points

Mikyu Nakano: 130 points

Nakano Yotsuba: 121 points

May Nakano: 128 points

Looking at the eye-catching results on the test paper, Aoki's hands trembled a little.

You must know that two months ago, the highest score of the five Nakano sisters was less than 40 points.

In just two months, they have already reached the level of top students.

Even if it is the last train among the top students, it is a serious top student!

What's more, Aoki's paper was a bit more difficult than the school's exam paper.

If the five sisters are now asked to test last year's paper, I am afraid that the final result will be even better than now!

Leaning back on the seat, Aoki looked up at the ceiling in deep thought.

He had imagined the scene in front of him, but in the end it was just an imagination.

Unexpectedly, he really saw this scene now, which made his heart unable to calm down for a long time.

Aoki is a realist through and through, and usually doesn't think too optimistically about things.

Effort has never been the key factor to success.

Just because you work hard may not be rewarded, but if you don't work hard, you will not be rewarded.

So you need to keep working hard to make sure you are eligible for the harvest.

Such relatively pessimistic thoughts swirled around him.

It is for this reason that although Aoki has been encouraging the five sisters, he did not hold too many expectations.

In his expectation, if one of the five sisters can get 110 points, it is a staged breakthrough.

The fact in front of him is that everyone has broken through 110 points, and it can even be said that they have broken through 120 points.

This is a miracle in Aoki's view.

No matter which school or place it is placed, it can be said to be almost impossible to accomplish.

That's why the shock to him was so great, it was even unbelievable for a time.

He took a deep breath and cleared all the messy thoughts out of his mind.

Rubbing his numb cheeks, Aoki began to think about his future plans.

It's a good thing to get such good grades.

But should the five sisters know about it so early?

He felt it was up for debate.

There is only half a month left before the exam.

Letting girls know that they are good can certainly boost morale.

But it can also make them fall into pride and complacency.

This is not conducive to the normal performance of the exam.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Aoki decided to temporarily hide the results of the exam.

The follow-up tutoring simply explained the topic and did not mention the grades to them.

By keeping the girls in a self-suspicious attitude, they can maintain their current high positivity.

When they are low in self-confidence, release the news to achieve the best results.

After making the next plan, Aoki finally breathed a sigh of relief.

While this step was risky, the ultimate payoff was worth it.

If all the fighting spirit of the girls is brought into full play, it is hard to say how far they will be able to achieve in the end.

Leaning on the seat to rest for a while, the excitement calmed down.

Aoki just picked up the test paper and looked at it, excerpting all the questions that the five sisters were easy to get wrong.

When it comes to the topic in the evening, these contents need to be taken out and explained.

First, I deduced it according to their ideas to find out the mistakes.

Then re-derivation according to the correct idea, and compare the reasons for the error.

After checking all the questions, Aoki put away the test papers.

Leaning back on the seat and thinking about what I missed.

Looking at the test paper that was put into the drawer, he suddenly thought of something.

Since these papers have to be sealed as the last resort.

The blank test paper was also used when explaining the topic that night.

Thinking of this, Aoki took out a USB flash drive from his backpack.

Take advantage of the lack of people in the morning, go to the photocopying shop to reprint the test paper.

Thinking of the mid-term exam in half a month, I am afraid it will be quite exciting.

Aoki couldn't help but smile.

"It's hard to imagine what expressions their classmates and teachers will make at that time. I'm really looking forward to it."*

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