[Comprehensive Martial Arts] Unintentionally Demolished the CP

Chapter 16: The protagonist who is addicted to martial arts in the ancient tomb 16

The wheel of fortune always catches everyone by surprise. When everyone thinks that they are living a life that is no different from usual, they suddenly come to a crossroads, and different things start to happen. Since then, the trajectory of life has been turned upside down.

The disciples of the Beggar Gang accidentally discovered a trace of Yang Guo's practice of sex, and reported it to the gang leader.

Huang Rong reversed the mentality of Jiuyin Zhenjing back then, making Xidu, one of the five musts, into a lunatic. When she heard that she was a young man, Huang Rong didn't care at first, and only planned to send someone to check it, but she didn't plan to go there by herself. I heard the disciples of the Beggar Gang below say that the name of the descendant of Western poison is "Yang Guo".

"Yang Guo..." The scene of Mu Nianci holding the baby and giving Guo Jing a name seemed to be still in front of her eyes.

Yang Guo, the words have been changed.

After all, the age is right.

"Why does Ouyang Feng have a relationship with Yang Guo?"

"Where's Sister Mu?" Huang Rong held her forehead, wondering where Mu Nianci was.

The Iron Spear Temple where a disciple of the Beggar Gang came to report that someone had been there.

Huang Rong has always been known for her intelligence and agility when she was a young girl, but now she is a human being, a wife and a mother, but she just changed her position along Guo Jing.

Huang Rong didn't like Yang Kang or Ouyang Feng, but Yang Guo had something to do with them both.

The couple found Yang Guo again, and Guo Jing told him gently that he and his father were brothers, and that he also had friendship with her mother, Mu Nianci, and did not want him to work hard outside.

Because of the father and mother mentioned in Guo Jing's words, plus Yang Guo had been in the market for a few years, he came into contact with Guo Jing's sincerity, and after getting along with him, he believed in Guo Jing and followed him.

He is still a teenager, but only fourteen, but he looks like Yang Kang, just looking at his face, his facial features are distinct, and he is three points brighter than others at a glance, and he can already see for the first time how handsome he will look in the future.

He looked like Yang Kang, roaming the market, and his attitude was not respectful. Huang Rong was even more wary of him.

Guo Jing originally wanted to bring him to Peach Blossom Island just like the other children, and let them play and study together.

On Peach Blossom Island, Yang Guo met Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang. These three playmates who had escaped together in the past were too late to be happy. Ke Zhen'e scolded Yang Guo because of Yang Kang and Ouyang Feng.

In the past, Zhu Cong, the master scholar of the past, Han Baoju, the king of horses, Nan Xiren, the woodcutter of Nanshan, Zhang Asheng, the man in the downtown area, the six people in the downtown area, and Han Xiaoying, the Yue female swordsman, plus Ke Zhen'e, were killed in the rivers and lakes because of their marriage to Jinlan. It is called the Seven Eccentrics of Jiangnan.

Ke Zhen'e's lifelong enemies are Mei Chaofeng and Chen Xuanfeng, one is Ouyang Feng, and the other is Yang Kang. These three people killed his righteous brother and righteous sister, and he was the only one left alive! How could Ke Zhen'e not hate him!

Yang Guo is the son of Yang Kang and the disciple of Ouyang Feng! As long as he looked at him, Ke Zhen'e would think of his six righteous brothers and sisters who died.

Yang Guo knew how to do martial arts, and he was also instructed by Huang Yaoshi to improve himself. Although he had no inner strength, when Ke Zhen Evil beat him, he was able to hide.

Ke Zhen'e was even more angry.

Different from Huang Rong, Ke Zhen'e was Guo Jing's elder and "Master". Huang Rong would be wary because Mu Nianci and Guo Jing were smiling. In less than ten days, Ke Zhen'e couldn't bear it any longer and pressed Guo Jing, only letting him choose one.

Yang Guo got angry.

Can't he see the dislike in Huang Rong's eyes! Guo Fu's temper is not big enough! The old blind man actually beat himself up!

Guo Jing was in a dilemma.

Guilt wanted to find a new place for Yang Guo to find a famous teacher for him. After thinking about it, he thought of Ma Yu who taught him back then.

Guo Jing has been taught by many people, but the Seven Devils of Jiangnan have a grudge against Yang Kang, and Hong Qigong has disappeared in Jianghu.

I was just afraid that they would have a prejudice against Yang Guo because of Yang Kang and Ouyang Feng. After discussing with Huang Rong, Guo Jing and Huang Rong decided to bring Yang to visit Ma Yu in person, to say good things about Yang Guo first, and then see how to teach Yang Guo better. .

Along the way, Yang Guo looked at everything with eyes not eyes, noses not noses, and Yang Guo could pick the bones out of eggs.

On the way, Guo Jing, no matter how angry Yang Guo was, he always spoke in a good voice and never did anything.

After walking all the way, and at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, Yang Guo also had a little curiosity and expectation about Quanzhen Sect in his heart.

Yang Guo watched Uncle Guo walk in front of him, and hummed in his heart, with only a trace of curiosity and expectation.

A trace!

No more pointing.

Shen Nai didn't know that Yang Guo had arrived at Zhongnan Mountain at this time. She finally learned all the first level of the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl and completed her cultivation, and began to practice the second level of the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl.

After pondering over the many books in the ancient tomb, plus the Jade Maiden Heart Sutra that she had cultivated, she thought it was appropriate. Shen Nai also began to prepare for the practice of Jiuyin Zhenjing, which had not been practiced for several years.

The Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl and the True Sutra of Nine Yin are two kinds of heart methods. Between the two, Shen Nai is uncertain.

After accepting the original owner's memories and feelings, Shen Nai was more inclined towards the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl, but the drawbacks of the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl were too great. No one could train together on the second floor, and she couldn't reach the third floor at all.

Li Mochou couldn't get over her mood. Hong Lingbo didn't finish the first level, and she knew very well that even if she reached the third level, she still couldn't move her emotions rashly.


But to abandon the Jade. Female Heart Sutra and completely convert it to Jiuyin, Shen Nai couldn't make a decision, and the Jiuyin scripture was engraved on the sarcophagus by Wang Chongyang, and there was no way to discuss it with other people in the ancient tomb.

Shen Nai got up from the cold jade bed, her eyes showed melancholy on her face that never showed any expression.

Otherwise, two people practice together, pay attention to distinguish the internal force and meridian operation of the two?

Shen Nai, who didn't want to do multiple-choice questions and wanted to do multiple-choice questions, seriously thought about the feasibility of this method.

Then we have to retreat again and coordinate well.

After making the decision, Shen Nai once again told Granny Sun and Hong Lingbo that they were going to retreat, no matter what was happening, don't disturb them. As soon as the door of the room was closed, they practiced on the Hanyu bed again.

This time, without the rumors spread by Li Mochou that "the head of the ancient tomb sect, Xiaolongnv, recruits a dowry in a martial arts competition", there is no Quanzhen Sect making a big battle, and no foreign prince Huo Du comes to ask for marriage.

Shen Nai's eighteen years old, closed on the Hanyu bed, surrounded by a white cold mist, passed by without her noticing.

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