An unfamiliar call reached Kamiya Migetsu's white phone.

In addition to Shuichi Akai, who knows the mobile phone number of Migetsu Kamiya, only Akemi Miyano.

Kamiya Migetsu answered the phone, but did not speak.

Sure enough, Akemi Miyano's voice came from the earpiece.

"Hey, hey?"

"Is it safe?" Kamiya Migetsu asked as he pinched his throat.

Akemi Miyano replied, "Don't worry, I work at a bank now, and there will be no listening devices for calls made by my borrowed colleague's mobile phone."

Kamiya Migetsu frowned and asked, "You work at the bank?" Which bank?

"I work at Silishi Bank now."

Kamiya Migetsu remembered that the cause of Miyano Akemi's death seemed to be a bank robbery and then killed by ginsake, but the specific details were too long ago to remember.

So Kamiya Migetsu asked, "Did Gin Sake make you work at the bank?"

"Yes, but no..."

Akemi Miyano gave an ambiguous answer to Kamiya Migetsu.

Akemi Miyano explained: "It was I who asked the organization to leave the organization with Shiho, and the organization gave me a task, as long as I robbed the bank and handed it over to the organization, the organization promised that we would leave the organization, which may be the only chance we can leave the organization."

Kamiya Migetsu was silent for a long time before asking, "When are you going to act?"

"It's not clear, it's still stepping on the point, it should be a while."

Kamiya Migetsu didn't say much, just said: "I know, let me know in advance when you want to act."

Akemi Miyano was surprised, "I thought you, Mr. Kamiya, would stop me."

Kamiya Migetsu said expressionlessly, "Is it useful for me to stop you?" For you, this is your only hope, no matter what I say you will gamble, in that case, I might as well not know.

Miyano Akemi thanked Kamiya Migetsu sincerely: "Thank you, Mr. Kamiya, thank you for helping me so far, Mr. Kamiya, you are really a very gentle person, it is really good to be friends with Mr. Kamiya." Faced

with Miyano Akemi's sudden thanks, Kamiya Mitsuki's body froze, and his face turned red: "Oh, verbose!" I don't need you to thank me, I took that guy's payment, and it's too early to thank you, hang up! Hearing

a 'beep' sound coming from the earpiece, Akemi Miyano had a smile on her face after deleting the call log.

I didn't expect Mr. Kamiya to be still a tsundere, and he was really cute, but what did Xie mean by being too early?" Kamiya

Migetsu hung up the phone with Akemi Miyano, opened the phone contact, found Akai Shuichi's contact information, and dialed the past.

This time, Shuichi Akai's voice came from the earpiece: "What happened?"

Kamiya Migetsu said bluntly: "The organization plans to attack Akemi Miyano, and promised Akemi Miyano that as long as she grabs the bank and grabs one billion yen to hand over to the organization, the organization will let Akemi Miyano and Shiho Miyano leave the organization, you should know that whether Akemi Miyano is unsuccessful or not, she will have to die." Akai

Xiu on the other end of the phone looked cold and piercing: "When will it start?"

"It's not clear, it's not known when Akemi Miyano will carry out the plan to rob the bank, and it's still stepping on the point."

"I see." Shuichi Akai covered the fingers holding the phone, pinching the white.

Kamiya Migetsu reminded: "If you plan to save Akemi Miyano, you can arrange it now, Akemi Miyano is now working at Yoneka's Shiling Bank, I told me in advance before I asked her to act, but if you arrange the action at that time, it will be too late."

"I'll arrange it right away." Akai promised.

Kamiya Migetsu suddenly said: "If your FBI does not plan to save Akemi Miyano, please notify me in advance." Akai

Shuichi frowned and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"If you don't go to the rescue, then I will come." Kamiya Migetsu said in a firm tone.

Akai Shuichi was surprised: "Why?" Why would you be willing to do this for Akemi?

"Because... She was the first to think I was her friend.

Akai looked at the screen of the phone that had been hung up.

As usual, after Kamiya Migetsu provides the news, he will definitely make an outrageous offer.

But this time, Kamiya Migetsu didn't mention anything about money.

And just because Miyano Akemi considered him a friend, Kamiya Migetsu was willing to risk revealing his identity and making enemies of the organization to go to Miyano Akemi.

'Kamiya Mitsuki, you man, I really can't see through it.


' Shuichi Akai closed the flip cover of his phone, tucked it into his pocket, and muttered to himself as he looked at the moon in the night sky.

"My Akai Shuichi's girlfriend, I don't need you to save me!"

The next day.

Kamiya Migetsu quietly went to the Silsubishi Bank and saw Akemi Miyano handling banking business at the front desk.

After some observation, it was not found that the members of the suspected organization were spying on Akemi Miyano in the shadows.

After confirming that Akemi Miyano was fine, Kamiya Migetsu went to No. 1, 39 Banchi, 5 chome, Yonakacho, which is the Maori detective office.

As expected, Shinichi Kudo, who has become Conan, is already in the Maori detective agency.

And Kamiya Migetsu also heard that Maori Kogoro solved a kidnapping case last night.

Don't think, this case must have been solved by Conan.

Kamiya Migetsu sighed: "I just got beaten with a stick, became a conan, turned around and broke the case, the efficiency is really high." "

From the birth of Conan, the next red personnel will appear one by one.

Although Kamiya Migetsu is a member of the organization, he cooperates with Akai Shuichi from the red side.

It seems that Kamiya Mitsuki has become an undercover organization and has become a red party officer, but it is not.

Kamiya Migetsu still belongs to the Black Side.

Because Kamiya Migetsu is only working with Shuichi Akai, not with the FBI.

Moreover, there are interests in mutual cooperation.

In other words, the two are actually an employment relationship, should they do it or will do it.

The days that followed.

Kamiya Migetsu fully experienced the feeling of time disorder.

Yesterday it may have been winter, and in the blink of an eye it was summer.

However, this discomfort seems to be only felt by Kamiya Migetsu alone, and the others feel very normal.

Now Kamiya Migetsu does not dare to put the clothes of the four seasons into the wardrobe.

I am afraid that today is a summer day of more than 30 degrees, and tomorrow it will be a winter day of minus several degrees in the blink of an eye.

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