Conan: Peppermint Beluga

Chapter 226: Kidd's 1st enemy is... fish

"Conan Mint Beluga (

After being thrown out of the window, Haibara Ai felt that she must be helpless.

But who would have thought that Matsuda would drop his sanity and jump out of the window with him?

Resisting the dizziness caused by the weightlessness, Ai Haibara frowned and looked at Matsuda who was trying to grab her, and shouted, "Are you crazy! Why did you jump down!"

Grabbing her little hand and wrapping him in his arms, he couldn't help but think about what happened a few months ago.

At that time, after learning that Shiho Miyano was executed by the organization, he really felt that the light he had finally found was extinguished again.

"I said...I won't lose you again."

"Are you an idiot? You will die if you do this!"

"Will not."


But now there is one thing that is quite embarrassing. Now I am protecting Huiyuan in my arms with both hands, as if no third hand can get the cumbersomeness of putting it on the back.

There was no way to even take off the jacket.

"...That Miyano, can you help me unzip the coat and take it off?"

"Huh? What are you thinking about at a time like this!"

"What are you thinking about? I wear a special parachute under my clothes. This is what I bought from the organization. I didn't expect it to be used."


Only then did Haibara Ai understand why he didn't show a nervous look after hugging him. It turned out that he had imagined that this would happen... He was really cautious.

But thanks to this caution, he was saved.

He lowered his head to help open the zipper, and finally took off Matsuda's jacket. Haibara tried his best to reach out with his little hand and finally reached for the cumbersome pull tab. He pulled down hard, and the free parachute behind him quickly opened.

Everyone who witnessed all this on the plane let out a long sigh of relief. Only the leader, Okamoto, frowned in dissatisfaction. He had just checked the five bombs, and all of them had been dismantled... He was given to him by that kid named Matsuda. play.

Kuroba Kaito touched his chin, he really underestimated him... He was going to hide the parachute on his body, and he actually calculated this step, which is really amazing.

Conan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he was really frightened.

After successfully opening the parachute, Matsuda freed up one hand to control the landing site. Now the site where he landed should be Sakushima in Aichi Prefecture, but he was not familiar with it.

"Miyano, help me turn on the headset."


The headset was turned on, and Matsuda controlled the direction of the parachute and said, "Hello? Can Hattori hear it?"

After the interrogation of CAT-H, he immediately contacted Hattori Heiji in Osaka, informing him that the real purpose of the "red Siamese cat" was to steal the Buddha statue in the Buddhist temple in Nara Prefecture, and asked him to rush over there to control the situation.

"Huh? Why is the wind so loud over there, I can't hear your voice clearly!"

"I was forced to skydive. The specific situation will be discussed later. Please help me to find out where in Sakushima is suitable for landing."

"Huh? Oh...Okay, I'll check it for you right away."

Hattori Heiji drove his motorcycle to the side of the road, and after asking Kazuha in the back seat of the car to borrow his mobile phone, he began to look for a suitable place to land.

"The national park in Sanhewan, there is a beach there that is suitable for landing."

"OK, thank you, I'll contact you later."

"Okay, you kid also pay attention to safety!"

When he was still more than ten meters away from the ground, Matsuda was about to close his umbrella but found that the button was broken... He couldn't help complaining that the organization actually bought inferior goods. In desperation, he hugged Hui Yuan tightly in his arms and slid up and slid for a distance. After that, the back hit the billboard and forced to the ground.

"Why don't you take your umbrella?" After Haibara Ai broke free from her arms, she immediately wanted to check the injury on Matsuda's back.

"...Who would have thought that the organization's parachute couldn't take it."

"It should be something that has not been used for too long. Do you think the people in the organization will have nothing to do and go skydiving?"

Matsuda shrugged, it seems that the people in the organization don't enjoy extreme sports.

"Maybe there are people who are afraid of heights."

In his mind, if gin is afraid of heights, then he shows the expression of Kogoro Maori, and the two are matched together, sigh-is this a picture that he can make up for?

Haibara Ai noticed the change in Matsuda's expression, she glared at Banyue and complained: "Gin and vodka can both fly helicopters, so they are definitely not afraid of heights."

Her own thoughts were actually seen through by her again.

"Yes, I was taught by gin to drive a helicopter." After Matsuda pulled the inferior parachute off his body, he looked up into the air and said, "I have to find a way to go back... eh?"

"What's up?"

Haibara Ai also raised his head to look at the sky, who knew that he found a big white bird, oh no, it was the phantom thief Kid who was sliding towards this side with something in his hand.

After Kaitou Kidd put away his glider and landed, Haibara realized that he was actually holding Kudo in his arms.

The combination of phantom thieves and detectives... quite interesting.

"What's the matter with you? Even the two of you ran down from there, how are you going to deal with those guys?"

Kuroba Kuito spread his hands with an innocent expression and said, "Hey, I didn't want to come down. Who made this kid dare to attack them and was thrown down by the angry leader who replayed his old tricks."

He smiled and looked at the deflated Conan, and said, "I can't just watch this kid with glasses die, can I? Thank me, little detective."

Conan rolled his eyes, he didn't care about the identity of this guy at this time, he said with a serious face: "Songtian, according to their flight speed, they will soon reach Mie County, we have to find a way to get back to the ship. !"

"Oh, I've already figured out a way to do this."

"any solution?"

After Kuroba Kaito asked curiously, he noticed that Matsuda's eyes fell on him, he scratched his cheek in confusion, and asked, "Hey... What are you looking at me for?"

"I'm going to trouble you to play the role of Kudo Shinichi again." Matsuda took out his mobile phone and sent a text message, and said, "After I learned about their purpose, I contacted Officer Megumi, according to the speed of the police helicopter. Look, it should be here ahem, this is not good?" Hei Yu was a little empty in his heart, and he had used Kudo's identity to deceive the girl named Xiaolan , this time I have to use it in front of the deity, which is not good.

"It's not that you haven't used it before, just now..."

"Hey Hey hey!!!"

Kuroba Kaito hurried forward to cover Matsuda's mouth, and smirked: "Hahaha, I'll change, you wait for me for a while... I'll prepare."

Looking at his back in a panic, Conan always felt that there was a secret between Matsuda and Kidd. What would Matsuda say before he finished?

Hai Yuan raised her eyebrows and said, "When did you and Mr. Thief get to know each other so well?"

"Yes, Matsuda, don't you know Kid's true identity?"

"The real identity is Kudo Shinichi."


A sly look appeared in Matsuda's eyes, and he said indifferently: "I knew his identity on the flying boat just now. He pretended to be a waiter and was discovered by Xiaolan, and then he disguised himself as you, making Xiaolan mistakenly think that Kidd is Kudo."

"This guy Kidd! No wonder Xiaolan is weird, so that's what happened!"

Seeing Conan gnashing his teeth, Matsuda hooked his mouth and said with a smile, "But I know what his weakness is, do you want me to tell you?"

"Oh? Let's hear it."

Previously, Matsuda had disguised as Kuroba Kaito and made a trip to the high school he was studying in order to catch more information about Kuroba. Maybe one day in the future, he would need to throw the blame on this strange thief.

Unexpectedly, he was caught by a girl named Nakamori Aoko. After spending more than an hour together inexplicably, he learned that Kuroba Kuito's biggest weakness was a lifelong enemy besides Nakamori Aoko.

That is.


He is afraid of fish.

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