Legend has it that when people are desperate for money, a large number of 10,000 yuan bills of unknown origin will suddenly appear in front of them.

Once they were used, the head of Fukuzawa Yukichi appeared on the banknote.

When the stain appears, it is too late, and the person who uses the paper money will die in the cruelest way in the world....

Moon Shadow Village is a remote and traditional village.

The village still has a tradition of burial, in which the bereaved family will place a 10,000-yuan bill in the hands of the deceased in the hope that he will live a prosperous life in the next life.

What's the use of leaving money to the dead, only the living need it.

The man who thought this snatched the banknote from the deceased's hand and gave it to the village chief in exchange for a momentary pleasure and died in this joy.

People like this, one after another, took large sums of money from unknown sources to trade with the village chief, and the village chief did not refuse, but they died mysteriously one after another.

The village chief realizes that something is wrong and wants to end it all, but it is too late, and even he himself dies on the night of the full moon.

This is the only real curse born in this village - the Death Coin.

Cursed by the dead, cursed banknotes with a mortal fate.

A 10,000 Fukuzawa Kokichi note is 160mm long, 76mm wide, 0.1mm thick and weighs about 1g.

500 billion, that is, 50 million pieces of Fukuzawa Ji, stacked up to 5,000 meters high, plus a weight of 50,000 kilograms, that is, 50 tons.

Rabbit River was directly carried away by the torrent of 50 tons of Fukuzawa Yukichi, and the dead coin broke through the locked back door of the piano room and surfed him to the beach.

Rabbit River looked at the starry sky, lying on a cold sea, and even the Fukuzawa Yukichi under him could not give him warmth.

It's really cold, change to red to feel warm.

Along with him, who was washed out of the banknotes, were Dr. Narishi and Keiji Aso.

It is reasonable that Dr. Chengshi was rushed out, but Keiji Aso was really a little surprised.

With so much money, he really wasn't moved at all?

Keiji Aso picked up a banknote and fumbled to check it, but it was a real banknote.

Looking back, the Civic Hall that keeps popping up with paper money, what happened tonight is really too weird.

After sending that letter, he heard about the death of high school detective Shinichi Kudo, so today he sent the same letter to Maori Kogoro in Tokyo, but he didn't expect it....

Shouldn't this detective in front of him be the dead high school detective Kudo Shinichi? Now the ghost detective is back?

Rabbit Chuan said: "Don't worry, even if there are more banknotes inside, they will not be crushed to death." "

The premise, of course, is that before they use dead coins.

Rabbit Chuan stopped talking, leaving only Aso father and son looking at each other, relatively speechless.

Keiji Aso silently took out the stack of paper he had been holding in his hand and handed it to Aso.

Ma Cheng took it and found that it was a sheet music.


This is..." said Keiji Aso, "This is a suicide note I wrote 12 years ago, a suicide note that no one knows about except me."

"I've been hiding it in the Jiaobansho, thinking that when you grow up, I will give it to you when you return to the village to visit your 'grandfather', but unfortunately you never came to get it."

"Now I'll tell you directly."

Keiji Aso clasped his son's shoulders with his hands with the strength of his life, and looked at his son's confused eyes.

"Chengshi, you alone must live strongly!"

"Chengshi, you have to remember that what flows in your body is not the blood of my sin, but the blood of your mother and grandfather's honesty, kindness, bravery, and integrity."

"These hands of yours will also be stained with blood in the future, but it is the blood of the living, the blood of saving lives and helping the wounded, and being a good doctor, you have always been a good child that makes us proud."

"And I, your father, will now atone for all that I have done!"

Looking at Keiji Aso's distant back, Aso finally couldn't help but shout out.


The heart-wrenching crying seems to be a farewell to the past, and it is also like a rising sun to welcome a new life.

But...... There are people who spoil the scenery.


Aso wiped away his tears, turned his back and said to Rabbitikawa "Come up, I'll carry you."

"No, I can go by myself." Rabbit Chuan sat up on his own.

Aso looked at Rabbitikawa on his left leg and said, "Don't forget that I'm a doctor, and your little secret can't be hidden from me." "

Aso has long found that Rabbit Chuan is inconvenient, if it weren't for this little rabbit cub not getting in the way, I was afraid that this guy would not be able to run out of the fire, he would have set fire to the house a long time ago.

Aso walked step by step on the beach with Rabbit River on his back, the sea breeze blowing his hair, and he looked at the rising sun, the warm sun dispelling the darkness.

"I decided to go to the police."

Ma Cheng suddenly spoke.

"You're right, there are more victims in this world besides me, and they also need the truth."

"Have you figured it out?"

"Hmm! Think clearly. "

He wants to live, even if he is filthy.

To live for his mother, to atone for his father's sins, and to live for himself.

"Then I'll tell you a secret again!" Rabbit Chuan said.

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