Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 91: - Narration by Toya Toruko

"Mr. Gregory," Conan suddenly remembered something after "Successor Sugiyama" was taken away. "What did you mean just now, Toya Tetsuko-sensei can already speak?"

"Her tube has been dismantled," Gregory nodded. "I'll move her out of intensive care for you to ask questions."

"Thank you very much." Qian Yu thanked.

. . .

"It's you..." Toya Tetsuko was lying on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling boredly, when he heard the door open, and saw Chiyu and Conan walking in accompanied by Gregory.

"Hello, teacher," Conan came to the hospital bed. "We want to know about that man, do you know?"

"You mean," Although Toya Tetsuko had pulled out the tube, it was clear that he was still a long way from recovery. "Is it Sugiyama? If you really want to finish it, it's a very long story..."

“Two years ago, I was a head teacher at Cuphu Primary School. As you all know, I needed to have a home visit in May (all students do home visits in May). That’s when I noticed something was wrong, because Several of my students live very far away and shouldn't be assigned to Cuphu Primary School at all"

"Is it like Kiriko..." Qianyu pondered.

"I once secretly asked these students, and the answers were the same - our dean and his gang members took bribes and directed the evil deeds of illegal enrollment."

“However, one of the students broke the news to the dean, and the dean interviewed those students with their parents and kept their mouths shut. I also turned against all the students who were willing to testify. , so I couldn't call the police, and finally, I was forced to be put on the list of school-leaver volunteers by the dean, and I was transferred to Didan Primary School as a teacher a year and a half ago."

"Did the dean put you on the list?" Conan confirmed.

"Yes." Toya Toruko nodded. "I thought that with my transfer, I would never have anything to do with this matter, but... eh..."

"The fact that there are too many high-quality educational resources in Cuphu disturbed the superiors, so the entire educational resources were immediately split." Toya Toruko recounted. "I guess this means that the high-quality educational resources that the dean uses to ask for money no longer exist, so he chose the curve confrontation and put some of the best quality teachers into the same allocation group as him through black box means. But he Out of control, the higher authorities assigned him and his people to Didan Primary School as well."

"Really..." Qian Yu frowned. "The cases of Cuphu Elementary School and Didan Elementary School are now connected into a system... It turns out that this guy is the clue."

"Yes," Toya Toruko nodded. "I was very surprised at the time, because I never thought that his evil plan would be related to me again. But this time, I have no way to continue to escape - after all, I just came to Didan Primary School for less than a year. , I don't have a good excuse to leave... I'm sorry... The teacher is too cowardly to fight the villain to the end..." Halfway through, Toya Tetsuko suddenly realized that he had spread the word in front of Qianyu and Conan. Such a dark energy, I am ashamed.

"Don't worry about that," Qianyu smiled. "Knowing mistakes and correcting them is not wrong. (A Japanese proverb, the second half of the sentence is "Knowing mistakes but not correcting mistakes"

"I tried to escape, but..." Toya-sensei sighed. "After a one-year incubation period, the guy shot again."

"Are you Kiriko-san?" Conan asked. "Anyone else?"

"There are some people." Toya Toruko smiled wryly. "I estimate there may be four or five more. The dean has accumulated at least 10 million among them."

"So, what about after that?" Chiyu held her chin with both hands.

"Do you want to ask about Toya?" Toya Tetsuko glanced at Chiba's expectant expression and asked.

"Uh..." Qian Yu was stunned. "Who the **** are you?" (As I said before, Toya and Toya have the same pronunciation and can't tell the difference when they speak.)

"I'm Tetsuko, the one who may have been murdered by the dean of the school, the one you think of as me is Tianko." Toya Tetsuko realized his mistake and said with a name that could be clearly distinguished.

"What's going on?" Conan asked in confusion. "You managed to get home after being drunk?"

"Drunken?" Toya Tetsuko was slightly taken aback, and then he reacted. "maybe..."

Chiba and Conan are somewhat unclear about what Toya Tetsuko said.

"I didn't tell you," Toya Tetsuko's mouth twitched slightly. "On the last day, it wasn't me who taught you."

"Huh?" Conan was surprised.

"Do you remember, what did I resign for?" Toya Tetsuko asked with a smile.

"You..." Qianyu recalled what Conan had told him before. "Are you going to get married?"

"So, on the last day, I have already taken a plane to Hawaii." Toya Tetsuko showed a wry smile again. "It was Tian Zi, who also practiced teaching, who took over for me on the last day of class. I didn't expect..."

Chiyu sighed and shook her head—should it be called luck or misfortune? The unfortunate reason is very simple, because people who have nothing to do with this case and all this have been innocent people died.

But again, if it wasn't for the unfortunate Toya Tianzi who was lucky enough to be involved in this time and died instead of Toya Tetsuko, this case would never have a clearer day. . . Even more people will die under the madness of the dean trying to cover up the truth. Wait a moment. . . more people?

"Teacher," Qianyu asked suddenly and eagerly. "Did you know that there is a student named 'Mochizuki Minako' at Cupido Elementary School? She was a student of Cupido Elementary School and committed suicide three years ago for very absurd reasons. Do you know what happened?"

"Mochizuki Minako?" Toya Tetsuko thought for a while and said helplessly. "I've heard of her, she's a very cheerful child, so now that you say that, I think it's strange... Maybe you should ask the man."

"That man?" Qian Yu was slightly stunned.

"Who else could it be?" Gregory, who had been watching from a distance, sneered. "Since it's you who knows it, and the kid with the eyes knows it, of course it's the Sugiyama that he just caught." (Gregory can infer that Chiba and Toya-sensei didn't have an intersection at school, because as Conan's classmate, he spoke to Conan in his speech. Toya-sensei's familiarity is too poor, and Toya Tetsuko has said just now, 'Teach you a lesson' instead of 'Teach you a lesson', which means that only one of the two accepts Toya Tetsuko Therefore, considering that Mr. Toya will only use this title to describe people who both Chiba and Conan know. One is the dean, but Sugiyama. But with the same emotions, what a person does to someone The title is almost unchanged, so Toya-sensei must have indicated Sugiyama.)

"His name is indeed Sugiyama," Toya Tetsuko replied. "He is the teacher of Cuphu Elementary School, and he is probably the one who really knows the truth."

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