Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 192: : smart, pretty, cute, white

Chieda Riho was very kind, and listened to Kiko's words and prepared to leave here for the time being.

But she immediately discovered that Conan wanted to keep up.

"Well, hang up the phone first."

After listening to it, Amamiya Noriko said that the problem was not big, and after finishing the call, she called Xiaolan.

Xiaolan was also a little puzzled after receiving the call from Noriko: "Kiko? What's the matter? Did you get home safely?"

"Well, I'm home already, how about you, Xiaolan? Look out for the naughty Conan."

"What about a fire on our way home, Conan?"

Xiaolan tilted her head in confusion while holding the phone, and held Conan, who seemed to be about to slip away, "Conan is fine too, Noriko should pay attention to her body and go to bed early."

"Well, okay, then I'm going to bed, good night~"

"Well, good night Noriko."

After Xiaolan ended the call, she looked at Conan: "The fire is still out, you can't run around."


Conan glanced at the suspect who had disappeared over there, and looked at Xiaolan helplessly: "Sister Noriko's call?"

"Well, Noriko, she cares about you very much."

Conan smiled reluctantly, "Thank you so much for that."

I don't know why, but it feels familiar.

Conan frowned and recalled, it seems that when he was in contact with some cases before, he was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Noriko Amamiya.

A strong sense of sight.

"Kiko Amamiya did it on purpose?"

Conan is a little suspicious, but now she doesn't know that she is Kudo Shinichi, doesn't she?

While he was thinking about it, Xiaolan had already asked Maori Kogoro to speak out:

"Dad, if you solve the case here by yourself, Conan and I will go back to bed first. He is still a child, how can he sleep so late."

"Well, that's fine, the kids are going to bed."

Mouri Kogoro doesn't really matter, it's better to say that every time Conan is around, he will be a little drowsy when he solves a case.

Go and talk to the taxi driver who is his fan and ask him to send Xiaolan and Conan back.


Conan's eyes widened, he is a detective, he doesn't need to sleep! He has to solve this problematic case! !

Although I wanted to say this, Xiao Lan still carried him into a taxi, put him in the child seat and fastened the seat belt.

"Really, does Dad treat me as a child, but Conan, you are really a child, if you are sleepy, you can sleep in the car first."

Xiaolan gently walked towards Conan.

Conan: "…"

It seems that Xiaolan wanted to make him sleep at ease, so she leaned against him and held his hand.

Conan's consciousness is still awake. Since his hands are all caught, he must not be able to escape and continue to study the case.

Tomorrow, I will ask Mouri Kogoro about the progress of the case.

I went back to study this case and fell asleep.

Xiaolan didn't find it strange to see Conan quiet down quickly. It's almost dawn as a child.

Let Conan sleep, and Xiaolan wants to see the Maori Detective Agency.

The taxi was far from the fire scene.

And when they left the fire scene, Belmod's figure also came out in the dark corner of the alley, Meimei looked at the taxi with interest, pursed her red lips and raised a little arc.


Maybe this is fate.

As for the other one stalking myself...

Belmod glanced in the direction Chieda Riho was leaving, and had to suspect that it was Baileys liqueur.

"Can this guy always keep track of my whereabouts?"

It is normal for Belmod to have this strangeness, because of preconceived ideas, Baileys not only found the hotel where she was staying, but also appeared here again, both times without her noticing.

It's just that she doesn't know the magic of Chieda Riho.

Chieda Riho appeared here purely after the restaurant was separated, and after arranging someone to protect Noriko, she came to protect Xiaolan and the others.

Because the direction they were heading home was to a certain extent similar to the direction that the woman Noriko met at the hotel left.

Then it happened to be on fire.

So she didn't come with Belmod, it was a coincidence.

And Belmod doesn't believe in coincidences, I think you Baileys are stalking me.

The same thing is that after Ran and Conan left, Belmod and Chieda Riho handled the case in a similar way.

Although Chieda Riho could not disguise herself, at least she could pretend, and Belmod and Belmod acted as eloquent onlookers, indicating that they were there when the fire started.

The police officers who recorded their testimony respectively looked at the pretty woman in front of them, at least the first impression was good.

In particular, Belmode herself is very clear about her own arrangement in the clinic, and the clues provided by the onlookers are of great help to the police.

Chieda Riho had a guess about Belmod's behavior provided by Noriko Amemiya in advance, and fishing in troubled waters was also prosperous.

So that the two police officers who went back and recorded their testimony respectively matched the testimony. Isn't this a perfect match? Mutual witnesses.

Belmod also glanced at Chieda Riho because of this. Chieda Riho didn't recognize her, but she saw through Chieda Riho's disguise in an instant.

When she used the identity of Sharon Wynyard, she met Chieda Riho in Hawaii and knew that this was Noriko's cousin.

Chieda Riho's disguise is so ordinary that ordinary people may not be able to recognize it at once, but someone like her who is proficient in disguise can easily see through it.

Therefore, Belmod suddenly discovered that it was not Baileys, but Noriko's.

Then it may not come to track yourself.

But her actions seem to be helping herself conceal the truth of the twisted case in all aspects, and some do not understand.

Belmod put his hand to his chin and thought for a moment. If it was just a coincidence... it's not impossible, Chieda Riho was indeed her first chance encounter, but such a coincidence really shouldn't be believed too much.

"Maybe, when is it time to go to Noriko to play, it's not good to be played by Baileys all the time."

For her, Amamiya Noriko is not only a special existence who helped her with Kudo Shinichi and Mo Lilan in New York, but also her own little junior sister.

Moreover, she knew that the cute looking Noriko Amamiya actually had hidden interesting strengths.

"In terms of identity, it just so happened that Sharon Wynyard, who I knew Noriko, passed away. As my daughter, Chrissy Wynyard, I was entrusted to greet Noriko. There is nothing strange about it."

Belmod considered perfection, and then made up his mind.

As for the fire here, Mouri Kogoro is a professional, and even without their analysis, he can lead the case to the right direction.

Not to mention the words of the two beautiful witnesses, he believed it 100%.

After ensuring the outcome of the case, Belmod left first, without contact from beginning to end, Chieda Riho, who only looked at her once, and Shizuo glanced at her back.

Chiedi Riho only knew the appearance of Sharon Wynyard in Belmod, and Chiedi Riho didn't know her makeup at all.

So I didn't care at first, but I could vaguely feel some of the other party's problems.

She wanted to tell Noriko about the matter. It seemed that she had something to say about Noriko, but it was estimated that Noriko was already asleep at this time.

She looked at the fire scene where the fire had been extinguished for a while and left.

Firefighters in the rubble are cooperating with the forensic doctor present to confirm the two charred bodies found inside.

It was completely burnt out of shape, and I don't know if the forensic doctor could detect anything.

Based on the testimony they provided, the police came to a preliminary judgment that it should be that a drunk man and the doctor who lived in the clinic had some arguments late at night.

Judging from the rapid expansion of the fire they said, it may be because some items such as alcohol in the clinic helped to burn.

This is only the most preliminary judgment, because Chieda Riho and Belmod invariably said that they seemed to see the doctor in the clinic helping a person in, and that one seemed to be shouting something, and it might be a drunk in the middle of the night.

Maori Kogoro's meticulous reasoning perfected this concept, and in general completely escaped the possibility of arson by prisoners.

Because the prisoner may be one of the two charred corpses, it is useless to guess the murderer.

More detailed results will definitely have to wait for the autopsy results from the forensic doctor.

But with Belmode's method, the clinic doctor of the outlying organization member certainly couldn't find such a thing as a bullet in his head.

Officer Mu Mu finally looked at the bright sky and couldn't help yawning.

"As a result, we were only here to help during our search, and the protagonist was the fire brigade who put out the fire."

Maori Kogoro blew the cold wind for a long time, and the wine had already woken up. At this time, he was sleepy to death: "I'll leave it to you. My reasoning is definitely correct. It was just an accident."

Slip away.

Officer Mu Mu looked at his back speechlessly, and said, "The team is closed, everyone has worked hard today."

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but take a look at the car of the deceased. Sincerely, he thought that the case of the department store was over. There should be no victims today, and there should be no fatal cases.

As a result, there is a fire here, and it is still necessary to confirm whether there is a possibility of homicide.

"Why is it so restless in my jurisdiction?"

Officer Mu Mu was bored and touched the top of his head. If this goes on, he will be completely bald sooner or later.

Officer Mu Mu and his party returned to the Metropolitan Police Department. The results were not good, but catching the robber group was a great achievement.

the next day.

Conan got up early in the morning and wanted to ask Mouri Kogoro about the case last night, but of course Kogoro Mouri fell asleep and woke up without a cry at all.

It made him feel uncomfortable, and his heart was itchy like a cat scratching.

Seeing his uncomfortable look, Xiaolan cared for a moment: "I slept too late last night, will I be sleepy?"

Conan smiled: "It's alright, I'll go to school soon."

Amamiya Mansion.

Chie Riho looked at Noriko, who was like a walking dead, "Do you need me to take a leave?"

Looking at it, it looks like it will hit a telephone pole and fall on the ground.

"Ah, it's fine."

Amamiya Noriko yawned and stretched to make her more awake.

She has a basic physique, so she doesn't have to worry about energy, but she always needs at least seven hours of sleep, and has developed a very standard habit.

And just to go to school, I also refuse to refuse to confess, encourage and encourage students who are willing to confess but have no courage, and then refuse to refuse to confess...

Nothing very big.

Chie Riho also saw that Noriko just didn't sleep enough time and was not stressed. She could be full of energy, but she remained in a state of laziness.

"Let those boys see how lazy I look, maybe some will be moved?"

"And don't I look like I really need to be concerned?"

Amamiya Noriko felt that the problem was not a big deal.

But the makeup that should be put on should still be put on, otherwise it will spoil their beauty.

Chie Riho watched Amamiya Noriko raise her hand and finish her make-up skillfully, sighed, and asked aloud, "What's wrong?"

"Why am I so beautiful."


Chieda Riho said calmly, "Although I don't deny it, I hope you'll remain humble."

"Ahaha... Sister Qianzhi, I feel that occasionally I need to wear my clothes to stretch out my hand and eat to open my mouth."

Amamiya Noriko looked up at Chieda Riho.

Chieda Riho looked at her who was not awake, but the big eyes that were still bright and gleaming, blinked because of laziness, her long eyelashes lifted and fell, and the scene in front of her was flickering. .

As the head housekeeper of the Amemiya family when the head of the family was away, Chieda Riho felt that it was necessary to remind her of her young lady's image.

But let's come again next time, Noriko worked hard last night.

He helped Noriko put on the school uniform, fed her to eat by hand, and then drove her to the gate of Didan High School. The rest of the time was just enough for Amamiya Noriko to walk to the classroom and the bell rang.

At least she looks like a smooth and beautiful Miss Amamiya in general. The silky folds on her clothes have been smoothed out. Even the calf socks she wears today are all the same height, but within 3mm.

"It's kind of awesome."

Amamiya Noriko walked with a small and dignified pace, estimating the time and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, it was too fine for Chieda Riho to come here, and she should be rich for five minutes Good morning, Amamiya-san! "

Amamiya Noriko responded one by one with an energetic, cute and sunny smile: "Good morning."

Ah, subconsciously pulled out the full state, Amamiya Noriko adjusted.

Today is Miss Amamiya, who is more weak and lazy, so why don't you seize the opportunity to confess?

"Mamiya-san, good morning."

A man and a woman passed by, the girl waved at Amamiya Noriko, Amamiya Noriko responded with a smile, this girl was not in the same class, but she seemed familiar.

The boy was a little nervous and cared after greeting: "Amamiya-san, you look a little tired, is it okay?"

"Ah, it's okay, I didn't sleep well last night, thank you for your concern."

Amamiya Noriko said, looked at him, "Ota-san seems to have finally returned for nothing."

"Hahaha..." Datian-kun couldn't help laughing, and then said seriously: "I can tell Amamiya the secret, that is to drink more milk!"

"Um...thank you."

Amamiya Noriko thanked, and felt a little strange in her heart, do I need to be whiter?

But this Datian classmate did have something. She remembered that her skin color after Hawaii should have been smuggled to Africa, but she did not expect to be able to smuggle back.

The girl next to Dae Tian unceremoniously stabbed him with her elbow, "You are an idiot, Amamiya classmates are already so white, why do you need to be white like you?"

Dao Tian touched his attacked kidney, "Yes, yes... Amamiya-san, you are so white."

He just wanted to say one more word to Amamiya-san!

Amamiya Noriko looked at his expression, how could this person put on a mask of pain all of a sudden.


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