"By the way, why is Mr. Ikuro hungry?"

Takagi Wataru asked with some confusion. The whole thing was related to Wakamatsu Ikuro's hunger. The murderer most likely took advantage of this to kill Wakamatsu Ikuro, so he had to ask clearly.

Yonehara Sakurako replied:"Because I no longer have to go out to buy soy sauce, so I end up preparing dinner later.

Mumu Shisan asked:"Who knew he was hungry in advance?""

Wakamatsu Serika said:"My secretary, Ms. Satake, and the housekeeper, Ms. Yonehara, should all be able to imagine it. Yonehara

Sakurako nodded slightly in affirmation.

"Mr. Yulang did eat the cake with his hands. Was he like this before?"Takagi Sheta asked


Yonehara Sakurako replied:"Because he said it tastes better that way, and he usually doesn't even use a fork to eat fruit." Hattori

Heiji looked at Yonehara Sakurako with questioning eyes:"You couldn't have deliberately allowed the greedy Mr. Ikuro to eat it and poisoned the larger Baumkuchen, right?""

"I clearly cut it into eight equal parts just now.

Yonehara Sakurako immediately said after hearing this:"Aren't the cakes I gave you the same size?" If you don’t believe it, just compare it and you will know."

Mumu Shisan looked at a few people and said:"In short, we need to check the remaining cakes and black tea more carefully. After everyone has been searched, can you please go to other rooms to wait?"

Next, the police conducted a body search on Wakamatsu Serika and others. Among them, the lady was assisted by Maori Ran, Toyama Kazuha and Sera Masumi.

After completing the examination, Wakamatsu Serika and others went to the study to wait, and Takada Shinichi and the others also went with them. , the police continued to investigate in the living room.

Sitting at the desk in the office, Wakamatsu Serika said to Shiina Masashige, Satake Yoshimi and Fujinami Junsheng with some distress:"It's really nerve-wracking. It's coming at the end of this month. The design orders for the current period have been delayed, but this happened to Yulang at this time. Shiina

Masashige couldn't help but said:"From the looks of it, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back tonight.""

"No, I haven't finished the rest of my work yet."Fujinami Junsheng was a little worried.

"I also have some documents here that need to be signed and stamped by the vice president."

Yoshimi Satake echoed, and said to Wakamatsu Serika:"By the way, the text color and design that I want you to choose have been transferred to the computer here. I don’t know if you have seen it? Wakamatsu

Qinxiang licked her thumb, turned over the document and said,"Didn't I tell you to print it out in advance and show it to me?""


Satake Haomi apologized:"Because the president has always dealt with it in that way."

"The computer here has a different operating system than mine, and I can't use it at all."

Wakamatsu Qinxiang explained the reason, and then said:"Forget it, I will update the general manager and the others to look at it later. You can tell me which file it is then."


Satake Haoshi responded.

"Speaking of the president. Fujinami

Junsheng couldn't help but said:"Is that thing that the idiot son mentioned just now true?" That guy who continues the bloodline of the president will inherit the company in the future"

"I was also shocked when I heard it."Satake Haomi echoed.

"Me too."

Masashige Shiina said.

From the attitudes of the three of them, it can be seen that they do not want Ikuro Wakamatsu to become the president of the company. But now, they obviously no longer need to worry about this matter, because the person is dead.

Wakamatsu Qinxiang said to the three of them:"Well, this is probably just the child's own wishful thinking. Fujinami

Junsheng said relaxedly:"No matter what, I don't want to work under that idiot son. This time I am really saved.""

"Hey, you guys..."

The conversation between these four people made Hattori Heiji very angry.

"Please don't go too far, okay?"

Just when Hattori Hei was about to say something, Yonehara Sakurako appeared at the door holding black tea. She said angrily:"Now another person has passed away! Although Mr. Iklang has always been alienated from everyone, it is true that he was poisoned. Moreover, the murderer may very well be one of the few present. Please find out whether the situation is okay or not."

While talking, Yonehara Sakurako walked in with black tea and placed the plate heavily on the desk.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Yonehara Sakurako to be so angry.

"Hey, you are the one who is most unaware of the situation, right? What do you want to do by bringing black tea over when someone has obviously been poisoned?"

The accused Fujinami Junsheng was very angry and looked like he was furious.

Yonehara Sakurako replied angrily:"I just brewed this under the supervision of the police. If you still think that black tea is poisonous , wouldn’t it be better if you don’t drink?"

"What did you say?"

When Fujinami Junsheng saw this, he started to quarrel with Yonehara Sakurako.

"Well, that was only half of what I said just now, wasn’t it?"

Seeing this, Conan walked over and said to Yonehara Sakurako

"Which thing?"

Yonehara Sakurako didn't react for a while.

"It was President Wakamatsu who was unfortunately murdered in the bathroom of Karuizawa Villa last month. You were the first person to discover his murder, right?"

Conan asked aloud, and after Yonehara Sakura nodded, he continued:"At that time, there was clearly a pre-death message written by the president with his own blood, but when the police came, it disappeared. wrong?"

This is what Hattori Heiji wanted to ask, so he said:"I still remember you said that, saying that you remembered what the missing characters were, it seemed to be English letters."

Before Wakamatsu Ikuro died, Yonehara Sakurako was originally going to say this, but was interrupted by Wakamatsu Ikuro, so she did not continue.

Now, Wakamatsu Ikuro has been poisoned, and this pair of Conan and the others It was another important clue, so of course they had to ask Yonehara Sakurako for details.

"Are those letters‘EYE’?"

Toyama and Ye immediately thought of the letters she saw in the bathroom of Wakamatsu Kohei's hometown in Osaka, but then the letters disappeared, and they looked the same as the crime scene.

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