"But isn't there a small hole in the toilet door?"

Takagi Wataru said after listening to Toru Amuro's words, that so-called small hole is actually a cat's eye.

"You can't see the outside from the inside because it's made of frosted glass."

It was Takada Shinichi who answered aloud, but after speaking, Takada Shinichi couldn't help but feel moved, because he knew under what circumstances he could see the outside from the inside. In other words, using that method, Otsuki Akira was able to You can see outside and determine the specific location of the victim Anqi Nourigo.

As for how to prevent the blood from splashing on the murderer himself, that is even simpler. Takada Shinichi has thought of this a long time ago. But in order to leave the murderer speechless, There is one thing missing. I believe the murderer should have it on him.

"Let me see."

After hearing this, Megure Shisan went to the toilet, opened the door of the toilet, and then looked from the inside out. He found that it was indeed as Takada Shinichi said, that he could not see outside. After that

, the police checked Otsuki Mingsuke, Items carried by Yamashita Yui and Nagatsuka Minoru.

Among them, Otsuki Akio carried house keys, cigarettes, lighters, wallets, mobile phones, and a gift for Yamashita Yui. The gift was a necklace. As for Otsuki Akio After checking the backpack he brought, it was determined that it did not contain any items that could be used to commit crimes.

Yamashita Yui carried handkerchiefs, tissues, cosmetics, house keys and wallets.

Finally, Nagatsuka Minoru, he carried eye drops, Wallet, mobile phone and a gift for Yamashita Yui, the gift was a pair of gloves.

The three people suspected to be the murderers, Ohsaki Akisuke, Yamashita Yui and Nagatsuka Minoru, were very dissatisfied, saying that it might have been done by someone outside the store, and they could not Just doubt them

"That is impossible!"

At this time, the man wearing a hat and headphones in the store suddenly spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

"Who is this person?"

Takada Shinichi looked at this person and found that he had not seen him before. However, when a case occurs, ordinary people will tell the police to leave long ago, instead of staying here all the time.

"Why are you so sure?"

Mumu Shisan asked aloud.

"Because the man yelled after being stabbed, I immediately stood guard in front of the store to prevent anyone from running out of the store."

"oh? That's why you stand at the door when the lights are on?"

Hattori Heiji looked at this man. When the light came on, he saw him standing at the door. They thought he was going to take the opportunity to leave.

"It's so dark, but you can see so clearly."

Obviously, Hattori Heiji doubted the man's words.

"no. The man took out the mobile phone in his arms and said,"

Because I am making a call on my mobile phone."...Listening to music, so I saw it with the help of the weak light from my mobile phone"

"Are you talking to someone?"

Takada Shinichi thought to himself. Although the other party said 'making a call' and then switched to listening to music, if you think about it for a moment, you can know who the other party is actually talking to, but he obviously doesn't want to say that.

"By the way, we haven't asked your name yet."

Takagi Wataru said loudly, because the coffee table where this man was sitting was near the door, and it was separated from the victim's coffee table by the table where Conan and Hattori Heiji were sitting. It was unlikely that he was the murderer, so the police did not report to this person. People ask questions

"me? My name is Shinichi Wada and I work in the medical industry."

The man said his name, but Conan and Hattori Heiji frowned slightly after hearing the name.

Wada Shinichi, this was the unification of 'Watson' when Japan translated the"Sherlock Holmes" series of novels during the Meiji period. Translated name.

In other words, the person named Shinichi Wada most likely used a pseudonym, and the reason why the other person used a pseudonym is worth worrying about.

Of course, Shinichi Takada also knows that the name Shinichi Wada is probably fake. , but this has nothing to do with him. He doesn't care much about this man named 'Wada Shinichi'. If it were a beautiful woman, it would be almost the same.

"Officer Megure, I already know who the murderer is."

Among the items that the police checked from Ozumi Meisuke's body were things that Shinichi Takada needed, so he was not prepared to wait any longer.

"oh? Yeah? Brother Takada, please tell me, who is the murderer?"

Mumu Shisan was a little surprised, but mostly happy, and immediately asked who the murderer was.

"Does he already know who the murderer is?!"

Conan, Hattori Heiji and Amuro Toru couldn't help but be shocked. They still don't know who the murderer is, and they don't even have a specific suspect. This is too much of a difference.


Takada Shinichi suddenly glanced at Wada Shinichi, but it was he who just heard the voice of a girl coming from the other party's earphones. She was about twenty years old at most. The girl asked Wada Shinichi who just said that he knew the murderer. That is to say, he was asking him about Takada Shinichi.

Being mentioned by others, Takada Shinichi would naturally have a subconscious reaction.

However, Takada Shinichi did not have time to think about it. He did not answer Megure Thirteen, but pointed directly at the murderer with his finger:"The murderer It’s you, Mr. Otsuki Akisuke!"


Everyone looked at Ozumi Mingsuke.

"What are you talking about? How could I be the murderer!"

Ozumi Meisuke was shocked, but he reacted instantly and defended himself:"I have been in the toilet since I came to the coffee shop, and the small hole in the toilet door is made of frosted glass. , you can't see the outside at all from the inside, so it's impossible for me to know who is sitting where."

"I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Shinichi Takada, and I am the owner of this coffee shop."

Takada Shinichi introduced his name with a smile, and then said:"This is my store. Do you think I know that frosted glass cannot see outside under normal circumstances, but under special circumstances, you can see outside? Do you want to order?"

"in special cases?"

"Xiaozi, please give me the scotch tape."

Without waiting for Megure Thirteen to ask, Takada Shinichi said to Enomoto Azusa


Enomoto Azusa responded and went to get the transparent tape.

"I see!"

Conan, Hattori Heiji and Amuro Toru immediately understood what was going on. When this was pointed out, all the clues of the entire case were immediately connected by them. They already knew all the truth of the case.

To them In other words, sometimes the difference is just a key point. Often when the key point is revealed, they can connect all the clues together to unlock the truth of the case.

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