"But, Brother Maori."

Hearing Conan say this in Mouri Kogoro's voice, Megure Thirteen couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart:"Since she planned to blame the murder of Mrs. Wanda on Mr. Wanda, why did she go out of her way to blame the ghost? Is Ms. Shima Kimi involved?"

"Although Mr. Wanda had a motive for killing, the police would not identify him as the murderer just because he had no alibi. However, if Mr. Wanda can be allowed to instigate Ms. Onigashima and Mrs. Wanda to quarrel, then it will be a certainty that Mr. Wanda is suspected of murder."

Conan answered aloud first, and then continued on the truth of the case:"Of course, this will make Ms. Onigashima suspected by the police first, but because she goes out drinking every Friday, she will definitely have an alibi."

"However, the police have not found Ms. Onijima’s alibi after so long, so Ms. Yashiro, you asked me to prove Ms. Onijima’s innocence at that time. Only by proving Ms. Onigashima's innocence as soon as possible can Mr. Wanda become a suspect according to your plan"

"And the reason why you involved me as a guest on the show is so that if the police don't find Ms. Onigashima's alibi, they can use me to investigate the case. However, before I even showed up, the police had already found Ms. Onijima’s alibi."

"You really have done everything possible, Ms. Yashiro."

Megure Thirteen looked at Kaede Yashiro with some emotion, and took over Conan's words:"So we began to doubt Mr. Wanda. It seems that everything was in your plan."

"Later, when Conan suspected that Mr. Inuyama and Mr. Whalei might blame Mr. Wanda, you panicked and denied it because you had to blame Mr. Wanda no matter what."Conan continued to say in the voice of Mouri Kogoro.

"He was actually right."

Yashiro Kaede who heard this couldn't help but glance at the ordinary man disguised as Takada Shinichi who seemed to have no sense of existence.

Yashiro Kaede continued to struggle, she looked at the sleeping Mouri Kogoro and said:"But Mr. Mouri, What you just said are all your personal speculations."When she said this, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. She didn't know whether Mouri Kogoro would discover the place where the evidence was like the puppet master of hell.

"I think you don’t even notice it yourself, you will repeat a certain action unconsciously."

Conan always reveals the truth after having evidence, and this time is no exception. His words have already given Kaede Yashiro a bad feeling.

"When we began to doubt Mr. Wanda because of that CD; when we knew that Ms. Onijima was innocent and Mr. Wanda was the only suspect; and when Mr. Wanda was taken away, you would put your hands on the back of your neck. Band-Aid"

"You will do this every time your plan goes well. This is your subconscious behavior, because the wound on the back of your neck is evidence that you committed the crime."

"I see!"

Hearing this, Mumu Shisan suddenly said:"That is the blood remaining in the nails of the deceased that we sent for DNA analysis."

"I thought there was nothing wrong with my plan, but I didn't expect to be discovered one after another. It seems that I was too self-righteous."

Yashiro Kaede suddenly smiled helplessly. At this point, of course she no longer needed to defend herself, because it was meaningless.

"Um? One after another?"

Yashiro Kaede's words made Conan a little confused. It means that someone knew the truth before him, and Yashiro Kaede also knew about it. But if this is the case, why didn't the person who knew the truth tell the truth? Tell the police?

Or is it not the case? Yashiro Kaede just expressed his feelings. Did he understand it wrong? Conan was a little confused about this, but now was not the time to ask this, so he could only bury his confusion in heart

"Miss Yashiro."

Several of Yashiro Kaede's colleagues couldn't believe that Yashiro Kaede, who usually seemed so good, would commit such a crime.

Wanda Teruomi was even more puzzled and said:"But, why is this? Didn’t you say that I am your benefactor? Conan suddenly said:"

Miss Yashiro, you must hate Mr. and Mrs. Wanda very much, right?""

Yashiro Kaede was very surprised. Could it be that the famous detective even found out the reason why she did this? This is too amazing.

"Why do you hate me?"

Wanda Teruomi was even more confused. He didn't remember that he had such a big grudge against Yashiro Kaede.

"Takada, get that script out."

Conan spoke up, but before that he had handed over the first work written by Kaede Yashiro to Shinichi Takada.

"Okay, Master Mori."

Takada Shinichi controlled the mirror clone and put the script on the table

"Mr. Manta’s wife, Ms. Towako, was actually named Adachi Towako. She played the leading role in your first work, Mr. Yashiro, seven years ago. But you have to hide this fact because this case originated from this radio drama."

"《"Disappearance without Farewell", this script is very well written, but after it was made into a radio drama, I couldn't listen to it at all. Another point is that the dubbing of Towako Adachi as the protagonist is really poor."

"Let's just say, I told her a long time ago that she couldn't do it. I even went to the producer to protest, but no one listened to my opinion."

After hearing this, Wanda Teruomi immediately spoke up, but he defended himself.

"You are lying! Conan exposed Banda Teruomi's lies:"I have confirmed it with Mr. Kamio Yoshitaka, the producer at the time. The person who insisted on choosing her as the heroine despite the objections of people around her was Mr. Banda." Because you were dating Towako Adachi who had just debuted at the time, and you planned to use this role to please her. I'm right."

Jingjing Mamoru sternly scolded:"He just likes to practice favoritism and malpractice like this."

"What's the matter? It's normal in the industry, everyone does it."

Wanda Teruomi retorted. He really wasn't forcing himself to defend himself. He was telling the truth. This kind of thing is indeed the norm in the industry. It can only be said that Wanda Teruomi was really unlucky to meet Yashiro Kaede. Only women who accept death will have what happened today. Wanda Teruomi has done this kind of thing more than once, and he is not the only one to do it, but nothing happened.

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