“Ding…. Congratulations to the host for successfully cracking the C-level case, deducting 10 sin points. As soon as Honda Kumaji confessed, the mechanical voice of the system sounded.

“It’s only 10 o’clock.” Heiji pouted: “Open the character attribute version and take a look.” ”

A virtual version of the attributes appeared in front of Heiji’s eyes, and only he could see it.

Host: Heiji Hattori.

Abilities: All crime-related skills.

Woman: None

Girlfriend: Kazuha Toyama

Sin value: -99985

“Alas, when is this evil worth the head.” The blood-colored numbers made him very helpless.

“Dingdong, passengers, Mihua Station has arrived, passengers leave through the right door, I wish you a happy journey.”

At this time, the train pulled over to the station, and the police, who had been waiting outside, poured in and took Kumaji Honda and Takeo Akagi off the train.

“Ah, you are Hattori Heiji, I heard them say, this case is thanks to you, worthy of being the son of Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters Chief Hattoribe Heizo.”

Heiji took Kazuha just out of the car, and a fat policeman greeted him, full of praise.

“Are you Officer Twilight?”

Although it is a questioning way, the tone is affirmative. After all, this classic character image is still recognizable at a glance.

“It’s me, I didn’t expect that Hattori brother you would come from Osaka to the rice flower market to play, but if you don’t come, this case can’t be solved so quickly.” Officer Twilight said enthusiastically.

“Because Heye wants to come to Mihua to play, I will accompany her.”

“Oh, this is…” Officer Twilight looked at Kazuha.

“Hello, my name is Kazuha Toyama, I am Heiji’s girlfriend, please advise.” He said generously.

“Oh, so you are a couple, that’s going to be fun, there are a lot of fun things about rice flowers…”

“Officer Twilight…”

“Ah, I’m busy first, anyway, thank you very much this time, I have time to invite you to tea.”

“Heiji, who is he?” Looking at Officer Twilight’s back, Kazu Ye asked curiously.

“The Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department Search Section 1 forcibly convicted the third police department Twilight 13, this is a police officer with a sense of justice.” Heiji said with a faint smile.

When I first came to the rice flower market, everything was new for the two of them, and there was no purpose, so they ate and drank on the streets and wandered around for a morning.

In an open-air tea restaurant, Heiji sat on a chair with a tired face, looking at Kazuha speechlessly.

The structure of the woman is really peculiar, she is simply a monster in terms of shopping, and she will not feel tired.

“Heiji, after shopping, let’s go to the tropical theme amusement park.” Kazuha looked at Heiji expectantly.

Heiji was very reluctant in his heart, but the main purpose of coming to the rice flower market this time was to bring Kazuha out to play, and if he didn’t agree, he would go against his intention.

“Well, listen to you.”

“Yes, thank you Heiji.”

Fragrant soft thin lips are sent, well… In the end, there is no big loss.

A tropical-themed playground with a sea of people because it is a winter holiday.

Kazuha pulled Heiji running around the crowd and played almost all the popular items.

“Whew, I’m so tired, how about we drink a drink?”

At this time, it was already the afternoon, and after a day of playing, Heye’s pretty face was flushed, obviously a little tired.

“Stupid, it’s not just for one day, is it necessary to fight like this?” Heiji said accusingly.

“What, it’s rare for people to go out on a date with Heiji, of course, you have to play before you don’t regret it, who knows if you will suddenly run to investigate the case.” Kazuha hugged Heiji’s arm tightly, afraid that he would suddenly run away.

Heiji had no choice but to let him hug Ye, and sighed in his heart: It’s good that I’m not a Kudo washing machine, otherwise this niko will definitely not be able to endure the boundless waiting, it’s too sticky.

Because it was winter vacation, even if it was already afternoon, the tea house was full.

“What to do? This is already the third family, how so many people. ”

Looking at the crowded tea house, and Ye was downcast, the location was too difficult to find, she was so hungry.

Heiji was also annoyed, pulling Kazuha between the seats to see where he could get the two of them to share the table.

At this time, a table of people left.

Heiji’s eyes lit up, and he pulled Kazuha and walked over sharply.

At the same time, a man and a woman appeared next to the empty table.

“Shinichi, there is a seat here, hurry up.”

A crisp female voice sounded, and she snatched the same chair at the same time as Heiji.


Unfortunately, Heiji sat down first one step faster, and the one who was one step slower sat directly on his lap.

The four of them were instantly stunned, and two seconds later…

“Ah~~~se wolf.”

With a sharp scream, a white jade hand came over with a strong fan.

Heiji’s face changed, and he grabbed the hand lightning fast and pressed it towards the pockmark hole in her arm, removing the palpitating force.

“Don’t get excited, misunderstand, misunderstand.”

The woman also seemed to calm down, quickly stood up, and stood aside with a red face: “I’m sorry, in fact, I was also at fault.” ”

Heiji secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the woman’s figure was really good, but what surprised him the most was that the strength of that slap was not at all like what an ordinary woman should have… No, it’s far beyond many men.

“Heiji, are you all right?” Kazuha reacted and asked with concern.

“It’s okay.”

“Look, let you don’t be in such a hurry, it’s ugly, haha.” The man said gloatingly.

“Shinichi…” the woman glared at the man.

“Shinichi? Drum washing machine? ”

Heiji looked at the man in surprise, he was very handsome and had the potential to be a little white face. However, the most impressive thing is his eyes, very confident!

“You’re that Kudo Shinichi? It doesn’t look good, it’s still my family’s Heiji handsome. ”

Kazuha glanced at Kudo Shinichi and pouted, with a look of disdain.

Heiji is very satisfied with Kazuha’s reaction, this is the reaction that a girlfriend should have, as a qualified girlfriend, you must firmly believe that your man is always the best.

(New books need to be watered, Conan is not easy to write, please support a lot, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for evaluation, ask for tips.) )

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