Shiro Suzuki raised his glass and signaled Tetsuharu Tomizawa to drink.

“Yes, Uncle Fuze likes to eat lobster, I’ll clip it for you.”

Ayako Suzuki quickly clipped a piece of lobster meat to Tetsuji Tomizawa.

“President Suzuki, you gave birth to a good daughter, haha.”

Tetsuji Tomizawa picked up the wine glass in front of him and smiled.

【Black wine?】 】

Conan suddenly became curious in his heart, and pointed to the glass of wine and asked: “Grandpa, what kind of wine is that glass?” How is it all black. ”

“Ah, this wine, it’s called mulberry wine, it was specially bought by Yuzo for his father.” Tomizawa said with a smile.

“Mulberry wine?”

Xiaolan and they looked at the glass of wine curiously, like ink.

“Heiji, what’s the use of mulberry wine?” Kazuha asked softly.

“Mulberry wine is a kind of fruit wine, which is the best fruit wine, and it is felt to be able to break down fat and prevent hardening of the arteries.”

Heiji glanced at the glass of mulberry wine, and it was clearly top in color and concentration.

“In this way, I’ll see when I will buy a few bottles and give them to my uncles and aunts and my parents.” Kazuha touched his chin and thought.

Pingji smiled lightly: “I’ll buy it then.” ”

“Sister Heye, those mulberry wines cost hundreds of thousands of yen a bottle, and if they are more advanced, they will be more expensive.” Conan suddenly said badly.

“Huh?” And Ye was dumbfounded.

“Shut up, but I won’t agree to anything you say.”

Suddenly, Tetsuji Tomizawa roared violently.

The hall that had been full of laughter suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at this side in surprise.

A flash of displeasure flashed in Suzuki Tomoko’s eyes, if the two had not had a very good relationship, she would have been angry a long time ago.

“Dad, I won’t say it, don’t be angry.” Tomizawa Taichi gave a piece of lobster meat in his bowl to Tetsuji Tomizawa with an apologetic look.

“Hmph, if you don’t come to inherit my business, you don’t want to get a penny from me again.”

Tetsuji Tomizawa was furious and picked up the piece of lobster meat and ate it.

“Dad, don’t be angry.”

Tomizawa Tatsuji took the cup of mulberry wine to Tomizawa Tetsuji.

“But Dad, I really like writing novels.”

Tomizawa Taichi whispered.


Tetsuji Tomizawa put down the wine glass, looked at his eldest son angrily, and suddenly, he covered his body violently, and the whole person began to fall backwards.


Tetsuji Tomizawa fell to the ground foaming at the mouth, his body constantly convulsing…

“Dad, Daddy, what’s wrong with you?”

Yuzo Tomizawa quickly opened a medicine bottle and poured out a few pills for Tetsuji Tomizawa to eat.

“Quick, call an ambulance.”

Tomoko Suzuki shouted to the butler.


Soon, Tetsuji Tomizawa’s body soon stopped moving, and his eyes were wide as he lay there.

“Dad? Father? ”

Tomizawa put his hand into Tomizawa Tetsuji’s nostrils, and his pupils shrank: “Dad is out of breath.” ”

What the???

Everyone was shocked.

[Dead? 】

Conan swooped over and crouched down next to the corpse to examine.

“Little ghost, what are you doing, don’t touch my father.” Tomizawa glared at Conan.

“Don’t move, none of you are allowed to move, you can’t destroy the murder scene.” Conan suddenly yelled, “He’s dead.” ”

Really dead???

A flash of horror flashed in everyone’s eyes, this is the chairman of the Tomizawa chaebol, who died of a heart attack in front of everyone…

“Little ghost, it’s not your turn to teach me a lesson.”

Tomizawa Taichi lifted Conan up and threw it directly aside.

“Mr. Taiyi, this is a murder case, I hope you can cooperate with my investigation, otherwise it will not be good to accidentally treat you as a murderer.”

“Who are you?”

Tomizawa looked at Heiji with a frown, he had only one impression of a high school student in a knight’s uniform, and that was Suzuki Sonoko’s dance partner.

“My name is Heiji Hattori, and I’m a detective.”

Without a systematic assignment issue, Heiji didn’t want to care about the case, but if he didn’t care, he was sorry for Sonoko’s hospitality. After all, this kind of thing is not careful, it may cause losses to the Suzuki Foundation, huge reputational damage.

“Hattori Heiji? I don’t know. ”

Tomizawa was obsessed with writing novels and paid little attention to what was going on outside.

“Heiji is a detective, a very good detective.” Kazuha’s tone was full of pride.

[Detective? 】

Tomizawa Taiichi felt cold.

“Is he Hattori Heiji? The high school detective who bankrupted both the plot of Baron Night and Kid the Thief? ”

The guests started whispering.

“Taichi, Tatsuji, Yuzo, let’s leave this matter to Heiji to handle, if it is really a murder case, we must return justice to President Tomizawa, and we must also return justice to our Suzuki family.”

Tomoko Suzuki was very angry, if it weren’t for the scruples about the image, she would have cursed a long time ago. However, whether he died accidentally or was murdered was a statement blow to the Suzuki Foundation.

“Then please Madame as soon as possible, I will contact the relevant matters.” Taichi Tomizawa is ready to leave here.

“Wait, the relevant people related to this murder must not leave the same place, all stand here honestly, and do not make any moves.”

“What do you mean, you mean we’re going to kill our own dad?”

Tatsuji Tomizawa looked at Heiji angrily.

Heiji glanced at Fuze Tatsuji lightly: “I am looking at the problem from the perspective of a detective, please cooperate.” ”

“Mr. Heiji, why do you say that my father was killed?” Tomizawa Yuzo said sadly.

“The symptoms of sudden death from heart disease are sudden loss of consciousness, disappearance of large arteries, pale face, dilated pupils until breathing disappears…”

“Isn’t my dad? His pupils were also dilated. Tomizawa Taichi said with a frown.

Tetsuji Tomizawa’s pupils were dilated and identical to the symptoms Heiji described.

“Did I say you foam at the mouth?” Heiji glanced at Tomizawa Taichi: “President Tomizawa’s action of falling is not to cover his heart, but to cover his stomach, which is a sign of poisoning.” ”

“Poisoning? Are you saying my dad has food poisoning? ”

Tomizawa Taichi’s words immediately made the guests’ faces change, and they quickly put down the things in their hands, and looked at Suzuki Tomoko and their eyes changed.

“Tomizawa Taichi, please be careful.”

Tomoko Suzuki’s voice is extremely cold, this kind of thing is not as simple as fame if it is not explained clearly.

Fuze Taiyi’s face changed and he quickly explained: “Madame misunderstood, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue.” ”

“This possibility cannot be ruled out.”


Heiji’s words exploded in everyone’s minds like a thunderbolt.

“Heiji, this can’t happen to my family.” Yuanzi said anxiously.

[Hattori is right, it is most likely food poisoning. 】

Conan glanced at the lobster on the table, and a heaviness flashed in his heart.

Heiji glanced at the garden comfortingly.

“In short, now you can only wait for the police to come, during this period, no one can leave, nor can they move around at will, otherwise there is a suspicion of murder.”

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