In the silent jungle, hundreds of human wizards fell to the ground in front of Lynch.

They surrounded the huge circular mirror, which was broken.

It was as if some invisible force killed them instantly!

Lynch knew that these hot-blooded people were the culprits. They might have been in the mirror before.

Not caring about the loser, the lizard man set off again.

Along the river that runs diagonally across Lustria and connects the east coast and the north coast, Lynch led Assur upstream.

Under the deep and wide river, huge pliosaurs covet visitors.

These nearly ten-meter-long plesiosaurs exist in the world due to the will of the ancient saint Ichi. In other parts of the world, they have long been extinct due to climate change.

They always like to hide in the deep waters of Lustria, and then like now, use the sharp needle-like teeth in their long jaws to welcome the unlucky ones who come and go.

But they messed with the wrong target!

Normally, these pliosaurs inhabit the pliosaur pier in the temple city. It is said to be a pier, but it is actually a breeding swamp near the water.

They will feed on large amphibians or intruding warm-blooded species.

Occasionally, there will be fishermen or Thoros who are of great concern to Zongqi, who will use Pliosaurus to herd fish over long distances or carry out ocean raid missions.

The latter is even rarer, as the lizardfolk rely more on the magic of the Slann to travel long distances.

Lynch had long noticed the food that was about to move in the water, and swept away the elves who were too close to the river with one sweep.

This group of elven cubs are not familiar with Lustria's waters of varying depths. You must know that where it looks shallow, there may be an abyss underneath.

In the explosion of water, the lizard man directly grasped the pliosaur's long jaw, released the elf at the tail, and threw the pliosaur to the shore with an over-the-shoulder throw.

Asul deftly avoided the turbid river water, and the Hoth Sword Master's subconscious slash cut open the pliosaur's skin, just across its neck.

Although this wound is just a scratch to Pliosaurus.

It seems that today's dinner is in order. This is the reminder from Predator Huang Qi. He used the sword of Asul to mark the hunting target to Lynch.

But picnics cannot be held on the shore, and there are more aquatic monsters that have not been lured out.

Lynch dragged the struggling monster deep into the terrestrial jungle, and then used the scepter to completely end the pliosaur's pain, so that it no longer had to moan for blood.

Skinks like to throw corpses into rivers when they pass by, and at the same time perform rituals to the water god Zongqi.

Lin Qi was not going to hold a ceremony by the way. This ceremony was actually a means of gathering water beasts.

Skinks have the skills to tame them, and Lynch can only tell who is the real predator from them.

What's more important is that Lynch doesn't know beast magic and doesn't bring any sacrificial tools.

Don't count on the Archmage. The monsters he summons will not be loyal after the ritual when the magic fails.

Lynch didn't know what nonsense the Ancient Saint had written in Lustria's beast genes.

Unless there is an order conveyed to Lynch to organize his army for an expedition, don't let him bring a lot of huge beasts that consume extremely food.

He is more concerned about how to cook this pliosaur to make it delicious.

Before the fire started, a triceratops baby that looked like it had successfully lost weight poked its head out of the tall ferns curiously.

It seems to be the product of an encounter between Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops. It has the head shape of Triceratops and a body as thick as Tyrannosaurus's forelimbs and hind limbs.

Lynch was simply surprised to find this Akanaton.

He thought that the arcane dragon was extinct, but he didn't expect that it was still lingering in the rain forest.

Initially, the beast responsible for carrying the Sun Engine was not an Ankylosaurus.

In front of Lynch, there was only a cub the size of a car, the original one who shouldered this mission.

Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of them, and the trainers can only change their targets.

The approaching stench made Lynch suddenly feel uncomfortable. After signaling Asul to protect the cubs of a rare species, Lynch quickly rushed to the source of the smell.

A sturdy green-skinned warrior as tall as a floor appeared in front of Lin Qi with a few wild orcs.

They were full of energy. When the big man in the lead saw Lin Qi, his eyes lit up and he screamed and rushed over.

Lynch felt familiar with the appearance of the orc war generals. The two orc war generals he had seen seemed to be the same. Maybe this is the norm for green skins?

Rushing forward like a whirlwind, Lynch activated his killing fury and killed the orc general in a single encounter, crushing the wild orc to death.

The flame ignited the spores, and Lynch didn't pay too much attention to the similarity in the green skin's appearance. They couldn't be the same, right?

There is no need to let his thoughts go too far. Lin Qi returned to the corpse of the dragon, asked the archmage to control the cub, and began to show off his peak cooking skills.

After a while, Asul faced pieces of burnt, half-cooked pliosaur meat and politely refused the gift.

Arcane Dragon solved the other fifth for Lynch, and the remaining three-fifths of the meat could not be wasted.

Lynch was not prepared to let go of the arcane dragon cub that was lost in the jungle.

Lynch began to carefully observe the bark of the surrounding jungle trees, and it didn't take long before he discovered a small, graffiti-like triangular head mark.

It pointed north, and Lynch headed north, passing ten mulberry trees and finding another mark.

The next one is to the west, behind five mulberry trees. This is the mark left by the skinks to help the cold-bloods find the Temple of Ichi.

Annoyingly enough, they tend to be arranged in some sort of numerical sequence.

Stinks have this knowledge in their heads, it's nothing more than instinct to them.

Due to the changeable rainforest environment, even if other creatures calculate the exact route, it still takes a long time to figure it out.

Lynch had a better way, and he no longer had confidence in the knowledge in his head.

There is a missing corner in his knowledge inheritance. He only vaguely mentions the symbolism of Stink's behavior and does not explain the knowledge in related fields.

Returning along the original path, Lynch hoped that the Archmage would cast a spell to find the nearest Iqi Temple and bring the lost cub there, as well as Lynch's remaining sacrifices.

Isn't this much faster than traditional methods?

The complex anti-divination arrangement of the temple allowed the archmage to solve the riddle of the ancient saints for a long time.

When night fell, under the white moon, Lynch grabbed the arcane dragon by its horns and led it towards the location marked by Teclis.

After all, the unlucky guy doing mathematical research is not Lynch.

He could only comfort himself in this way.

The beast pulled most of the dragon's body and moved it with difficulty, slowly approaching Iqi's sanctuary with the adventurer.

He looked past the viper vines high in the tree canopy and down to the dazzling stars that even the white moon could not cover.

A magnificent pyramid stands here.

It is different from traditional temples. There is a huge door on one side, and the interior is hollowed out to receive visitors and even accommodate dinosaur lizards.

Skinks tend to move up the steps and place the offerings on the platform at the top of the pyramid.

The tobacco in the shrine is then lit to allow the special smoke to spread.

The most ferocious hunter will follow the scent to meet the cold-blooded beast master, and at the same time enjoy the rich blood sacrifice provided by Stink.

The sacrifice will be pushed off the platform and fall into the hunter's raised mouth.

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