Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 110 New World Predators

At night, there is a place that Lynch cannot see.

The temple settlement near the sea burst into flames. Stubborn, who was directing the giant lizard to carry the stones, rushed into the temple in panic, trying to take away the valuable sacred objects.

The sound of gunshots was continuous, accompanied by the screams of humans and the cries of pain from the skinks.

The commander who stayed behind the monitor lizard was blown to pieces by artillery fire without warning.

These stupid big guys were affected by the gunpowder and subconsciously entered an attack state.

Following the smell, monsters fired with guns and cannons, causing the ferocious smile on the gold diggers' faces to turn into a chill of fear.

The storm of killing spread among the crowd, they dropped their weapons, and their souls fled into the distance.

Suddenly, the ten giant lizards that were causing carnage stopped neatly.

Dozens of purple-robed men hid behind the gold-seeking army and released the magic they had prepared for a long time.

Beneath the purple robe is a morbid desire to be the master of this monster.

Unfortunately, this puppet spell that can enslave living beings only kills monsters even if it is successfully cast.

The monitor lizard is not a pushover servant because it already has an unforgettable master.

Without the savagery and strength of the giant lizard, the remaining Stink could only try in vain and despair to block the intruders and buy time for the companions in the temple to move the sacred objects.

Rarely, these frightened creatures did not flee.

Thousands of fragile Skink fell to the roar of gunfire. They were never born for fighting.

The lanky, scaly corpses were shattered on the ground, and the well-equipped professional adventuring legion slowly crossed over the mountains of meat.

People talked to each other and laughed heartily from time to time.

Three hundred more of these backward natives can only make the muskets fire a few more rounds.

The victors rummaged through the corpses and selected suitable locations as trophies.

After returning home, this will be a good conversation starter.

This will serve as a testimony of their bravery and an embellishment of wealth and status.

Like generations of treasure hunters before them, they would attract ladies with their extraordinary adventures and, if they were lucky, cross the class ladder.

The gold used for decoration in the settlement was robbed by people, which actually delayed the march of the hot-blooded species.

Some of the deformed ones, who covered their bodies with purple robes, rushed straight to the temple without paying any attention to the scattered gold.

There are nearly a thousand of them, and there are seventy spellcasters mixed in among them.

In front of the temple, a hundred Thoros stood ready on the street like a city wall.

The curse and the roar of the lizard man suddenly interrupted the laughter in the distance.

The dull sound of blunt objects smashing flesh, the resounding sound of muskets, and the crisp sound of crossbow arrows streaking through the air blended into the panicked screams of humans.

In one confrontation, these powerful monsters defeated the purple robe army.

But there are too many humans.

The hot-blooded species fled repeatedly, and brought more hot-blooded species back to the battlefield.

The number of spellcasters quickly shrunk under the raw fury, and flesh and blood spread on the ground in several layers.

As the last stubborn lizard man was torn apart by the curse, the remaining one hundred or so aberrants suppressed their fear and killed towards the target location designated by the gods.

The fluctuations in spellcasting attracted the attention of the purple-robed men. They changed directions and found the Skink Priest with his guard as expected.

It was almost crushing. The five spellcasters worked together to suppress the magical wind gathered by the opponent, and the remaining three used the magic given by their master to kill the lizard mage.

The Skink Squire was hacked to death by warriors wearing half-armor.

Even if there are only eight sect wizards left, it is not something that a mere spellcaster can handle.

When the aberrants approached and excitedly searched for the golden statues scattered around the corpse, they found that they were just worthless mortal objects.

By the time they realized that they had been deceived by the cold-blooded species and that this was a bait, it was already too late.

The aberrants hurriedly ordered the Gold Rush Legion to block the exit of the settlement, but it was still a step too late. A few people saw the retreating figure of the cold-blooded species.

The music of pursuit and counterattack was played in the forest. After dozens of corpses were left behind, the few remaining skinks successfully transferred the sacred objects in the temple.

Stink didn't dare to stay. The place was full of wandering hot-blooded species, and they were no longer able to fight.

The survivors fled to the Sky City, preparing to seek help from the Snake God Legion, but the legions there were fighting fiercely with the demons.

A Skink Hunter scurries towards the Moon City, bearing the golden trappings of a relic.

It not only has the responsibility of transmitting distress signals, but also diverts the attention of possible pursuers.

Lynch discovered a strange pursuer, a small expedition team.

They seemed to be tracking something, but they happened to anchor Lynch and his party based on clues.

But their cautious tracking and peeping, in the eyes of those who have experienced many battles, are like dancing in the dark with torches.

Ezenath is a battle-hardened ogre, though most of his fighting is just eating and sleeping.

He was once a mercenary hired by the Greenskins in the Dark Lands.

The green-skinned tribe was very rich, and Ezenath could eat grats and goblins as much as he wanted every day. When he encountered an enemy, he just had to stand up and scare the short ones.

Until one day, they encountered a toad with a large lizard attendant.

The big toad who called himself Ohap was carried by the lizard. Ezenas only saw it raise its hand, and all the green food was cooked.

Ezenas is not stupid, he just looks stupid. He will not mess with anything that is not easy to mess with.

When he discovered that the big toad liked to lift them into the sky and tell them things they didn't understand, Ezenas wisely obeyed the toad's hobbies.

Facts have proved that he was right. The disobedient ogres turned into dead ogres, and Aizenath suffered a lot.

He hasn’t eaten so freshly in a long time!

It was a bitter past. Aizenus nodded for a long time, his neck was sore, before the big toad let him go.

Although he didn't understand what ancient saint or plan was in the end.

Toad says there is only one kind of war, the war against Chaos, and that it has been perpetuated by the gods and titans for countless generations.

Let Ezenas say, there is really only one kind of war in the world, a war for food!

Whether it's hard-skinned or tender-skinned, it's all the same to the ogre.

Whoever can afford food is not the food for the time being, but the employer.

After the toad let him go, Ezenas wandered for a long time before finding his next home.

The two-legged sheep in the lead is the employer, and she is looking for something rare.

She spent her whole day thinking about the statue above.

Ezenas didn't understand what the Lost Floating Boat was for. Anyway, just do what he did, and then think about whether to have an extra meal after that.

If she doesn't let Ezenas rest, Ezenas will have to pay the balance himself!

The inexplicable gaze made the ogre tremble, and he felt as happy as a soul. The big man who was taller than a floor turned around and ran away, completely ignoring his employer.

It turned out that he was right, just a gust of wind came, and his employer became two pieces.

The other warriors seemed to have suddenly been drained of their physical strength and collapsed on the ground, allowing the lizards to slaughter them.

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