Lynch studied the filter and ignored the yelling man in the mirror.

Teclis approached curiously, and when he appeared in the human field of vision, Lynch saw obvious shock and guilt on the human's face.

The human disappeared as if running for his life, but he left too late, and Teclis saw his face clearly.

Who is he? I feel Huangqi's guidance.

The Archmage considered and responded to Lin Qi cautiously.

I saw him in the old world, in the empire of mankind.

At that time he stood behind the emperor of mankind, in the same row as the officials of the younger race.

The noise disturbed the conversation between the ancient races. Lin Qi held the scepter and slowly walked out of the temple.

By the light of the white moon, the outsider holding a torch could clearly see the huge creature holding a scepter.

One after another exclamations broke the quiet atmosphere. The next moment, a strong wind blew and knocked down six outsiders.

The two adventurers who could still moan took away the luck of the others, and their unlucky companions could no longer make a sound.

Of course, luck comes at a price.

Lynch did not directly give them relief. He marveled at the complexity of the team's composition.

A dwarf, two Tyrians dressed as mercenaries, as well as witch hunters, halflings, and Norscans.

Now only the dwarves and witch hunters were left, and they didn't seem to be sad for their dead companions, because they looked at Lynch with only wariness in their eyes, without the slightest hatred.

The heavy meteorite armor on the dwarf's body was struck with deep marks by Lynch. On the witch hunter's chest, the palm-sized holy symbol of Sigma turned into scrap metal.

A sword master who walked out of the temple changed the dwarf's sight, and the two invariably turned towards each other with contempt and hostility.

Fortunately, the appearance of Teclis broke the tense atmosphere.

The dwarf spoke with a loud voice and communicated enthusiastically with the mage. Lynch could only hear the dwarf's doubts and the elf's comfort and apology.

Lin Qi put away his hunting desire and waited quietly for the mage to finish the exchange.

After a boring wait, the mage introduced the two of them objectively.

The dwarf Revenge Seeker Thorion Gurnar comes from the clan of the Sons of Gurnar. Their ancestors are the sons of Grimnir, the royal family of Silverspear Mountain.

But the great fortress eventually fell, and the scattered dwarves divided into three destinations.

Some dwarves fled to Karazhar A. Karak, some dwarves tried to take back their homeland from the greenskins, and some dwarves chose to wander.

Thorion is one of the wandering dwarves.

He has no fixed abode and is unfortunately separated from his relatives.

As the son of the God of War, all Thorion can sell is fighting.

As he embarked on the long journey to find his relatives, a piece of desperate news was brought to him by other dwarves.

The wandering Sons of Gonar encountered the greenskins. This was not a big deal. The dwarves were good at fighting. Even if there were only three hundred veterans left, they could compete with tens of thousands of greenskin orcs.

But the green-skinned warlord they encountered was Grimgor Ironhide, the most powerful green-skinned orc in the long history of the dwarves on record.

Rumor has it that there were no survivors from that battle.

Grimgor led his undead bodyguards to slaughter all the Sons of Gurnar, and then headed north to Karak Kaderin.

The holy land of the Butcher Sect took the initiative to close its city gates after several days of bloody battles.

The terrifying greenskin champion is heading north again, and it is said that it has fought its way through the land of Kislev, heading straight to the legendary pits of hell.

Thorion swore revenge. On his way north, he responded to the call of the High King and joined the army of Magnus the Pious. He met Teclis in the battle against Chaos.

But when the war ended, the dwarves who were bent on death failed to find Grimgor Ironhide.

He asked around for information about the Green Tide, and finally, more than ten years later, he met the witch hunter Glenn Vampire Killer in the empire.

At the beginning, the witch hunter was surrounded by a group of beastmen, and the powerful bearded dwarf rescued the scarred Sigma follower.

Because Sigmar is the dwarves' eternal friend!

The legend of Sigmar is spread throughout the Empire, a rare glimmer of hope in this hopeless world.

Whenever the sun sets, the earth falls into darkness.

The dwarves would light a bonfire, fill the bottles with beer, drink guzzlingly, and sing the Saga.

A saga is a short story.

And even in the banquets of the dwarves, the Saga of Sigmar is often mentioned!

They fought side by side, driving out countless greenskins and minions of Chaos.

The greatest saga of mankind is the saga of Sigmar. He is the greatest warrior of the old world, the witness of the friendship between dwarves and humans, and the founder of the empire.

After rescuing the witch hunter, Sorian discovered that this young human was also burdened with a blood feud.

Glenn once had a happy family and was a citizen of Iverland.

But one day, on the night when the evil moon is at its fullest every year, it is what the empire calls the mysterious night.

Glenn was half asleep when he heard a loud noise, and then, in a daze, the whispers of his parents' prayers to Sigma disappeared.

Glenn suddenly woke up and crawled out of the cellar, only to find two shriveled corpses.

At that time, the still young human tremblingly picked up the sickle and rushed out the door. All that was left to him was the shadow sliding into the distance from the cold light of the evil moon.

Glenn knew the legend, and stories of the Orphan Maker were told throughout the empire.

Every year on the mysterious night, a family is selected. All witnesses only remember the loud noise when the incident occurred and the flying shadow in the distance.

All children whose families were broken up by mysterious forces will eventually disappear in the mysterious night twenty years later.

The helplessness only fueled Glenn's anger. He was no longer a child.

Glenn eventually became a witch hunter, forever pursuing the story in the hope of one day killing the killer.

The sympathy between the dwarves and the humans led to friendship. During the adventure, they gradually opened their hearts and regarded each other as confidants.

After a drink, they vowed to face the enemy together.

The ridiculous witch hunter didn't know how terrifying Grimgor was, and even suggested that he help the dwarves kill the orc warlord first.

After three years of searching together, Thorian realized that his friend was an ephemeral species.

If the enemy that Glenn swore to kill cannot be eliminated within a hundred years, Thorian will break his oath.

This is unacceptable to the dwarves.

In the end, Sorian temporarily put aside his hatred and wanted to kill the Witch Hunter's enemies first.

The two searched all over the old world, and finally found traces of the Orphan Maker, which would appear at sea from time to time, and eventually in the new world.

There are two evil full moon nights every year.

They are the night of witches and witches when the two moons share a full moon, and the night of mystery.

The Orphan Maker will spend two Chaos Feasts in the New World and the Old World.

So the two Avengers boarded a trading ship and prepared to go to the New World and wait.

On the way, the merchant ship the two Avengers were on was hijacked by pirates. Of course, the long-bearded dwarf showed the pirates the wrath of the mountains.

The pirate then becomes their guide and eventually dies at the hands of Lynch.

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