Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 142 If you catch up with me

After returning the slate, Lin Qi did not stay. After ordering Huangqi Divine Blesser to move to Huangqi Gate, Lin Qi left.

Lynch stepped into the newly opened portal and reached Spicazuma in one step.

The scouts have long since left, and Teclis is deliberately coordinating the relationship between the dwarves and the elves.

The lizard-man disappeared and reappeared out of thin air, covered in blood, causing Revenge Seeker Sorian and Glenn Vampire Killer to tighten their weapons.

But the next moment they were shocked by the dazzling golden light illuminated by the fire.

Asul was always cautious in communicating with the cold-blooded species. If the cold-blooded species did not want to say more, they would make the topic as deviant as possible and not inquire about the cold-blooded species' mysterious mission.

The dwarf obviously would not have such detours. When the rough voice startled Midnight, Lynch heard the doubts and excitement in it, and also saw the desire in the dwarf's eyes.

Lynch was not proficient in communicating in Dwarvish, but he had spent some time with dwarves, and he knew the rough meanings of some pronunciations.

The cold-blooded man spoke in the same monotonous tone as always, like a giant snake slithering.

I went to fix some things.

When Teclis translated, he undoubtedly added rich meaning to Lynch's simple words.

Lynch didn't know what he had misunderstood. The dwarf laughed heartily, driving away the disharmony that had just emerged.

The long-bearded dwarf looked at Spicazuma fearfully, and then solemnly took off the iron pot hanging on the left side of the armor.

After the bottle cap was opened, the rich aroma of wheat and alcohol spread around the campfire.

The armor was taken off, and after seeing that the dwarf wanted to reforge the ancestral equipment, the archmage lit the magical fire.

Lynch looked into the depths of Spicazuma, prepared for the Skink Sentinel to be alerted.

The dwarf raised the wine bottle, shouted the name of the god Granny, swallowed it in a big mouth, and tasted it stingily.

Glenn looked away in awe, fearing that the dwarf would invite him to drink with him.

This is the beer of dwarves, the beer that can knock down a strong man in one gulp.

The dwarves' savings were always exchanged for wine, and Glenn rarely saw dwarves drinking freely. Only when meeting with his own kind, Thorian would open up his appetite.

Glenn knew it was a matter of saving face.

Thorion once told Gren that a dwarf who could not drink to his heart's content was a failure.

No one knew Sorian better than Glenn. He knew Sorian was poor and felt sympathy for the powerful warrior, but never said it out loud.

The dwarves didn't know it, but Glenn had actually heard the legend of Grimgor Ironhide...that legendary orc was often used in Iverland to scare disobedient children.

With a crisp sound, Sorian took off the hammer stuck behind the armor. When the first hammer sounded, it meant that the prayer to Granny had officially begun.

Glenn suddenly looked deep into the ruins, and when he found nothing unusual, he relaxed as if relieved.

Lynch didn't pay attention to the skills of dwarf recasting. He was worried about how to restore it to the original state.

The elf stared at the jagged lizard man, often looking away as if he couldn't bear to see it.

Lin Qi took off his back armor and looked at the Archmage, as if waiting for something.

Teclis understood it and began to chant a spell in a low voice. He wanted to use magic power to correct Lynch's wrong flesh.

Things went smoothly. When Lynch fully recovered and put on the back armor again, the dwarf's beatings stopped.

Strangely, Spicazuma's sentry never showed up.

Lynch took a short rest and then slowly walked towards the depths of the ruins. The hot-blooded species subconsciously followed the lizard people. The dwarves and humans looked particularly nervous.

As he went deeper, Lynch's perception painted traces of death and battle for him.

There were more gazes in the shadows, and Lynch quickened his pace and headed straight for the central pyramid of Razkoto, which was supposed to be maintained by the skink priests.

The broken Great Pyramid emerged from the night. Only the stone pyramid body was left, and it seemed that there were no traces of biological activity.

The dwarf's dull reminder and the human's hasty shouting made Lynch slow down.

He looked back at the two young races and vaguely understood words such as curse and death.

Don't enter the ancient buildings deep in the ruins. Thousands of people are missing here. They are led to death by the curse in the darkness!

Asul's translation was not modified, and Tigris was very hesitant. He was not sure whether this was a normal phenomenon in the jungle or an accident.

He knew that there was a cold-blooded garrison here, and the elf suspected that the curse was the cold-blooded garrison guarding the temple.

Lin Qi was already very close to the central temple. If there was a cold-blooded species, he would have appeared to greet him long ago.

Obviously, something unexpected happened!

Eyes seemed to have grown out of the gravel on both sides of the road, and Lynch could feel the many extra invisible things.

The hot-blooded ones looked around cautiously, while the cold-blooded ones suddenly rushed towards the ancient temple.

Up the crumbling steps, the loose stones are victims of weathering.

Lynch smelled the evil breath and heard many whispers like flies buzzing.

Bilak! The First Ascended One!

Bilak! Shadow Puppet Master!

Beelak! Father of Shadows! Lord of Darkness!

The Great Unifier! The Pioneer! The First Demon Prince! The Fifth God!

The miserable whispers gradually became more intense, with the same tone and volume, like puppets being manipulated.

Lynch climbed to the top of the pyramid, and the entrance to the temple was filled with deep darkness.

When the sun lit up on the top of the tower, the numb chant disappeared, and a fat rat man was exposed in front of Lynch.

The ancient saint's seal in the main hall of the temple has been knocked down. On the platform, this bloated rat raised his hands high, maintaining a fanatical posture.

Under the sunlight, the rat man's dull and numb eyes suddenly became rippled.

The thing he was most afraid of in the past made him wake up from his intoxication for a moment.

The slightly opened mouth slowly closed, then opened wide as if seeing a ghost, and a shrill scream jumped out of it.

Scale of Destruction!

Lin Qi suddenly rushed in front of the rat man and provoked the rat man with a stick.

But what was impaled was not a fat giant rat, but a thin slave rat.

In the shadow not far away, the giant rat looked like a frightened noble girl, dragging a long scream and melting into the shadow.

The shadow quickly moved away, penetrated the wall, and rushed to the north.

Save me! I am willing to devote my loyalty to you, great Belak, save me! You are my only god!

The fat Skaven Warlord reacted quickly and instead of praying to the Horned Rat, he turned to the demon that controlled it for help.

But the original demon prince did not appear. Of course, it had already lost its form.

After flitting towards the shadows in the distance, the sunlight broke through the darkness and rushed out of the temple. Under the dumbfounded gazes of the dwarves and humans, it chased the shadows away.

Sorian and Glenn looked at Azul, who was as calm as ever. The elf's calm gaze seemed to be complaining about their lack of presence.

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