It better not show up in front of Lynch again!

The lizard men discovered a Slaanesh emblem in the colony. After destroying the Mark of Chaos, Lynch walked directly through the ruins and returned to the Pahualasha Rainforest.

The Archmage once again divined the location of the Water God's engine. Unexpectedly, it no longer fled north at an extraordinary speed.

The lost sacred object in the Purifying Water Temple is getting closer and closer to Lin Qi. If he walks for a few days, Lin Qi will be able to catch up with the sacred object.

There are more traces of rodents in the jungle, and occasionally you can see Gomao statues made of excrement and stones.

Maybe there is a tribe of greenskins wandering in the jungle. This is normal. The places outside the temple city are either occupied by the Skaven or divided up by the greenskins.

Undead, greenskins, ratmen and the forces of chaos are regular visitors to the rainforest.

A normal adventure team would often encounter these entrenched darkness first, and only encounter the cold-blooded species when approaching the temple city.

Fortunately, without enough assurance, those secret peepers did not dare to attack Lynch's team casually.

This is also the reason why it was calm along the way.

In fact, when Lynch set out from the southern outpost, he was prepared for fierce battles with the rat-men and greenskins every day, but in the end he only encountered a few big demons.

The rainforest has never been a safe place, and countless Thoros warbands can only guarantee that the darkness will not spread to the temple city.

The weak do not deserve to live in Lustria, which is why the horned beast tribe is rare in Lustria.

Only those beast kings with outstanding merits would gather large armies and cautiously invade the rainforest in an attempt to desecrate the ancient holy obelisk.

In the old world, there were far more horned beasts than humans.

Because mortals affected by the power of Chaos can easily give birth to descendants of hoofed ones.

The forces of Chaos are everywhere, which means the Horned Beasts mingle among mortals.

Before sunset, Lynch successfully walked out of the southern section of the Maku Peaks. Between the north and south of the Maku Peaks is a vast rainforest with many ruins located in it.

In order to prevent the rat men from sneaking up on the hot-blooded people on their way at night, Lynch once again stationed himself on the spot.

With the help of mage magic, garrisoning is always easy and convenient.

It was difficult to meet friendly beings on the subsequent journey. Only when he was close to Hesiota, Lynch could get enough help.

As for Pahuakos?

The Serpent God Legion is stationed in Taranxra, which means that Pahuakos only has a small number of cold-blooded garrison and cold-blooded treasure hunting teams.

They can only protect themselves.

Due to the special terrain of the Lustria Isthmus and the large number of elven colony ruins.

Next, you should meet many hot-blooded species trying to establish colonies on the ruins.

As far as Lynch knew, in the racial fan chart of the inhabitants of Pahualasha Rainforest, greenskins and ratmen each accounted for more than half, while explorers and cold-blooded races divided up the remaining proportion.

Originally, there should be a place for Druchi in this rainforest, but the previous purge severely depleted the number of Druchi.

No! No! Dajiao. Brother Gor doesn't need it, I don't need you to provoke the lizard thing!

Chuanquluo screamed at the top of his lungs, trying to recall the green-skinned warrior who had only muscles left in his mind.

Obviously, it is an orc shaman who does not have such a big face. Instead, he almost got beaten into pieces by the green-skinned warrior because he disturbed him.


The orc warlord's loud roar spread for miles through the rainforest.

The wild green-skinned orcs who were eating the corpses of human adventurers stopped their movements one after another. Tens of thousands of wild orcs covered in dazzling green light beat their chests excitedly and responded to the boss's call.


The roars of the orcs came one after another, and they became one.

The waagh of all the orcs finally converged into an unstoppable torrent, and Chuanqueluo shivered as he looked at the waagh energy condensed in mid-air.

In its second view, the green energy tide completely occupied the air, drowning the eight magical winds.

In this case, the Gray Prophet, who is not integrated into the waagh, becomes extremely conspicuous.

A mountain-like outline appeared vaguely in the green tide. He stepped on the earth, with dark clouds above his head, waving a rough club and looking bloodthirsty towards the camp in the south.

Chuanquluo took out all the dimension stones without hesitation and opened the portal regardless of consumption.

If you feel sorry for these stones anymore, they will definitely die!

A Gray Seer without magic might just die in the rainforest, which is better than facing certain death here.


All the orcs were staring at the figure in the middle of the green tide. They were wrestling with each other restlessly, and from time to time, a big one would kill the passing goblin.

The war marks on Geer Damushao's body were as bright as ever. There were bursts of thunder in the clouds, but no lightning appeared.

All the orc shamans seemed to have lost their souls, staring blankly at the sky.

Gradually, blood overflowed from the ears and noses of all the shamans, and soon after, their eyes also bleed.

Explosions exploded in the green tide, and the greenskins watched in amazement as Tiao Da Shen exploded into pieces of flesh.

The orc boy who was close subconsciously went up and poked him, stroking his head in confusion.

A flash of green lightning ripped open the night and struck hard on Geer Big Muscle Ba.

The green-skinned boys were stung by the sudden green light, and they all covered their eyes.

Of course, all the greenskins saw through the huge fingers, the boss with increasingly complicated war patterns on his body in the green light.

Enthusiasm began to spread, breathing new life into the waagh.

A louder waagh shook the jungle.

The orc war general raised his stone hammer and pointed far to the south, where there was the champion he wanted to challenge. This time he wanted to fight with the scaly one for three days and three nights.

Those greenskins have found us! Slaanesh! They're coming!

Master Rogge Houting used his arm that turned into a tentacle to kill the shouting believers.

They were supposed to sneak through the jungle and eventually return to Reaver Port.

Those believers who are willing to serve as bait will remain in the jungle forever.

But he seemed to be unable to please the Prince of Darkness, as he was unexpectedly caught off guard.

There was no chance to leave, the green tide blocked the way north.

Even if Rogge survives, he will be intercepted by his pursuers who react.

He couldn't throw away the bone sword in the silver box. Rogge only obtained this artifact. If he couldn't bring it back to the old world, the Holy Son would skin him!

Rogge uncontrollably fantasized about his being skinned and boned, and he moaned in pleasure.

The Champion of Slaanesh panicked, feeling the blasphemous pleasure return to him.

He wanted to pray to Sigmar, and he chanted Sigmar's holy name without any hindrance, but of course, he was spurned by the god.

Rogge wanted to give up his mission, but the mark left by the Son on his back eye drove his body, making him unable to disobey the Son's will.

One of the cultists suddenly coughed, and Rogge swung the scorpion pincer on his right arm without hesitation, ending her life.

The purple roses all stayed away from the corpse. This was a stress reaction left behind by the painful lesson.

Damn the Order of the Blight!

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