Lynch glanced at the Archmage, and when he realized that he was ready for close combat, he no longer stopped, activated the scepter, and rushed in another direction.

Huangqi showed his sharp claws!

The silver holy symbol hanging on Lynch's right hand is shining, and it seems to be calling for war, but here there is only hunting.

The sunlight dispelled the darkness, revealing the cowering Skaven.

Many ratmen recognized the Scale of Destruction and turned around and fled without hesitation, without even a token resistance.

The small-scale flight led to a large-scale flight, and many ratmen who didn't know why also changed directions and broke out.

The pure light penetrated the darkness and broke through the rat tide unimpeded.

Beside the campfire, Teclis held the Staff of the Moon in his left hand and wielded the Sword of Teclis in his right hand, repelling the rat men who tried to assassinate him.

Few people know that if his physical condition had not limited the Archmage, he would also be the most outstanding magic swordsman.

The Moon Staff slightly makes up for the mage's shortcomings, allowing him to kill with a long sword freely like a normal elf.

All the assassins in the night died under the sword of the mage. The magical weapons he forged himself were no less than the artifacts handed down from ancient times.

No magic or armor can block the sharpness of the sword of Teclis. The mage used the dexterity beyond the rat men's expectations to drive back the invading enemy with his long sword, while chanting magic spells and preparing magic.

Close combat is a compulsory course for every battle mage.

In fact, many outstanding mages are far better than famous warriors in fighting skills.

When Lynch disappeared into the depths of the night with the sunshine, the Archmage also prepared his magic.

The winds of shadow stir.

Suddenly, the jungle on the west side collapsed in pieces, falling into the abyss that appeared out of thin air on the ground.

Within a thousand meters, densely packed rat-men all fell into the shadow pit, and their shrill screams made the rats fleeing south even more chaotic.

The pit lasted for more than ten seconds and finally disappeared.

The ground returned to its original appearance, except that there were no nearly ten thousand ratmen.

On the north side, wherever Lin Qi passed, the rat people turned and fled in panic.

He met no resisters, and even the storm rats mixed in with the rat tide followed the rats and bypassed Lynch.

Lin Qi heard ethereal whispers coming from the south, and then, flames poured out of the void above the camp.

A phoenix full of fire was born in the flames, and the phoenix's long cry was the death knell.

It stretched its body, shaking off flames that ignited the jungle.

The fire continued for several miles, and the phoenix suddenly rushed down again, drawing a long path of flames on the ground.

The phoenix disappeared at the end of the road, taking countless ratmen with it.

Lynch looked around, looking for the leader of the rat men and the warlock hidden in the rat tide.

But these high-level ratmen escaped more carefully than ordinary ratmen.

Lynch could occasionally see a low figure wearing a bone helmet, but it would disappear from the surface the next moment, seeming to sneak into the ground.

Beneath the moss, Tritus Weiwei nervously pressed her beating heart and tightened her glands.

There is still a chance to dodge the mage's magic, but being targeted by a champion would be a fight to the death.

Weiwei cursed Chuanquillo silently. It was a stupid idea to escape to the south. These white-haired mice are not good things.

Although it also flattered this strategy when it was first decided.

Weiwei worked hard to dig down, and the slimy snake was awakened by the uninvited guest. After frightening the rat man, he was chopped into several pieces with his sword.

The ground shook violently several times, almost burying Weiwei's way of survival.

On the ground, a huge footprint replaced the bushes.

Just now, the green energy gathered into a mountain-like giant and stepped towards it.

All lives except Lynch died under the big feet.

Fortunately, Lynch's companions were not here, and the dead were all ratmen who had not had time to escape.

A faint roar sounded from further north, and Lynch keenly saw a large group of glowing green wild orcs coming from the north.

Savage orcs are less civilized than ordinary orcs. Although they don't use sophisticated armor, they are green enough.

For greenskins, green and big are symbols of strength.

This damn world really empowers them, and Lynch can feel their extraordinaryness.

Finally, a group of sandbags who could not escape came. Lynch decisively rushed towards the green tide, and his figure also inspired the green boys.

The greenskins are looking for a source of quarrel, and apparently the lizardfolk are the quarrel, igniting their passions more than either the skaven or the humans.

The two races born for war met again, and dozens of orc boys who were knocked away in an instant were Lynch's meeting gift to the Green Wave.

Unlike the rat-men who fled when Lynch came to kill them, the green-skinned men cheered and kept running into the charging lizard-men.

This was convenient for Lynch. There was no green-skinned champion who could stop him. This made him like a train driving into the green tide. When it ran through the green tide, thousands of green-skinned champions that hit Lynch turned into spore.

A roar sounded from the depths of the green tide. From time to time, green skins flew up from that direction and were thrown towards Lynch with brute force, but were dodged by the lizard man nimbly.

Before Lynch could respond to the hulking orc warrior's invitation to a duel, the dark clouds turned yellow-green under the white moon.

The dull laughter echoed in the sky, shattering the yellow-green clouds.

A huge, festering mouth the size of a valley, full of yellowed teeth, appeared in the real world as if it had bitten an invisible barrier.

The huge mouth stretched out a long tongue covered with blisters. The scarlet tongue was wrapped with a rich shit-yellow smell and licked the earth.

On the west side of the battlefield, forty-nine swollen humans held snake staffs high, standing on seven or seven forty-nine nodes.

They shouted loudly, seven times in a row.


In the center of the battlefield, a giant scarlet tongue landed on the ground and licked the green tide.

Surprisingly, it seemed to be just a phantom, and not a single greenskin was crushed to death by the giant tongue.

The long scarlet tongue finally retracted into the sky, leaving only a thick shit-yellow mist all over the ground.

In the mist, thousands of green skins quickly fester, eventually turning into a puddle of pus.

Overlapping dull calls echoed in the mist, and not long after, another evil call came from the mist.


No matter how stupid the green skin is, he still knows that the mist is abnormal.

But the speed of the mist spreading is far faster than the speed of their escape.

The green-skinned man was swallowed up by the mist, and his stomach rumbled like gongs and drums.

The unsightly splash accompanied by the spreading stench is a sight that can make warriors retreat.

Lynch decisively changed direction, preparing to go around to the west to kill the evil wizard who was causing trouble.


Many dull voices shouted with trembling excitement, one greenskin after another fell into the mist, and the mist quickly spread into the rat tide, causing many ratmen to struggle on the ground.

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