Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 202 Eye of Zongqi (12)

But as Thoros gradually eroded it, the vampire had completely lost its chance.

The pressure on the Caledor fleet stationed in the north suddenly decreased, not only because the lizards reduced the remaining vampires, but more importantly, the Prince of Caledor returned to the fleet with the dragon princes.

The return of the prince greatly boosted the morale of the elves, but the severely attrited Dragon Knights also brought uneasiness and confusion to Asul.

Just in the decisive battle with the Dread Fleet, more than sixty dragons were lost.

Although the death of nearly ten thousand vampires was enough to shock the world, the Dragon Prince's casualties were too heavy.

In the Druchi invasion more than ten years ago, less than 70 dragons were killed in total. This was the total number of dragons killed on the battlefield of the Osu Security Department at that time.

But now, it's just a battle with the undead at sea.

The cruelty of war will not be offset by race. Lynch led more than 8,000 Zongqi blessings to approach the Black Ark Tower of God Bless the Evil Party.

Due to the restrictions of chivalry, the Holy Grail Knights did not participate in Thoreau's sneak attack plan against Druchi, although Lynch called it the Light of the Ancient Saint.

No matter how nice the name is, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that it is a sneak attack.

Strong winds pushed up huge waves several meters high, and ordinary ships would be swallowed up by the big waves if they came close.

The lightning became regular, because Asul's mage was harnessing the peak wind of heaven, and the wind and thunder came to life, biting Druzi's biological battleship viciously.

There is no grandeur like the roar of cannon fire, but magic creates a brilliance far more brilliant than gunpowder.

On the north side of the Tower of God Bless the Evil Party, Grond's Warlock Tower stood ridiculously on a small piece of land. Harpies lingered around the tower, falling from time to time and pulling up the attacking Asur spearmen.

The corpses of elves were piled up on several levels, so much so that the entrance to the Warlock Tower was blocked by corpses.

The magic tide dyes the air with colorful brilliance, the eight magical winds have solidified, and traces of demons can be found from time to time.

Occasionally, an army of demons would take the opportunity to arrive, but before they could cause damage, they were torn apart by the star engine running fiercely in the center of the storm.

The vast ocean is no longer stable. From the coast of Lustria to the coast of the Old World, all creatures close to the sea can intuitively feel the turmoil of the ocean.

All the lagging ships that did not have time to return to the port sank. Only magic and advanced engines could protect mortals in the wind and waves.

The ocean is like water in a basin, being shaken by invisible giants.

The ancient engine was completely revived, but without the instruments that housed it.

The islanders of Ulthuan and the pirates of the Druchi in the north offered sacrifices to Marcelan, the guardian goddess of the sea, again and again, but the turbulence of the ocean showed no sign of weakening.

The shores of the vast ocean were flooded, and the ruthless currents swallowed up tens of thousands of lives.

Humans in the old world prayed to the sea god Manavi to stop his anger, but hundreds of high-ranking priests only used divine power to temporarily stop the seawater that flooded the land.

Perhaps the sea gods are happy to see this happen. If floods cover dry land again, their divine power will reach its peak.

Frequent typhoons rage across the continents, and mortals find that there are no more sunny days.

The rain that lasted for more than ten days seriously affected the lives of ordinary people.

Wild oceans churned the Sea of ​​Claws between Norsca and the Empire, the Blackwater Bay between Tilia and the Badlands, and the Ocean Reach between Lustria and the Empire of Cathay.

Monsters in the sea began to set foot on the land. Dozens of conflicts occurred between the sea dragons of the Claw Sea and the Ulric believers in the north. White wolves were buried in the mouths of sea beasts, and more sea beasts died in the wrath of the North God.

Along the coast of the Kingdom of Kislev, the followers of Esun the Bear were mourning in despair. Their motherland suffered another devastating flood before it could emerge from the shadow of the Great Holy War.

The cries of the people woke up the hibernating giant bear. When a mountainous giant bear walked on this tormented land, the sea monster in the water receded.

The roar of the giant bear dispelled the depression that enveloped Kislev. After doing all this, the giant bear standing tall disappeared into the wind and snow.

The Archmage Berannar, who stayed behind in Ulthuan, evoked the maze that protected the island of Ulthuan. The archmages ran around checking the conditions of the waystones in various places.

The guiding stones are the obelisks laid out by Caledor and the dragon tamers along the spiritual vein nodes. They are important nodes in maintaining the Maelstrom. Even if all the archmages are killed, the beasts cannot destroy these obelisks.

The sea dragons in the northern Nagaros sea no longer stayed quietly in the abyss, and the coastal city of Druchi encountered a large-scale invasion by the abyss sirens and sea dragons.

In Blackwater Bay, Barak Sea Gate is under full martial law. The giant dwarf city built on the mountain remains unmoving in the wind and rain. Refugees from Tilia have brought terrifying rumors about the Tilia Peninsula.

Lustria, the roaring lord of Slanwupeck has awakened, and its consciousness has returned from the battlefield.

It cannot agree with other Slann's indifference to the changes in the world. The big plan is not to allow young creatures to be affected by disasters.

In Lustria now, only it believes that it should have more influence on young creatures. More demon toads are still as they were thousands of years ago, just observing the changes in the world and channeling the chaotic magic power on their own.

Lord Huahua made up his mind, no matter how other demon toads held him accountable afterwards, he would have to use the power of his spiritual veins.

The ancient third generation got on the chariot, accompanied by the skink priest, and floated to the node of the giant spiritual network in the Mist Temple.

When Lord Huahua stepped into the sacred pool in the stargazing room, hundreds of consciousnesses communicated spiritually with Lord Huahua with the help of spiritual veins.

The heated debate lasted for several seconds, with hundreds of thousands of questions and rebuttals happening in the blink of an eye.

If the demon toad Ohap was still in Lustria, Hua Hua might not be fighting alone.

In the end, more demon toads chose neutrality.

Ignoring the few opponents, Huahua believed that he had won the argument and began to guide the energy in the tributaries of the spiritual veins with ease.

In the Burial Ship Cemetery, Thoreau was swimming against the current in the crazy sea water.

The blessing of Water God Zong Qi makes them almost one with the sea water, and Lin Qi's flexibility in the water is even less than three points.

There are more and more sea beasts. Giant sharks and Leviathan whales are biting each other. The abyss sea monster is entangled with the huge sea dragon. The fallen sea dragon is divided into corpses by various sea monsters. Lynch's eyes have turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Lynch knew that the warships of Asul and Druchi were above them. As soon as the cold-blooded species came out of the water, they would be immediately greeted by an overwhelming barrage of magic and crossbow arrows.

The elves' crossbows were not inferior to human crossbows. Not only did they have a longer range, but the elves' ingenious enchanting skills also made the arrows as destructive as the most advanced gunpowder.

The specially processed arrows can even penetrate Lynch's scales, but they will get stuck in the muscles.

Of course, that kind of arrows are usually reserved for giants, and few Druzis use them to shoot lizards.

Ordinary armor-piercing arrows would not hurt Lynch, but they could cause serious damage to ordinary lizards.

The ones who are best at dealing with damage are the chosen ones of the ancient saint Kui Ji. The scale armor of Zong Qi's descendant is not very hard.

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