Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 211 Eye of Zongqi (twenty-one)

Furious, the Witch-Elf Queen's blade ignited with vicious blood. Helibon believed that this was Kane's divine grace to help her execute the blasphemer.

Perhaps this was true. After another confrontation, Lynch discovered that the strength and resilience of the Witch Spirit Queen, who was wrapped in blood mist, was obviously beyond the norm.

But so what?

Kane's blessing made her lose her mind. Lynch, who could control his native instinct, became more sober. He deliberately led Heliben to fight in the executioner's formation. The witch like a mad dog would not show mercy when she killed anyone who stood in the way. .

As far as Lynch knew, Tyrion was in the Burial Ship Cemetery, and Eltharion was also here.

Lynch alone could not quickly deal with the crazy Heliburn, and would even be at a slight disadvantage in the enemy formation.

However, when the Yiris Army defeated the disrupted executioner army, when The Blind Elsharion arrived here.

Or the troops of Itain come to the rescue and Imric defeats the Chief Executioner.

If any champion of Ulthuan joins forces with Lynch to slay Helibon, the Cult of Khaine may become history.

Lynch just needed a boost.

Kane is the main god of Druchi faith, not the main god of the lizard people.

So what if he kills his divinely chosen champion?

On the north side of the Tower of God's Blessing of Evil, the fleet of the Kingdom of Etain was attacked by underwater sea beasts before landing.

Hal Gancy's monster battleship is pursuing Asur further north. If Asur cannot board the Black Ark quickly, it will face the dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

The black guards of Nagarond held halberds and commanded the Druchi army to plan the defense line.

Malekith's army vanguard walked among the forbidden troops, and nearly a hundred Black Guards were scattered in all directions, faintly protecting the Aenarion Dragon Banner.

Their cousins ​​who have been rebelling for thousands of years are here, and the puppet king's army is about to launch another round of counterattack!

This is not allowed. Although the Witch King has disappeared, the true king will return sooner or later. Malekith, the co-leader of the elves, will lead Druchi back to his homeland. Every Black Guard firmly believes that.

Unless the Witch-King has his way, Nagarond's armies will fight the rebels until the very end.

The Dark Elf Empire is as weak as ever, and the disastrous defeat more than ten years ago seems like yesterday.

Failure could not shake the Black Guard's determination to regain their homeland. What really frightened them was that the Witch King disappeared during the war.

The Witch King is Nagarond, and the Witch King is Druchi.

After the master on the throne disappeared, their fallen kin did indeed rebel.

Rebellious Dreadlords hang high on the walls of Naggarond, numbering in the hundreds.

To make matters worse, the natives in the southern jungle took the opportunity to invade the north, even breaking through the walls of Nagarond and breaking into the inner city.

The Black Guards still remember the tragic battle under the Black Tower.

The driven Druzi rebels turned into a mountain of death, and only tens of thousands of battle-hardened warriors could stop a mere few thousand rainforest natives.

It's passed.

The rebels on the island of Ulthuan failed to destroy the true king's crowd, and the chaos in the north did not destroy the true elves. How could thousands of jungle natives overthrow the empire standing in the sea of ​​blood and corpses?

The Witch King will return. Before the true king returns to the throne, the Black Guards will hold on until the end. Only the annihilation of the entire army can end the blood feud that has been fermenting for thousands of years.

Malekis's Vanguard coldly supervises the military formation, and any Druchi who wavers will be executed by them without hesitation.

The purpose of Druzi's existence is to serve as the Blades of the Witch King. They were born to support Aenarion's son back to the Phoenix Throne.

Their ancestors were soldiers of Phoenix King Aenarion, and all Druchi should not forget the shame of five thousand years ago.

The armies of Nagarond were deployed, and the dragon banners of Aenarion fluttered in the sea breeze, bringing fear and despair to Druchi's enemies as they had in the past.

The Eagle Ship of the Kingdom of Etain carries the Triton, and the stars protect the main dragon ship in the center.

The sea guards of Lothern certainly remember the battle flag of Naggarond, they just said hello more than ten years ago.

This Black Guard team, known as the Frontmaster of Malekith, massacred thousands of Etain elves!

Every Triton's heart felt like there was a sharp stone blocked, and he could feel the pain just by breathing.

Their relatives are among the nearly ten thousand elves.

The sea monster that attacked the Eagle Ship was killed by a ballista. The mage accompanying the army tried to summon the magic wind, but was dismissed by the sorceress of Nagarond.

The war has returned to its most primitive form. Evenly matched spell confrontation means that no spellcaster can successfully cast a spell.

The enraged Triton repelled waves of rising sea monsters. The silver chariot of Ismaila was ready, and the remnants of the Tyranlok Kingdom also had the courage to fight to the death.

Even if the commander of Tyran Lok Kingdom has been killed.

The deformed chaotic beasts failed to stop the Asur fleet. Druzi's black-sharp crossbows and Triton's longbows fired arrows at each other. The same neat shield formation blocked the precise arrows.

The Duruchi shield with the black dragon painted on it and the Triton shield with the sea dragon beast embroidered on it are both filled with dense arrows.

Druchi's ballistae shot through several shield-wielding Tritons, and Azul's Talon ballistae was also not to be outdone, returning the favor to the Dreadspearmen.

The harpy and the giant eagle wanted to take off, but they were all shot down by the omnipresent turbulence in the sky.

The swift Eagle Ship quickly approached the Black Ark. As soon as the ship docked, the Dread Spearmen began to advance with their shields and spears.

Prince Tyrion looked slightly pale, he had just recovered.

But this did not prevent him from leading the team to break through Drucci's first line of defense.

The cry of killing never stopped, and the successive Nagarond soldiers put the Assur landing battle into an unprecedented dilemma.

The black soldiers and the silver soldiers fell to the ground, and the bodies wrapped in black gold and Ismaila silver were nestled together regardless of you and me.

The sharp edge of the Sun Flame Sword can cut through the enemy's formation, but it cannot destroy the determination of the Black Guards to defeat the enemy.

From time to time, elven nobles died from hidden arrows, and from time to time, a Tyranrok chariot desperately crashed into the cold lizard chariot driven by the Druchi slave master.

The brave contemporary people shed all their blood, adding a bit of blood to the ancient hatred again.

The green light of dimensional lightning replaced the blazing white arc, casting a slightly colder look on the battlefield.

The Dread Spearman pierced the rebel's body with a grin, but before his death, the sea guard endured the severe pain and stubbornly grabbed the spear that pierced him. Another sea guard took the opportunity to pierce the enemy's chest with a spear.

Insignificant deaths have been intertwined for a long time, and God bless the remaining living creatures on the Tower of Evil that there are no cowards.

Tonight is the night when warriors die.

All Druchi's vanguard troops were killed in the battle, and the black guards responsible for supervising the battle also died under the Yang Yan Sword.

The dragon banner of Aenarion still flutters deep in the Naggarond formation, and the Black Guard stands ready, as if the Witch King himself has visited the battlefield.

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