Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 214 Eye of Zongqi (twenty-four)

The lizard man took the opportunity to pierce Heliburn's body several times with his scepter, but Kane's blessing prevented her from being affected by the injuries at all.

The continuous heavy blows woke up the crazy Bride Kane. Heliben reluctantly took the sword and took the opportunity to decisively withdraw.

In the north, the black and silver tides collided again, and countless passing by played the music of death.

The riders of Druzi and Asul fell to the ground one after another, and the broken spear heads were mixed with the corpses of their mounts and knights.

The rich silver becomes sparse, and with every step forward a war horse loses its owner.

At the end of the song, the silver-helmeted knights of Asuryan's Fire threw down their broken lances, took out their spare spears, and were ready to charge again.

Continuous charges only existed in the fantasy of knights in the old world. Now this legendary Black Ark has witnessed the end of a cavalry regiment that is the most skilled among all the heroes.

The last flag-bearer waved the flaming phoenix battle flag, and the non-stop roaring of horse hoofs still echoed in Asul's ears, but only a few twenty horses were assembled.

The elf nobles looked back blankly, only to see the endless cold lizard fear knights who had also assembled.

Along the charging route they came from, on the corpses of the silver-helmeted knights and elven horses, the flag-bearer saw the resolute charge of the deceased like a vision.

For the Holy Fire of Asuryan! For Ulthuan! Elion, charge!

The flag officer roared and issued the final order, and the twenty-three silver-helmeted knights flexibly turned around the corner, with the phoenix battle flag floating on the spearhead of the cavalry formation as always.

There is no fear or hesitation on the faces of the riders wrapped in Ishemara silver. This is the fate of the cavalry. They have already made arrangements for their funeral before going to the battlefield.

Amid the wanton laughter of the fear lord, and under the indifferent gazes of the cold lizard fear knights, the vast black and sparse silver collided again.

The silver was wiped out in the black tide, and the flaming phoenix war flag slowly fell, stained with the blood and dust on the ground, and never reborn from the ashes.

One after another, the cold lizards stepped over the battle flag and led the riders to complete the charge to defeat the enemy.

The tyrant Hagrid Grave was about to control the cold lizard Maleficent and turned around to pick up Asul's battle flag as a glorious trophy, but the fleeing executioner army broke his thoughts.

The Cainites were defeated!

Yris's mistwalker army and the lizard men mixed in the military formation drove away the fleeers. The nobles of Caledor, carrying broken dragon armor, followed the charge unwilling to lag behind.

The Spears of the Witch King lined up and charged towards the deserters and enemies.

A Druchi who escapes from the battlefield cannot be considered a Druchi.

But the seemingly invincible cavalry formation encountered an insurmountable enemy. The blood marks on Lynch's body had just healed, but excessive blood loss could not stop him.

The cold-blooded champion, who was half trapped in his native instinct, did not pursue the witch Helibon. Itain's reinforcements did not arrive for a long time, but Druzi's backup came in waves.

If they delay any longer, they will lose the chance to win.

[Renovation successful]

[Current potential development degree: 130]

[Current affixes: rapid regeneration, composite scale armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility, until death, predator, fire resistance, magic resistance, swift as wind, resistance to impact, aquatic Clan, hunting perception, psychic immunity, corrosive breath, primitive wildness]

Suffering from weakness, Lynch evolved a high-density body. Just like the new affix, he can now be called an apex predator.

The cold-blooded champion's galloping caused cracks to appear on the ground. He was like a running dragon, his majestic power interpreting the mystery of the ancient saint's creation.

The charging Lynch made it impossible for any friendly forces to catch up. He was just a lizard man, but he made an astonishing noise that was far greater than the galloping of thousands of horses. Even the bloodthirsty cold lizard hesitated in this terrifying momentum.

In terms of strength alone, Lynch already has the confidence to compete with the dragon.

Unspeakable weakness squeezed Lynch's heart. When he was far enough away from friendly forces, Lynch decisively gave up his reason and completely embraced his native instinct.

There was too much loss, and he was about to run out of gas.

The cold lizard who was the first to collide with the lizard-man was torn in half as soon as they met. Under the stunned gaze of the rider who fell to the ground, the lizard-man ate half of the cold lizard's body at an alarming speed. The cold lizard's black gold armor was destroyed by the toy. They were torn off as well, and the screams of the evil beast stopped abruptly.

The encounter of their companions made the nearby cold lizards aware of their ecological niche and awakened their wild nature.

They surrounded a mere lizard man like they were facing a tyrannosaurus, and refused to continue charging no matter how much Drucci urged.

The central army of Witch King's Spear came to a complete standstill, and the cold lizards roared and conveyed the hunting message to their companions.

These violent beasts who dared to fight against the Tyrannosaurus ignored the orders of the elves, and Druchi's mighty charge almost collapsed. The Dread Lord hiding on the right wing of the military formation did not hesitate to lead the cold lizards who could still obey orders to escape.

It turns out those damn trainers didn't do anything to tame these mounts.

Malus Blackblade swore to Kane that he would kill all the trainers responsible for taming the cold lizards and let those idiots have close contact with his creations.

The cold lizard abandoned the elves on his body. If it weren't for the smell of medicine on the elves, they would have killed the previous riders first.

The riders heard the evacuation horn being blown, but the warriors left behind by the Cold Lizard had no time to evacuate.

The flag bearer anchored the battlefield with the black dragon flag, and they formed a battle formation on their own, preparing to fight Asul to the end.

A loud noise like the impact of a meteorite shook the land. The lizard men surrounded by the cold lizards slammed the ground with their staffs. All the cold lizards that were closer had their legs broken by the impact.

The strength of Druchi's medicine faded away in the sound of impact.

The two armies about to engage in battle stopped advancing. Under the disbelieving eyes of the elves, the cold-blooded champion, who seemed about to bleed out and die, burst out with terrifying power that he had never seen before.

The cold lizards that kept pounced on the lizard men turned into corpses in the blink of an eye. The cold-blooded champion was like a gluttonous beast with a bottomless stomach, raging and eating among the cold lizards like a massacre.

The clumsy minds of the cold lizards gradually came to their senses. Thousands of cold lizards fled away. Some of the cold lizards were frightened by the lizard-men and cowered on the ground to show their submission to the cold-blooded species.

This evil beast that was once considered impossible to tame has chosen an alternative leader through the connection between the cold-blooded species.

At first, it was just an elf noble murmuring. Soon, more Asur praised the champion's power, and finally all the Asur shouted loudly.

The Ancient Sage's Army Front!

Druchi hurriedly muttered to himself in awe and fear.

The unkillable monster!

Druchi fled, and the warriors who woke up from the poison knew clearly that this was not a terror that mortals could resist.

The Asurs mustered their last breath and launched a decisive charge.

The Black Dragon Banner was captured by the excited Asur, announcing Druchi's defeat.

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