Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 221 Eye of Zongqi (31)

The corpse of the dead monster mutated under Lynch's gaze. The Seadramon merged with several giant sea snakes and turned into an octopus-like monster.

Before Lynch could finish it off again, the ferocious monster suddenly surfaced and exploded one deep-sea torpedo after another. The earth-shattering explosion turned the ocean upside down.

Many sides of the battle were affected, but the most affected were the Skaven.

The explosion caused the entire seawater to rise several meters, and the violent ups and downs overturned most of the Skaven's dangerous ships. The powerful fleet built by the Skryre clan at the cost of a large amount of warpstone turned into rotten wood in the blink of an eye.

The sea water weakened the power of the explosion, and Lynch felt no other damage except for the tiny fragments caught by his eyelids.

This is below the Skaven fleet, and Assur's fleet has not yet reached here.

The sudden change completely reversed the battle situation between Asur and the Skaven. While the Skaven fleet made up for the lost time, Asur successfully advanced ten miles.

The battle flags of the nations of Ulthuan intertwined and floated above the dragon and eagle ships.

The remaining soldiers raised the battle flags that had lost their owners one after another, and the thundering drums broke the oppressive night.

The ramming angle of the dragon ship broke open the fusion monster's torso, and the crossbows fired endlessly at the densely packed Skaven warships at the end of the sight.

The sea guards of Etain and the sentries of Iris were waiting on the deck of the eagle ship. On the forefront of the eagle ship, Thoros, who was bleeding profusely, stayed away from Assur, quietly waiting for the fate of every warrior. .

Unlike the high elves with busy thoughts, the lizard people have nothing else in their cold minds. They only need to execute orders and kill their enemies to the best of their ability.

The priest of Isa carefully approached the area occupied by the cold-blooded species and provided simple treatment to the wounded with broken limbs.

The wounds inflicted by the Chaos Warriors on the Saurus Man were big enough to fit a dagger into, but these tenacious creatures continued to fulfill their duties as if they were oblivious.

The rest was short-lived. The scarers issued orders one after another, and more than two thousand Thoros were neatly divided into dozens of teams.

The leader of the battle group led the surviving brothers, followed the veterans, jumped into the water again, and headed for the destination conveyed by the leader through telepathy.

They are going to launch a feint attack, and of course, the feint attack can also turn into a decisive beheading.

Regardless of whether it is the champion or them, as long as they can get close to the main ship of the Skaven, they can all make meritorious deeds.

In front of the Asul fleet, to the left of the boundless rat fleet, green lights swept across the ocean, and explosions came one after another.

The Ratmen's massive counterattack gave Asur the illusion. Many elves believed that there was an extra legion participating in the war and was attacking the Ratmen's left wing.

But in fact it was just a lizard man.

On the Broken Floating Island northwest of the Burial Ship Cemetery, Master of Death Snitch suddenly received the order from the Night Lord.

The leader of the assassins in the shadow gave up coordinating with the Druzi assassins. Targeting Asul's hidden shooter, it continuously dodged dozens of arrows shot at the same moment and stayed away from the conflict.

Snitch did not rush to the battlefield of the ratmen in the southeast. Without looking back, he hid in the waves and headed towards the old world with the help of Alchemist Essien's magic paper man.

The warpstone weapon given to the Grin clan by the Skryre clan is about to suffer an accident.

The engineering warlocks cleverly used defective products to deceive the Grin clan. Due to the lack of quality, the weapons self-destructed during transportation.

The Stormvermin Legion of the Grinning Clan receives weapons and will find traces of the Plague Priests of the Plague Clan.

The gray-clothed lord of the Grinning Clan, Krach Doomclaw, has reason to believe that the Plague Clan is premeditating to provoke another civil war.

This is the will of the Night Lord, and it is about to become a reality.

Abandoned Rat Demon City, Thirteenth Council Hall.

Snik, the Night Lord, was the first to call out Womenjin, the Pack Lord of the Corrupt Clan.

There is no doubt that the accident that occurred in the frontline fleet was caused by Womenkin.

With the recognition of the Lord of Dark Night, other Kings of Decay also started to add insult to injury.

The Corrupt Clan must make concessions and provide a limited number of biochemical monsters to all major clans unconditionally.

Womenjin was forced to agree to the demands of other large clans.

The Plague Lord of the Plague Clan prayed harder for the plague, while Neglic only cared about the blessings that would come to the Horned Rat after the victory.

Whether it is the Skry clan that benefits or the Corrupt clan that benefits, it has nothing to do with the Plague clan.

As long as the Gray Prophet clan can be pulled down from the altar and the Plague Priest can also obtain formal divine power, it will be fine.

Except for Lord Gray Seer himself, no King of Decay would like Lord Gray Seer.

Lynch took advantage of the Rat Man's timid characteristics to rise up from time to time and create great momentum.

Just by pushing the sea water at will, he can make the rat men panic and start fighting.

The lizard-men are like monsters in the deep sea, devouring several undefended warships from time to time, adding fuel to the rat-men's fire of fear.

The poison of the warpstone was unable to deal with Lin Qi's extraordinary physique, and the powerful blast was weakened by layers of sea water.

The lizard man swam smoothly to the center of the Skaven fleet. At the same time, the entire Skaven expedition fleet became commotion.

On the right wing of the fleet, Thoreau swam from the deep sea a thousand meters below to the center of the rat-man fleet.

Asur's fierce attack from the front left the Skaven fleet, which was retreating steadily, no time to pay attention to the shadows under the sea, but it still took corresponding precautions.

In order to prevent accidents from happening again, the Skaven did not deploy too many torpedoes, but instead they were filled with an army of monsters from the Corrupt Clan.

Corals and rocks on the seafloor have undergone mutations, and hundreds of meters of inorganic matter have been twisted into living creatures by the mutant pioneers.

The monster rose slowly and slowly, trying to force Thoreaus to gain altitude.

However, Zong Qi's descendants have always been famous for being good at underwater combat. The weight of the sea water did not affect the flexibility and strength of the lizard people. On the contrary, being in the water made them more ferocious.

Groups of Thoros ignored the omnipresent poison of the warpstone and used war clubs to smash the rocks filled with flesh and blood.

The powerful swing of the activated coral was too slow, and Thoros easily dodged it.

Perhaps to ordinary creatures, these monsters are an out-and-out threat, but to the sons of Zongqi, they are just immovable dolls.

As the mutant monsters died one after another, the fleet on the sea gradually paid attention to another group of enemies underwater.

The monsters composed of sharks and rat-men were driven into the water by the mutant pioneers. Tens of thousands of sea monsters with shark bodies and rat tails and a pair of sharp claws followed the smell of blood and surrounded the Thoros. .

A part of the porbeagles swam to the left wing of the Skaven fleet and pounced on Lynch desperately.

These mutants have long been cut off from fear and reason, they are just weapons.

Hey, no, why do you think I can be a eunuch? I was so happy when I wrote it!

After leaving the hospital, I will make up for a lot of what I owed before.

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