The post-war reorganization ended quickly, and the guests were moved to the center of the fleet. Caledor, Yris, Charis, and the commanders of the Kingdom of Itain all came to greet the visitors.

Except for the prince of Charis Kingdom, Lynch has met the other three, and they were on the same battlefield not long ago.

All the great mages of the Kingdom of Sulfui died in the battle, and the leading elf princess had long since died. The surviving mages had a low status and did not share the same room with the princes as representatives.

Teclis became the representative of the White Tower Council, but he seemed to have no interest in the meeting between princes and quickly left the hall.

Lynch did not want to participate in the palace politics of Assur. Fortunately, none of the existing rulers were troublemakers. They were all champions and commanders leading the front line.

There were no disharmonious words. Except for the prince of Caledor, the representatives of various countries paid tribute and recognition to Lynch. The princes appropriately listed the honors they had gained. There was no conflict or entanglement about interests. At least. In Lynch's opinion, so.

Of course, Lynch couldn't see the hidden competition between the princes. They would not put it out in the open, but every kingdom believed that it was the most important role in the battle.

Imric couldn't stand the arrogance of other princes. If Caledor hadn't involved the vampires for dozens of days and fought off the Sun Eaters several times, the Assur army would have been defeated long ago.

The White Lion of Charis only stated the endless and terrifying offensives of the Skaven fleet, and the valor of the Charis fleet in defense.

Eltharion of Yris is a little silent, but he does not want the blood of the warriors to be shed in vain. The Mist Walker Legion must be at the forefront in the triumphal ceremony of return.

Tyrion, who was nominally in charge of the entire army, was immersed in the joy of reuniting with his brother after a long separation. He suppressed his emotions and did not show his former directness in front of the guests.

The prince of Nagaryth has not returned yet, perhaps the Shadow King has already left without saying goodbye.

The importance of the Shadow Warriors is self-evident. Without them, Assur could not organize a counterattack during the assassination of Druchi and Skaven, and could only retreat to Ulthuan.

He came to seek revenge but was accidentally involved in a storm in the center of the ocean. This was an action beyond Asul's plan.

Therefore, if we return to Ulthuan, the civilians of Ulthuan will not understand the generals on the front line, and failure is inexcusable.

After smelling the discordant emotions, Lynch followed Tigris' example and left the meeting room directly.

He could vaguely see what the elves were fighting for.

War is a game of chess, and victory is won by all the chess pieces, not by an individual. The role of pawns cannot be ignored just because of the beauty of the chariot.

Lynch doesn't like the tense post-war atmosphere. The power of chaos is the enemy of mortals. Everything else is just an add-on. One should not compete for the present with a shallow vision.

Everything was getting better after the war. Star Dragon was out of danger and the servant of Eugen Mor also woke up from his coma.

The oracle saw the beautiful Priestess Isa at first sight, and then noticed the sticky blood on her body.

Looking at the silent healer, the groggy Eugen thought that he was about to die. He turned his head sadly to look for his companions, preparing to express his last thoughts.

Little did he know that it was the servant of Isha, the goddess of life, mourning the deceased.

Sorian couldn't stand Asur's subtle discrimination, and was grabbed by the unconscious human when passing by Eugen.

The lizard man in the distance admired the dwarf's directness at this time. The pretentious human was spat on, and only in shame and anger did he realize that he was safe.

Archmage Teclis looked in the direction of Ulthuan silently, as if he had learned some new news.

Lynch's shadow completely blocked Teclis's sunlight. As soon as the tall lizard approached, the supreme instructor of the Imperial Academy of Magic conveyed a subtle message.

The Phoenix King wants to see you. Lothern's magic transmission is more timely than ever. I thought it would take several months for the Phoenix King's mage to cast a spell each time.

Teclis chuckled incomprehensibly and continued with a sigh:

It seems that the ministers of the Phoenix Court attach great importance to this victory. If the nobles need it, the messenger's spell skills will become less lame.

The mage who took off his armor turned slightly sideways and looked at Lynch.

If the cold-blooded species can appear in the Phoenix King's Court and enter the palace as an envoy from a foreign country, the prestige of Phoenix King Navigator Fenuba will reach a new peak.

The Phoenix King's achievement lies in reuniting humans and dwarves, making the trade of Lothern Sea Gate prosperous again, and he will never let go of the opportunity to go further.

For thousands of years, the Royal Court of Assur has never had successful formal communication with the cold-blooded species.

The eldest son of the ancient saint is always mysterious, and the knowledge of the ancient saint mastered by the cold-blooded race is beyond the reach of elven scholars, and it is hard to find.

Mortals always yearn for mystery. Teclis admitted that he was also a vulgar mortal with a greedy thirst for profound secrets, otherwise he would not have traveled the world.

But Lynch had better not meet the Phoenix King, this is uncontrollable.

He once thought that the Phoenix King was the ruler of Asul, but in just a few hundred years, he clearly understood that those ancient noble families were the main body of the Phoenix Court.

For example, the current Phoenix King, Fenuba, was supported by the Emerald Sea Palace.

Obviously, the intrigues among the nobles will not agree on something, and no matter what, there will always be disagreements.

If there is a slight mistake, the relationship that Teclis has worked so hard to cultivate will end in a battle between nobles!

More than a hundred years ago, Teclis, who was away from his father for the first time, also longed for the prosperity of Lothern and praised the wise rule of the Phoenix King.

There lay the Phoenix Court, with its glorious sea gates of Lothern, its majestic lighthouse, countless soldiers, and the palace of his late mother's family.

There is also the old house of the Tigris family there. It is not too prominent, but it has been glorious.

Of course, now the deserted old house is bustling again. After Teclis and Tyrion achieved their achievements, all the relatives everywhere came forward overnight.

Now, the Archmage would rather stay in the library of the White Tower of Hoth than receive condolences from relatives and friends in Lothern every day.

The Archmage is unwilling to interfere with the Ancient One's thoughts. If the Lizard Man really wants to go to the royal court that is not friendly to foreigners, he will do his best.

Lin Qi smelled the mage's worries, but didn't understand why he was worried.

The lizard man responded coldly.

The Phoenix King is your king, not the ruler of the temple city. I will not see him until the Lord of the Sun City issues an order.

Go to Lord Mazdamudi and ask for permission if Assur can make it to Hethiotar alive.

Is Lynch the king of elves who can see him whenever he wants? He should take care of his own Ulthuan first!

Outside of the grand plan, there is no law that can control the cold-blooded kind. Lynch does not have to stay in Ulthuan. At worst, he can take the soldiers to Albion Island to rest.

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