Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 243 There is war on the Eastern Front

Obion's coast is jagged, but the island's soil is fertile and flat.

Due to abundant rainfall on the island, the boundaries between forests and swamps are often not so clear. The further south you go, the deeper the water in the forests becomes, and the forests along the coast return to dryness abnormally.

The magical winds flowing from the north caused this result.

In times of peace, the Truespeakers were able to keep their homeland dry, but the war turned southern Albion into a swampy wasteland.

When outsiders set foot on the coast, pass through the seaside forests and cross the southern swamps, they can reach the endless northern plains.

The Oganwen Stonehenge is located at the junction of the swamp and the plain, in the center of Obion Island. The primeval forest surrounding the Stonehenge is the last barrier to cover the ancient magic circle.

The Imperial Expedition dropped nine more bodies as it passed through the southeastern coastal forests.

Because the Shadowbringers had a premonition of the arrival of the Truth Speaker's reinforcements, they used the skills of the Truth Speaker to mislead the stars in advance, misinterpret the bad fortune of divination, and set up an ambush in the swamp.

Of course, this was just an ambush against Bretonnian visitors. No one expected that the Imperials would break through the violent Sea of ​​Claws.

Nor does the astrology reveal this future.

After the Holy Grail Knights passed through, when the remaining Shadowbringers were preparing to cooperate with their companions in the north to encircle them, the Imperials foolishly crashed into the land of war.

Dai Lan, the Truth Speaker who led the way, was turned into pus by the Shadow Messenger. Kessler, the Great Singer, avenged the Truth Speaker and burned the Shadow Messengers to ashes with the flames of Sigma.

Twenty-one Black Griffin knights defeated the serpentine monsters and crocodiles in the swamp.

Giant worms emerged from the soil and killed the last nine Imperial soldiers, leaving the twenty-one Inner Circle Knights, the main force of the expedition, intact.

Although they are both human beings, there are obvious differences between warriors.

The Holy Grail Knights of Bretonnia are inhuman beings blessed by God, while the Imperial Knights are more of humans who have broken their limits.

All champions who have entered the core of the Knights and become inner-ring knights are the elites of the old world.

Perhaps the imperial knights rarely receive divine favor, but even without the help of the gods, the knights of the inner ring can tame the fierce griffins with their otherworldly will.

But even if they can slay dragons, use skills and equipment, and fight with vampire lords back and forth, they are still just humans.

Possessing sacred weapons that can severely damage the enemy cannot change the tragic innate disadvantages of human beings.

Dragons and demons can make many mistakes, but humans can only make one mistake.

Nok. Imperial Blade and other inner ring knights did not bring their gryphon companions. If they failed to react in time during the encounter, the magic armor would not prevent mortals from suffocating to death in the monster's stomach.

The unexpected battle woke up the Imperial people. The situation in Obien was no longer optimistic. Almost the entire Obien people had fallen, and there were traces of evil in the south.

The sun sets and darkness falls.

The battle priest, wearing steel armor with a wide neck and a high collar, stroked the miniature sacred words on his head. The sacred words lit up one after another, making the great chanter's bare head look like the sun in the darkness.

As the light drove away the falling night, Kessler placed his warhammer on his chest, his left hand at eye level, outlining the gesture of a twin-tailed comet.

Believers call for the divine power of Sigmar, and their fanatical spirit echoes the great being.

The weapons of the warriors were dyed with sanctity, and their armor also lit up with a faint brilliance.

The wet knights recited the Twelve Prayers of Righteousness in awe. The blazing heat that descended here evaporated the dampness mixed with blood and water on the warriors' bodies.

The obsidian gryphon amulets hanging on the chests of the knights are awakened by divine power, and the power of obsidian will protect the knights from the dangers of magic.

Only the most devout believers can summon the power of Sigmar. The founder of the empire is the enemy of Chaos. Only the unwavering and determined opponents of Chaos can get help from Sigmar.

The holiness summoned by the great chanter seemed to awaken another divine force.

In front of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, on the northwest side, at the junction of the forest and the swamp, the soul-stirring sacred fire rose into the sky, just like the departed sunset returning to the dark place.

After losing his companions, The Great One Henry relied on his personal bravery and divine blessing to restrain evil forces, like a furious dragon, killing through the densely packed living corpses.

There are also differences among the Holy Grail knights, and Henry is the most outstanding knight.

The legend that he banished the Great Demon is still circulating in the Principality of Carcassonne, and this is just one of the legends it has created over the past four hundred years.

Whether it is the terrifying mad whispering beast or the powerful dragon, all of them have died under Henry's sword. He is the monster butcher and the evil enemy of the Chaos Demon.

The blessing of courage enabled Henry to wrestle with giant beasts, and the abundant divine power made the hero's sword a sure-kill sword against demons.

Weak living corpses came in waves, consuming the god-given power of the Immortal Holy Grail.

Without the power of the Holy Sword, how could Henry be considered a formidable opponent to a demon whose strength and dexterity were far superior to those of mortals?

A knight with only a shield is no longer a threat.

The body of the legendary Holy Grail Knight is burning with the flames of judgment of sin, and his eyes overflow with dazzling light. The shadow messengers who control the living corpses will have their eyes scorched by the divine power just by looking at him.

Henry's burly body pushed away the muddy water and walked unyieldingly towards the middle of Obien.

The holy power makes the knight faster than the wind, and even dense enemies cannot slow him down.

According to the last words of the True Speaker, the target he wants to protect is there, and he will go all out to protect the holy land of Obien, because he swore to the True Speaker before his death.

All undead spirits that come close to him will spontaneously burn to ashes within ten meters of the knight.

The demonic magic of the Shadowbringers cannot harm the stalwarts in the Holy Glory. The swamp monsters created by the demonic believers with the help of the knowledge of the Truth Speaker were killed by Henry in a single encounter.

Fear of divine power seized the shadowbringer's heart, but no warlock retreated.

To die by divine power, and to consume as much of the Grail Knight's divine power as possible, was the order of the great master of the Shadowbringers.

Bretonnians are as stupid as ever, willing to go all out for vain glory and pride.

The Lord of Darkness has countless soldiers, and the Holy Grail Knight's blind killing and eager advancement cannot affect the overall situation at all.

This place is hundreds of miles away from the Stonehenge of Oghamwen. If nothing else happens, the companions of the Shadow Messenger have now captured the Stonehenge.

The army began the general attack at noon, and there were only more than 300 apprentices left among the Truth Speakers stationed at Stonehenge.

The sixteen Obiun giants next to Stonehenge cannot pose a threat to the Shadowbringers, and the more than 5,000 primitive tribesmen warriors are not a force worthy of attention.

After Stonehenge is destroyed and the Lord of Darkness resurrects, what will happen even if the Holy Grail Knights kill Ogwen Stonehenge?

The more than 43,000 living corpses along the road could exhaust the power of the Holy Sword even if they could not kill even a mere human.

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