Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 256 A meeting between wind and cloud

Egil's increasingly violent gaze almost made the prophet lose the ability to speak, and he had to make haste to make amends for his linguistic mistakes.

Of course, that's why I'm here, Khorne has sent down His gift.

You will find a wife in Bretonnia who can bear a baby boy. In the name of Khorne! The children of Chaos will be baptized in blood and fire!

Almost at the moment when the sound fell, the excited Khorne champion almost chopped off the wizard's head. Fortunately, the prophet had predicted it, and the battle ax only hit the empty snow, and the fierce blow made the snow-capped mountains appear on one side. an avalanche.

In the blink of an eye, a blind old man in gray clothes appeared in the northern wasteland. The heat of the two flame axes scorched his already sparse hair, and he hurried towards the depths of the wasteland without caring.

The thunderous roar echoed in the depths of the Shadow Continent, and the earth responded. Huge gaps opened in the sky, and the manic hurricane was the laughter of the Almighty.

The lava flowed on the ground, and the prophet respectfully crossed the obstacles, followed the echoes, and rushed to the brass altar.

The magma was filled with unscorched bones, and even these dead people seemed to be calling out a certain name.



Hundreds of thousands of Chaos Warriors blocked the way of the Prophet. Countless Chosen Ones were like devils in the nightmares of all mortal nations. They surrounded the brass altar and roared the name of their leader feverishly, as if calling for victory. .

The endless fighting in the Shadow Continent was interrupted for a moment by a champion. The defeated three gods did not take the opportunity to send out a new legion because their most elite champion had been defeated by the Blood God's choice.


The Invincible!

The undefeated Abair!

Nearly a million demon warriors witnessed this sacred moment. The evil moon was dragged to the sky by the powerful one. The bloody moonlight heralded endless war and bloodshed.

The chosen champion of Khorne was born, another invincible champion who had survived thousands of years of suffering. This was a servant that would make the Blood God proud.

The bloody battle that lasted for thousands of years proved Abair's ability. The heads of the Demon Prince of Tzeentch were piled high on the left side of the brass altar. The eight Demon Princes who were bound in the skull throne begged the Blood God for mercy in fear.

Magic is a foreign object after all, and Abair's behavior is the best statement.

In response, Khorne granted him the power to defy magic.

On the right side of the altar, the corpse mountain of the Great Unclean One has decayed. The corpse of the Nurgle Demon has been burned by the flames. The laughter of the Mighty One comes from behind the star gate. The Blood God bestows Abair with an immortal body. As a reward.

The remains of the Great Daemon of Slaanesh were stacked in the middle of the altar, the final sacrifice for these fools who had desecrated the battle.

Khorne had achieved a brief victory in the Great Game, which Abair had fought countless battles to win.

In the Chaos Demon Realm, in the Brass Fortress, Khorne stood up from the Skull Throne, grabbed a long-defeated incompetent among the bloodthirsty demons, turned him into a huge flesh and blood hound, and threw it at the Yellow King outside the Star Gate. The bronze altar serves as the mount for the divinely chosen champion.

Khorne's best-ever Chosen Champion will never tire, but if he dares to flee without a fight and make Khorne lose face, he will be directly blessed and transformed into an ignorant Chaos Spawn.

The mighty man's laughter dissipated in the biting cold wind, and the prophet dared to approach the brass altar again.

The white crow flew by, and the prophet appeared directly in front of Abair.

The flattering human being tremblingly addressed the champion:

Undefeated Abair! You are the destined champion.

There are no more opponents for you in the Shadow Continent, and the powerful enemies in the Chaos Demon Realm are too elusive and difficult to find.

Go to Norsca! Your enemies are there!

The cold-blooded ancient saint champion and the blood god's undead hunter rush to the ice field together, where the next supreme magic swordsman of the high elves will also undergo the final trial.

They are exactly the powerful enemies you are looking for!

The prophet finished speaking hastily, and disappeared with the help of the white crow, regardless of whether Abair responded or not.

Haglot, the messenger of war, the calamity of all nations!

The powerful destroyer of the eight realms, the blood god's will dyes Xie Yue with blood, and he is calling for war!

The turmoil in the southern countries continues, and the terror brought by the Eternal God's Chosen to the countries has not yet dissipated. Now is the best time!

Mighty champion, go south! Before it's too late.

The Eternal Defenders of the Old Ones are on the hunt, and the Immortal Skull Reavers are approaching Norsca.

Go south, use the heads of southerners to build a skull base, please the glorious blood god, and then return to the northern peninsula to regain hegemony after upgrading!

On the Norsca Peninsula, after another bloody battle between the Chaos Lords, the prophet who returned again found the winner who united the tribes.

Continuing to allow the Chaos Lords to quarrel in the Norsca Peninsula is definitely not in favor of the Prophet.

The Hell Summit Mountain Range is far away from the southern countries, and just marching there would take a month.

If the fight continues, a more powerful unifier will be born, but the son of the Ancient Sage, who is getting closer, will not let the way of promotion be carried out smoothly.

In order to prevent all previous efforts from being wasted, the prophet could only come in a hurry to warn the Chaos Lord that he was a wise commander and would choose the right path.

Kislev, Zoshenk Fortress.

Levich. The defender patrolled the stone wall. From time to time, soldiers greeted Boyer, and Levich responded one by one.

His family ruled Zoshenk Fortress three hundred years ago. Unlike the southern nobles, the Levitsch family tree is full of bloody succession records, allowing every successor to intuitively feel the terror of the Norscans. .

His father died in the last Chaos invasion, and his grandfather died in the Norse tribe's southward raid.

Ugor riders warned of another invasion, and Levich was ready to defend Kislev.

But he doesn't have many soldiers left.

In Boyer's memory, Zoshenk should only have more than 300 warriors left.

In order to prevent omissions, Boyer found Andre, the official who counted the population. Levitch knew that Andre was corrupt, but Boyer had no better choice. At least Andre could give approximate data.

After walking down the stone wall, Boyer returned to the center of the fortress, to the stone house on the side of Boyer's mansion.

Civilians still use wood as building materials. Even Levich does not live in a stone house. He uses all the stones to strengthen the city walls.

Andre was like a shark that smelled blood. Before Levitch even knocked on the door, he took the initiative to greet him.

No nonsense, Boyer doesn’t like to be tactful:

I want to know how many soldiers Zoshank still has.

More than three thousand, my great Boyer, there are three thousand warriors ready to take up arms if you need them.

Boyer stared at Andre with his sharp blue eyes, making the latter a little embarrassed.

It is impossible to have 3,000 soldiers who can go to the battlefield. Zoshenk now only has a permanent population of more than 5,000.

I want you to find a warrior, right now.

Andre hurriedly turned his head and looked around, and immediately caught a passing young man.

He was just a young child, probably not yet an adult.

Boyer clenched his fists and, as directly as before, knocked Andre to the ground.

You are committing murder! Sending people without training to the battlefield is murder! Even at the last moment I will not mobilize them and let them die in vain!

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