
Lynch gave the order to attack, and Nakai had already rushed towards the zombie like a wild horse.

While Lynch was urging Stubborn to drive the Thornbacks towards the zombie army, the Wanderer had already killed the undead and was still charging deeper.

It seems that this warrior is ready to rush directly to the battlefield ahead.

Lin Qi led the lizards into a formation and slowly approached the remaining zombies.

The Skinks drove the Thornbacks away, causing the ten frightened beasts to rush towards the group of zombies.

The charge of death smashed the zombies blocking the way, and what was even more dangerous were the spikes that the Thornback beast shot out wildly.

Before the beast died, a clearing had been cleared in front of Lynch, and completely dead souls were piled up in the shallow swamp.

There were still hundreds of zombies untouched by the rain of arrows, and they were greeted by the wild charge of ancient triceratops and monitor lizards.

The skink on the back of the triceratops threw a spear, and Louis idly grasped the thorns on the back of the giant beast.

When Lin Qi rushed into the room of the dead, only the zombie commander was left with hundreds of zombies resisting, but they were helpless against the raging Triceratops.

Lin Qi dodged the halberd stabbed by the corpse demon, and Kotago's scepter hit the corpse demon hard, causing it to disappear in a burst of wailing.

The lizard men began to kill efficiently, and Lynch was at the forefront as always.

The dwarf slayer failed to encounter the enemy, and the conflict was over before they arrived on the battlefield.

But in an instant, there was no more undead in sight, and Luo Menghu let out a long roar like a fake tiger.

The skinks cheered and shouted Lynch's name to celebrate this crushing victory.

But the battle was not over. Lynch ordered the soldiers to continue advancing.

Beyond was muddy land, with bones scattered here and there beneath tall ferns.

Lin Qi crawled forward, and another army of dead people appeared in front of Lin Qi.

These seemed to be cannon fodder that the opposing commander had hurriedly mobilized to block the enemy. Lynch just unfolded the light of Kotago and cleared them away.

Before Lynch could move forward again, a group of sirens appeared screaming.

Amidst the magical noise, many skink lizards briefly fell into coma. After Lynch easily eliminated these undead, they slowly woke up.

The Skinks are buoyed by the successive victories, although this should be just the appetizer.

Black shadows passed around, and dozens of vampire pirates with frightened faces chanted spells, arousing an army of undead.

Lynch ordered the skinks to gather on both sides of the Triceratops, with the lizard warriors guarding the outermost side. The sea lizards were placed behind the giant beast. The remaining monitor lizards were ordered to follow Lynch and charge with the Triceratops.

Lynch waved his scepter and smashed the incoming skeletons again and again during the charge.

The vampire seems to want to use the undead to drain the warriors' physical strength. Although Lynch is not afraid of this, other creatures are not God-givers who never tire.

Lynch roared angrily and asked the army to speed up the charge. The dwarf swung his short legs vigorously, trying to keep up with the suddenly accelerating battle formation. Fortunately, Romon saw that something was wrong and rolled them up.

Like a shark's fin cutting through the sea, or like a spear piercing the enemy's body.

Lynch only attacked but did not defend, allowing the vampires hiding among the undead to launch sneak attacks from time to time. The swift and cold-blooded man penetrated the wave of undead unstoppably.

The hoarse spell sound sounded again, they wanted to prepare a powerful killing spell, and even Lynch could feel the uneasy disturbance of the shadow.

The sound of the spell, which was completely different from that of a vampire, was captured by Lynch's keen hearing.

Several screams in succession indicate the failure of the spell. In the magic war, casting a spell first to induce the magic wind exposes one's disadvantage!

Lynch could hear the ethereal voice that was obviously that of a Skink, and there seemed to be a Skink Priest within a thousand meters.

The high-pitched cry of the pterosaur passed over Lynch's head, and in the shadow cast by the pterosaur, a wind suddenly rose in the jungle.

The gentle breeze turned into a terrifying storm as the last syllable of the Skink Priest fell.

A strong air flow blew towards the undead blocking the warriors, and all the skeletons within a few hundred meters were shattered by the strong wind!

Lynch took the opportunity to let the team cross the obstacle, but as the vampires reacted, a large number of undead stood up and blocked Lynch's way.

A group of giant bats flew from the sky, chasing the hovering pterosaur, but the pterosaur had a highly skilled rider.

The wyvern made a violent dive to shake off its foe, and Lynch caught sight of the brave Skink Priest.

It rode a pterosaur and slid past Lynch almost close to the ground.

The vampire who took the opportunity to attack the pterosaur was knocked away by Lynch. The giant lizard lost control in its rage and rushed directly towards the giant bat that was following the pterosaur in a dive.

When the vampire's whispering spells sounded again, the Skink Priest had already taken off on the pterosaur, relentlessly interfering with the vampire's spellcasting.

But the vampires were already on guard. In the sound of the caster's spell, Lynch suddenly discovered that the speed of all the undead had become ridiculous.

They were even faster than the Skaven when they fled!

A squinting skull appeared on the face of an undead person standing in front of Lynch. Lynch felt a sense of supernatural fear, but this mental deterrent failed to shake his will at all.

Before the undead wanted to attack Lynch with its sudden increase in speed, Lynch smashed it into pieces at a faster speed.

A vampire hiding behind a tree poked his head out, ready to release a powerful spell that had been prepared for a long time.

In the sound of the curse, the vicious sight turned into reality, and a green ray passed through the sea of ​​skeletons and shot towards Lin Qi.

Lynch narrowly escaped, but the giant lizard next to Lynch who was venting his primal rage was not so lucky.

Even with Kotago's light suppressing the power of the undead realm, this vicious sight directly caused the giant lizard's scales to fall off, and its flesh and blood to turn black and wither.

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck straight at the vampire who had exposed himself. The power of thunder and lightning scorched the tree trunks, leaving only ashes on the ground for the vampire.

The pterosaur swam among the tall branches, losing sight of more and more followers.

Countless razor-like fragments appeared around the Skink Priest, surrounding it like planets. The dire bats that rushed towards it were directly broken into pieces of rotten flesh by the blades.

The whispering incantation of the priest echoed in Lynch's ears. The leader of the skinks on the back of the Triceratops was not to be outdone. He shouted the name of Sotek and began to sacrifice rotten and smelly flesh and blood to Sotek. .

Perhaps the war attracted this bloodthirsty snake god. Snakes crawled out of invisible corners, and their supernatural venom could even turn bones into black ash.

But there are too few snakes gathered. This is the Vampire Coast, a place where the dead roam.

The vampire wanted to counter the priest's spell, and Lynch had already led the giant lizard towards the distracted undead.

Above the sky invisible to mortals, the light of the stars changed partially, which also affected the vampires casting spells on the ground, suppressing their control of spells.

Lynch knocked a dazed vampire to death, cleared away the undead around him, and was about to hunt down the next vampire who exposed himself, when he heard three short but powerful syllables coming from the sky.

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