Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 269 Co-Master of the Undead

Ostermark collar, the ragged Black Sword avoided Moore's temple, bypassed the priests of the gods, and ran towards Sylvania at a high speed.

At nightfall, this courageous warrior encountered an unexpected visitor.

The blood descendant of Carstein, who was also flying through the woods at night, stood like an owl on a leafy tree trunk, and came face to face with the blood descendant of Lahmia among the weeds on the ground.

The two vampires faced each other warily for a moment. Carstein, who was wearing a black dress with green trim, took off his gray top hat and said hello to his fellow vampires on the ground.

My dear kindred spirit, sir from far away, you don't look well.

The gentle male voice was strangely contained in the wind and did not spread too far. It seemed that Carstein was also afraid of the ubiquitous religious lunatics in the empire.

Although it did not show any discrimination, Ilya could feel the vague arrogance of the other party. In the past, he would have used his fists to teach this native how to respect him, but now he took it lightly.

Yes, I think you are from Sylvania. I am about to visit His Excellency Count Manfred von Carstein.

The vampire Kastein's body swayed slightly, as if he remembered something terrible. The air was silent for a long time. It wasn't until Ilya became alert again that it slowly spoke:

I advise you to give up this plan. We are all fleeing and escaping from Sylvania Territory.

Fear appeared on the handsome face of the blood descendant of Carstein, and Ilya's dead heartbeat seemed to sense some kind of suppression and started beating hard again.

He motioned for the vampire from the south to continue speaking, and the vampire was happy to do so. It needed to share the panic in its heart.

There is no longer Count Manfred von Carstein. The province of Sylvania is now ruled by Vlad von Carstein and the one who died at the hands of Sigmar. You should know what I am talking about, only it can awaken the dead ancestor.

The name Nagash appeared in Elijah's mind. The two blood descendants looked at each other without saying a word, both seeing each other's powerlessness and fear.

Lord Manfred is dead?

No, when that person returned to our world, the immortal Vlad also returned. Lord Manfred escaped more decisively than us.

Ilya was speechless for a moment, but everything made sense.

At the end of the vampire war launched by the ancestors, the ring that kept Vlad alive was mysteriously stolen. For hundreds of years, some people have suspected that Manfred stole the ring.

After all, Manfred is Vlad's most trusted heir, and only he can quietly steal the Carstein Blood Ring at a critical moment, causing the powerful ancestor to be defeated at the hands of the Empire.

Now its behavior confirms people's suspicions.

Vlad is back, the true king of Sylvania is back on earth, this is not good news.

The legendary Vampire King alone was enough to threaten the entire empire, not to mention that Nagash stood beside him.

Nagash is a more imminent threat than Chaos. Once Nagash is restored to its peak, the entire world will become a paradise for the undead.

Its purpose must be the black pyramid of Nehekhara. The tomb kings sleeping in the desert will become Nagash's most powerful obstacle, but its mere existence threatens the creatures of the old world. It must be Get rid of it as soon as possible.

Magnus the Pious must be told!

We have already done so. In fact, the Electors have now gathered in Altdorf, and the results will soon be known.

The empire is like the oak tree of time that has been hollowed out. The great Gorbad, it is now vulnerable!

You are deceiving the powerful Iron Claw! Boss, kill him!

In the bad land, the sturdy green-skinned warlord looked down at the old blind prophet fiercely and raised his battle axe.

Compared to a human of unknown origin, it certainly trusts a little thing that has shared joys and sorrows for six hundred years.

The old man hurriedly used the white crow to avoid the warlord's attack. He appeared out of thin air on a boulder, once again showing weakness to the greenskins and calming the orcs' frenzy.

When his godless eyes saw coward Fermat, he realized that this was a visitor from a foreign land. No wonder it had knowledge it shouldn't have.

The old man smiled softly and gave another message:

I have offended you, terrible Gorbad, and you have wise men by your side.

But it has not understood the empire for too long!

The Immortal Nagash has returned, and the master of Carstein has also returned to the world. Sylvania is the place of waves before the storm! The people of the Empire will fall into the shadow of despair brought by the Necronomicon! This is your chance!

After that, the white crow flew over the old man again and took away the demon messenger from afar.

Gorbad Ironclaw's wide eyes shrank into green beans. The bewildered warlord turned to look at the goblin, hoping to get some enlightenment in the general direction.

Its wisdom is all on the battlefield. It is right to leave this kind of thing to a coward. Fermat can always find a suitable opponent.

The goblin was stuck in a difficult decision. It seemed that he had to do something that went against his conscience, even though he didn't have much conscience left.

An empire without Sigmar is no match for Nagash, and they need help.

But the greenskins are never a force that can be controlled. Wherever the green tide passes, there is only destruction and death, as well as the greenskins competing for the spoils.

The Empire can't afford Gorbad's big waagh either!

The greenskins in the Dark Lands slaughtered the Chaos Dwarves under the leadership of another warlord, and nearly half of the greenskins in the Badlands belonged to Gorbad.

This is a force that can easily destroy a civilization.

The dwarf cities avoid fighting and dare not face each other, the rat men hide underground and dare not show their faces, and the Tomb Kings have millions of soldiers on the border, always alert to the troubles in the bad land.

The great waagh that destroys the world is enough to destroy the Great Necromancer who has not recovered his strength, but it will also bring irreparable disaster to the empire.

Now Fermat must make a choice. This place is several months away from Sylvania. If it is later, it may only see the empire overthrown by the undead.



Grimgor! Ironhide!


The boundless green skins appeared at the end of the horizon, and the earth-shattering roars and war cries shook the peace of the dark land. The most ruthless chaos dwarfs were shattered by the name called by the green skins.

The demon sorcerers started urgent sacrifices and mobilized the power of chaos to summon the demon army.

The tamed goblin slaves looked at their kin running towards them in the smoke with fear. If the warlord hadn't killed another group of rebels, they would have mutinied on the battlefield.

The hired ogre tribes foolishly rushed towards the green tide, and were instantly swallowed up by the steel torrent composed of black orc rebels.

A black orc war general covered with demonic steel armor knocked away the idiots blocking the way, killed all the surrounding living creatures with a human-destroying ax, and amidst the terrifying fear of the greenskins and chaos dwarves, he fought his way out of the real world. A hell.

This great black orc warlord is the living embodiment of Goge's brutal will!

After killing through the old world, it returned to its homeland.

This is good news enough to make the countries of the old world breathe a sigh of relief, and it is also a passing natural disaster that can wipe out the Chaos Dwarves.

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