Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 281 The Last Light (9)

The dense cracks swallowed up countless Chaos Warriors. Maybe they would not die in the earthquake, but being trapped in the abyss was no different from dying completely.

Lynch stepped on pieces of sinking Iceland, delaying as much time as possible. Just when he thought he was about to be buried, the next piece of land he stepped on during his leap suddenly stopped in mid-air and slowly moved upwards. Float away.

Large tracts of ice in the Troll Kingdom have disappeared, and perhaps half of the Troll Kingdom has been split into countless parts by spells.

The boiling chaotic storm reminded Lynch that this earthquake definitely came from a mage who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. Although the effect of the spell was enough to be recorded in history, Lynch couldn't wait to hack Teclis directly.

Perhaps just a hundred years would not be enough for Teclis to understand the connection between chaos and magic.

Chaos storms are terrifying, for even the most incompetent sorcerers can slay giants and shatter mountains with a single blow of their majestic energy.

But except for the demon's followers, almost all mortal mages resist this terrible power.

Few people dare to cast this kind of magic with the help of Chaos Storm. This is a magic that only appeared in the Cataclysm.

Ordinary wizards cannot mobilize magic power on such a scale. Mages who can do this often know the consequences of casting spells.

Slan, who was completely desperate at the time, rarely directly used spells that were obviously seriously destructive.

There is no doubt that the mage who releases this spell will be hostile to all order-side mages who sense the restlessness of chaos. He must give a reason why he has to do so.

The strong magical changes definitely affected the spiritual nodes in the north, the waystones laid out by Caledor Dragon Tamer, and the anti-chaos magic runes of the northern dwarves.

“Even if the Chaos Warlord is killed, if this large number of Chaos armies disperse, the roaming Chaos warriors will bring a heavy blow to the old world.

They are not demons and will not disappear just because the warlord disappears.

We all know the weakness of the young race and I had to cast this spell.

In the floating engine, Tigris calmly faced the cold gaze cast by the eyes of human Eugen and gave a reasonable explanation.

There is a certain demon toad who is paying attention to the strange movements in the north, and this demon toad is obviously not from Lustria.

Because the ancient magic toads in Lustria would not give Teclis a chance to explain. If the younger magic toads pay attention to the changes in the north, they may cast spells more aggressively than the archmage.

Those demon toads of the fourth and fifth generations who are not thoughtful enough care more about the influence of Chaos mortals on the mortal world than Teclis. If it were not for the supervision of the elder demon toads, they might have already begun to terrorize the cold-blooded order.

In fact, some ancient races often notice that cold-blooded legions appear out of thin air and fight fiercely with the Chaos legions around the world.

According to their habits, they are willing to use this price to wipe out the Chaos army, even if their previous efforts of thousands of years of guidance are wasted.

It's just that they use energy from the earth's veins, and Teclis is harnessing the chaos storm.

The Demon Toad, which was most likely from the Southland, obviously had a different way of thinking than his compatriots in Lustria. It was lost in thought for some reason, and Teclis even noticed the confusion in its sight.

It just gave a reminder and exited Eugen's body directly.

Here they come.

When Lin Qi jumped to the edge of the Broken Zone, he couldn't help but stop and scan the surroundings because of the chaos warriors.

How many Chaos Warriors are there?

Hundreds of thousands?

These Chaos Warriors will never all come from the Norsca Peninsula, only there may be millions of Chaos Warriors in the two polar wastelands.

They often exist in the form of a single legion, and it is difficult to have any reason for them to unite and return to civilized countries together.

Because the Blood God Khorne issued an order, the mighty Chaos army moved south on a large scale. After fighting for the leader in the northern mountains of Norsca, another major invasion began.

At least that's how it seems to those idiots.

After the spirit of change of Tzeentch returned to the Star Gate under the will of the Blood God, it appeared openly in front of the Chaos Warlords - sitting high on the stratus clouds and on the brass skull throne.

Who dares to question the true God with a dog's head and body?

Eternal Watch Thasorel once again set its sights on the Arctic wasteland. When it discovered that one after another Khorne legions were heading south as planned and gathering on the northern peninsula of Norsca, it knew that it had won the battle with The Children of Destiny The faint confrontation.

Although a small Chaos swarm moved south to Kislev in advance, everything went according to plan.

But now it's time to stop. We cannot allow all the tens of millions of Chaos Warriors in the north to return to civilized countries. Such an action will obviously affect the Great Game and will directly attract the attention of the Blood God Khorne.

Thasorel spread his will into the wind of magic and sent a message to his partners who did not know where they were.

But it didn't respond.

Uneasiness permeated Thasoreal's thoughts. Yes, the demon of Tzeentch had no permanent companion, especially for the most outstanding work of the God of Change - the changeling is always changing.

Thasorel glanced north again. This time, more and more Chaos legions heading south did not bring any joy to Thasorel. It only felt a bone-chilling chill.

As the All-Changing Demon Lord, it has never had such an experience.

Due to the transgressive act of the Tzeentch Demon, the Blood God will directly lower his will. This is a fact that will definitely happen.

On the Invisible Island, after the Mirror God figured out everything that happened in the north, he decisively made sacrifices to the Blood God with the help of believers.

When the bad-tempered god directly crushed the entire Tzeentch cult that was performing sacrifices into a blood mist, the Mirror God's purpose was simultaneously achieved.

Skull Snatcher Uzul struggled to lift the dust off his body, and was about to continue hunting, but suddenly he stopped trembling in a rock crevice filled with ice chips.

On the side of the auspicious moon in the sky, the Chaos Moon became increasingly clear, blocking the brilliance of the white moon for just a moment.

Blood reigned over the Evil Moon, its roar shaking the entire material world and echoing in the souls of all Khorne's daemons.

The rising tide of chaos reached its peak in an instant, and every demon could clearly sense that the door of chaos in the North Pole was open.

The star gate was opened?

The son of the ancient saint, who was located near the extreme north, instantly sensed this terrible fact. He was too close to the north.

Maybe the demon toads will soon follow and discover the disaster, but they can't do anything. Even if all the existing Slans shake the star gate with their will, they may not be able to close the out-of-control ancient saint ruins.

Lin Qi, who had just rushed into the chaos warriors and started another fight, paused for a moment. A touch of despair tried to grasp his heart, but fear did not get what he wanted.

This timing is wrong. It is impossible for the four gods to jointly open the star gate. The last eternal God Chosen has not yet been born.

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