Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 283 The Last Light (11)

In Erengrad, on the stone road leading to the Oster Territory, Yevski Boye, who was marching quickly with his bodyguards and fast horses, encountered an unexpected blocker at the border between Kislev and the Empire.

The weather in Erengrad was different from that in the north. The clear afternoon sun made Boye, who had not slept all night, feel unparalleled glare. He forgot that several good horses were killed on the road, and there was no need to remember it clearly now.

Boyer and the four hussars stopped on the road, facing a faint confrontation between the guard position and the farmer under the shadow of the cypress tree on the left side of the road ahead.

Yevsky recognized the farmer's temperament. There shouldn't be an overt smell of blood on the farmer's body. His skin was also unusually white. He was a secret policeman.

The secret police were not like this in the past. Since Katrin took over, everything has changed.

There used to be more than sixteen boyars on the border. It was these secret policemen with no fixed identities who reduced the number of boyars to what they are now.

The traders who were coming and going noticed the tense situation between the two sides, and these astute speculators speeded up and passed by. No one wanted to be involved in the muddy water.

The secret policeman tore off his dirty and old cloth and threw it in front of Boyer's horse with a bit of disgust. Yevsky did not pay attention to his offense. His eyes were fixed on the secret policeman who was only wearing civilian clothes. Yes, this warrior is not wearing armor!

They still have a chance, and the missing secret police can only be classified as accidental disappearance. No Boyer or minister will be willing to fight for the tsar's lackeys.

But before that, Yevsky hopes to solve the problem through communication:

Why are you blocking us?

You have lost allegiance to Her Majesty.

I have always been loyal to the Tsar and have never wavered. It would not be wise to slander a Boyer.

So where are you going now? The Empire?

I need to go to Wolfenburg to deal with some business issues. The caravan I sent to the empire was seized by those greedy imperial people. After the matter is resolved, I will invite you to celebrate together.

Yevsky vaguely proposed a bribe, but the secret policeman seemed to have no interest in money. Instead, he looked at Boyer with an abnormal appetite.

Stop making excuses, Boyer. You are committing treason. You want to collude with the empire to overthrow the Tsar's rule. I have arrested five traitors in the past month, and you will be the sixth.

Anger made the beard on Yevsky's mouth tremble slightly. Boyer took the lead in drawing his sword and rushed towards the secret police on horseback. The four winged cavalry also drew their swords and followed Boyer.

The secret policeman just stood there, but he did not look like a frightened coward. Yevsky saw contempt in the secret policeman's facial expression.

The bad premonition had just filled Boyer's mind when a sword light that reached the extreme ended Boyer's thoughts.

It was not a human being. Yevsky only realized before he died that it was impossible for a human being to kill the charging horse with one sword and still have the power to cut off the rider's head.

The hussars' roars of shock and anger mixed with screams floated away. Boyer's head rolled to the ground and stared angrily, finally losing his hearing.

Katrin the Holder! Ersun will curse you! You betrayed Kislev! You

Beltaboye's shrill screams echoed under the dusk in Kislev, and finally stopped abruptly.

Prince Berta, who was standing high on the city wall, buttoned his ears. All those who spread rumors were dead, and Boyer was no exception.

The moment he heard Berta's call for help, Prince Berta understood that this was a boy who was leaning toward the Eastern States and was using rumors to deceive the south into dividing its troops.

Another army of Chaos is coming to Kislev? Don't be ridiculous, why don't the secret police in the north report such a major incident?

The one hundred and thirty-seventh vampire.

Haglot War Envoy patrolled the stations, looking at the heads presented by his subordinates with suspicion. These war groups that plundered first brought back many vampire heads, and almost every war group could bring back more than a dozen.

When the Order of Khorne from the south arrived at the Chaos Army station and brought eight carriages of vampire heads, the champion lord of Khorne couldn't help but push his men away and carefully observed the snow in the station.

He must have come to the right place, this is Kislev, not Sylvania.

The leader of the Order of Khorne was in awe of the majesty of the Chaos Lord Champion. Under the gaze of dozens of other Chaos Lords, the underground ruler of Kislev rarely experienced the emotion of fear.

He took off his robe, revealing his strong, scarred muscles under the cold wind. The nearly disfigured man took courage and loudly reported the results of the cult to the Chaos Lord Champion.

Great Archangel! Destroyer of Eight Cities! Doom of Realms! Our warriors discovered these blood-sucking cowards as they marched north! They are vulnerable to the mighty champion of Khorne!

No coward escaped, and all the vampires who fled in fear of your majesty were beheaded by the champions of the cult! Our soldiers killed all the cowards!

As a blood descendant of the Lahmia family, Angelina has not experienced the emotion of despair for a long time.

It was once the underground ruler of the Western States' borders, the dagger of the Tsar hidden in the shadows, the master of the secret police who terrorized the nobles.

But when groups of Chaos Warriors poured into the borderlands, all this lost meaning.

Angelina had no chance to report to the Tsar that the border lords had colluded with the Daha sect in this disobedient act, and it could no longer protect itself.

Even if she hides in the secret cellar of the village granary, Angelina does not feel safe at all.

It wished that it was still a human being and could hide in Milkavala and receive the blessing of Fire God Daha.

No wonder those Boyers had desperately sent their subjects into the fortress where the Daha Temple was located.

When the traders who were coming and going suddenly transformed into cruel Khorne believers, the vampires who had nowhere to hide realized that it was not a few Norscan tribes that invaded Kislev, but an army that could defeat all the cultists in Kislev. The responding Chaos army.

What's the use of knowing all this now?

It can use its keen hearing to hear the dense footsteps of the followers of Khorne on the ground. These lackeys of Chaos can accept most of the loot of the Chaos army, because the Chaos Warriors only need to kill, and the legendary Chaos Lord Hagrolot only needs to kill. High skull base.

When they empty the granary, will anyone be attentive and discover the entrance to the secret room?

Angelina didn't want to know that it had the confidence to deal with a single champion warrior, but it didn't have the courage to fight against a swarm of chaos warriors. Even the oldest vampire wouldn't want to fight hundreds of the Chosen Ones alone.

Are there any more warriors going to the north to challenge those two champions?

We must take Mirkavala as quickly as possible and then move south.

Maybe we can get around Mirkavala.

No way! The Southerners hid in there, and I didn't chop off anyone's head!

Isn't there an army of Southerners escaping outside?

They're McTeer's trophies, just a few thousand Yankees.

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