Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 286 The Last Light (14)

He is trapped!

Even if he is being chased by the Khorne champions in turn, the Eternal Watch has a reason to be happy.

The only problem now is how to escape the encirclement and return to Kislev at the right time to pick up the last loot?

Skarr Bloodfury is not an easy enemy to deal with, he is immortal.

If there was only this reckless man, Thasorel would not be so nervous, but there was more than one reckless man chasing it. When a group of fools gathered, no matter how smart they were, they would have to flee.

The Blood God's murderous messenger often appears in Thasorel's dreams, which is a precursor to his imminent arrival.

The roar of the Supreme Bloodthirsty Angras has always lingered in the ears of the All-Changing Demon King. Once Thasorel escapes to the Chaos Demonic Realm, he will surely receive a direct blow from the opponent and send him directly into the soul furnace.

Even the exiled Skarbrand is looking for traces of the Eternal Watch. It alone can send Thasorel back to Isil. What's more, The Incarnation of Destruction Kabanha is also in the Chaos Demon Realm. The pursuit of Thasorel between the world and the mortal world made the All-Changing Demon King dare not even mobilize the wind of magic casually.

If nothing else goes wrong, the half-demon who was given the title of Skull Reaver by Khorne will come later and directly focus on its traces.

The change spirit caused a big mess. It must have done something particularly extraordinary to make the Blood God so angry that he summoned so many champions to hunt down the culprit.

But all that was done by the spirit of change, Thasorel just said a few words.

Will the Blood God believe its excuse?

“It’s not that we don’t believe in you, Astra, I respect you because we are all warriors guarding the border.

But you should know about the haunting of the Northern States, where the legendary pit of hell lies.

Big Boyer of Slughof Fortress swallowed his saliva and spoke with difficulty about the dilemma they faced.

Those rats have become restless recently. The dwarves in the Norsca Mountains have also severed contact with Kislev in the past twenty years. My warriors have been frequently attacked by ratmen recently. Just yesterday, my staff We are still debating whether to ask for help from other fortresses, but I’m sorry that you came at the wrong time.”

They're coming! Boyer, the rat-men are coming!

The messenger's shout caused the entire fortress to wake up before the sun. Big Boye cast an apologetic look at Astra and left in a hurry.

Only Astra was left in the meeting room, and the warm oven could not warm Boyer's heart.

He stood up from the blackened wooden seat numbly, numbly walked out of the door, followed the hurried soldiers, and arrived at the watchtower of the fortress.

The first ray of light at dawn illuminates the gray and black covering the snowfield. The gray and black carpet is stretching towards the Slughof Fortress in the south. The stench is carried by the cold wind to every human nose. Wait until the rat tide approaches. At that time, the first thing that hit the soldiers was their appearance.

They are not like the ratmen in other places. Almost all of these ratmen have extra organs. Some ratmen have mouths with fangs on their tails. Some ratmen have no heads. They have two extra hands, palms. There is a big eyeball on each.

Deformed ratmen abound, and it is difficult to find two identical ratmen among the rats.

The low cry of the Chaos Mammoth came from the west. Astra's heart tightened, and she turned her sight to the west, ignoring the imminent rat tide.

The Chaos Lord, standing tall on the mammoth, broke Astra's last chance.

Livich Boyer is dead? Are all the border boyers dead?

It's impossible for Levich to escape before the battle. They failed to stop the Chaos army?

The densely packed demon halberds and battle axes reflected an evil halo in the sunlight, blooming with a terrifying fierceness.

The thick demon plate armor was marked with blasphemous symbols, and almost every warrior carried a human head. The only thing that made Astra relax was that he did not see any familiar faces after the Chaos Legion approached.

When the heads hung by the Chaos Warriors spontaneously ignited in the sunlight, Boyer realized that these heads belonged to a group of vampires who had suffered a disaster.

Maybe it was an army that got around the block.

The disappearance of the trophies caused the Chaos warriors to scream cruelly and angrily, and the Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God alerted all the defenders in the fortress.

Despair silenced the entire fortress. The steel-clad city gate of the fortress might not be able to stop the Chosen One, let alone the opponent possessing a mammoth giant.

The creature twisted by chaos only needs to crash into the fortress to collapse the fortress that protects mortals.

Abair didn't know how many heads he had harvested. There seemed to be an endless number of rat men. Even if he fought from the ground to the ground, he could not kill the swarm of rats that were escaping in a hurry.

These rat men were on the run, and they were moving in two directions, making it impossible for the Chosen Champion to determine his position.

Maybe he had reached the north of the Norsca Mountains, it didn't matter, as long as there was something for him to kill.

Vaguely, the God-chosen champion heard the Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God coming from afar. The excitement of killing made Abair almost crazy. He loudly responded to the distant call and continued to kill in a direction away from the war cry.

There is no doubt that the enemy will not flee towards the location of the Khorne warriors, but in the opposite direction to their lair.

When another war cry of Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God came from the north, the tide of rats stretching towards Slughof Fortress began to disperse strangely.

The thunderous roar frightened the timid mortals in the fortress into a fight, and also made the Chaos Lord on the mammoth hesitate slightly.

Nearly every champion in the wasteland is familiar with this resounding voice, which belongs to the Blood God's Champion Master.

Skull Sacrifice Seat!

Before shouting a war cry, the Chaos Warriors rushed into the rat tide and chopped off heads one by one.

The Chaos Lord hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to answer the call of the God's Chosen Champion and fight towards the north.

The strange scene made the fortress even more silent. The soldiers watched the Chaos Legion push the rat tide back to the north without even daring to breathe.

It wasn't until all the enemies disappeared in the wind and snow that some soldiers gasped violently as if they were waking up from a dream.

what happened?

Impossible! How did the Chaos thing find the pit of hell?

Why is there suddenly an army of Chaos targeting the pit of hell?

Yes, those slaves led the way!

Those idiots encountered the Chaos Legion and took it back to the pits of hell!

Where have they been?

Just left the settlement of human stuff.

Send in an army! We are not easy to bully!

There are few perfect targets for killing than Skaven, but unfortunately they are too weak.

If there were not only infinite numbers of them, but powerful warriors as well, then all the Chaos Lords would be happy to visit the Skaven lairs.

Abair was tired of the massacre without resistance, but fortunately, new changes soon occurred in the rat pack.

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