Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 291 The Last Light (Nineteen)

For Esun!

Levich shouted the same slogans as he had twenty years before, and just like his father, the soldiers responded.

For Esun!

For Kislev!

Boyer raised his sword high, and the top of the sword, which had witnessed hundreds of years of border wars, was entangled with hundreds of looks.

All warriors are waiting for the Chaos Legion to enter the best charging distance.

Levich paid close attention to the Chaos Warriors who started to charge, and roughly predicted the distance that the opponent would reach next. At a certain moment, perhaps when the sun in the sky was the strongest, the sword fell from the sight of each warrior. It disappeared, it fell.

Boyer patted his horse and moved forward slowly. Groups of hussars followed closely behind the leader. The hussars further behind also received exact orders to keep up with their companions in front.

The war horse walked forward like a walk. Levich put his sword back into the scabbard and took out the cavalry horn. He did not have a flag officer, so he had to blow the charge horn himself. Fortunately, he was the best at this.

The rapid music gave each wing cavalry a new instruction. The horses dispersed during the charge, changing from a wall formation to a cone formation.

The Chaos Warriors will not be defeated by the mighty momentum of the hordes of cavalry. They can only kill the enemy as much as possible, without a second chance.

When the war horse changed from a canter to a trot, Levich hung the charge to the left and took off the steel spear on the right.

One by one, the winged cavalry neatly aimed their spear tips at the enemy. The horses ran faster and faster, and the sound of horse hooves vibrated on the grassland. The turbulent air current washed away the specially made feathers, making the feathers brittle like pine needles shaking. ring.

Like leaves cheering in the wind, the feathers on the backs of the hussars trembled frequently. As the speed of the horses reached its peak, they cheered hoarsely.

But this deadly sound that can make ordinary enemies tremble in fear only makes the Chaos Warriors more eager to fight.

The Chaos Lord on the steel bull was led to the enemy first by the violent Khorne Demon. The Chaos Champion faced the spearhead of the Winged Cavalry Legion and slammed into it.

Levi's pupils dilated slightly, looking at the unstoppable extraordinary existence. He raised his spear in vain and tried his best to thrust out.

But the Chaos Lord's spear was faster than him. Before Levi could react, he was pierced through the abdomen by the spear and flew into the sky.

The mortal war horse was killed on the spot by the impact of the steel bull demon. No matter how thick the armor was, it could not protect it.

The steel bull of Khorne pushed the body of the war horse deeper, but there was nothing behind the lined up hussars.

The Chaos Lord carried the spear-impaled mortal and kept slapping the demon, trying to get it to turn and charge towards other enemies.

Levich endured the severe pain in his abdominal cavity and looked north in mid-air.

The other winged cavalry did not encounter terrible disasters, just like the thousands of knights in his memory. Even the death of the leader could not shake the will of the winged cavalry to continue fighting.

What was different from what I remembered was that when the spears in the wings struck in front of the Chaos Warriors, these Chaos Warriors were actually shaken by the Winged Cavalry. At least they took a few steps back, and many Chaos Warriors were even knocked down. He never got up again.

Not only were they smaller than what Levi remembered, they were also much weaker.

But this did not change the outcome of the Winged Cavalry. There were too many Chaos Warriors. After knocking away the enemies in the front row, the horses that lost power were knocked down by battle axes and halberds. The warriors on horseback also died from random axes. under.

A huge force was transmitted along the spear to Levich. He swung the spear for a moment and was thrown into the snow-covered grass.

The last scene Levi saw before losing consciousness was the steel bull rushing towards the fallen warriors who were struggling to hold on in front of the Chaos Warriors.

At night, before Tigris had reached an agreement with the inexplicably delighted old human man, Lynch had already continued heading south.

The first person to bump into Lynch was a Chaos Legion resting on the spot. Among them, there were few God's Chosen Ones who were larger than the Chaos Warriors, and more of them were Chaos Warriors.

Only the leader of the Chaos Lord was a threat to Lynch. At least he had the ability to break the lizard man's scales and knock the lizard man into a puddle of flesh. But the premise was that he could meet Lynch.

With a rune sword, even a peasant can threaten the big devil, but no one will regard a peasant as a threat.

A dusty man with short hair and a peasant appearance, wearing a dirty old sweater, approached the grassland where the Chaos Legion and the Winged Cavalry were fighting during the day.

Even compared to the Kislevites, it seemed too tall. It was as tall as the Norscans or the Nehekhara people who perished thousands of years ago.

Its cold eyes searched among the corpses, and it didn't take long for it to find its target.

Almost teleporting, the peasant instantly approached the body lying alone in the snow not far from the slope.

A pale majestic figure stood in front of Levi's body. On its solemn face, which had not changed for thousands of years, the thin lips were no longer tense, revealing two sharp teeth.

Levich woke up slowly, and the first thing he felt was an inexplicable urge to thirst for blood.

An uneasy premonition spread in his heart. When he stood up from the night and saw the battlefield with corpses everywhere, the rich smell of blood made him feel a strange sweetness.

The empty brain gradually woke up, but his body was faster than his mind. When Levich completely regained his mind, he had sucked the blood of the dead horse and was walking towards the next target.

He stopped abruptly, pain and regret filled the heart of the undead, and he seemed to be running away from the sweet human blood.

Strong emotions filled Levi's mind. Before he went crazy, he suddenly saw the traces left by the Chaos Legion on the ground.

Levich took out the sword passed down from generation to generation, and followed the dense footprints towards the Chaos Legion.

When Lynch pounced on the Chaos Legion on the edge of the Troll Kingdom, the first person to greet him was a group of Chaos Warriors who volunteered.

They soon turned into wreckage flying into the air. Heads covered with helmets, flattened shoulders, and hands still holding weapons flew up in the air and scattered on the ice.

Blood spreads from north to south, spreading killing wantonly.

The manic death is slowly approaching the Chaos Lord. In the Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God, the successive Chaos Warriors are enough to give the Chaos Lord time to escape, but the Chaos Lord of Khorne will only face the enemy head-on.

They are the most powerful enemy-breakers among the Chaos Lords, but they face the Army-breakers who won from the disastrous grand battlefield of Lustria.

The Blood God created them to serve as weapons, as weapons against the ancient races, and now he has fulfilled his mission.

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