The frozen soil of the grassland was broken by the brute force that Lynch had thrown before, and the powdery snow flakes accumulated on the soft grass. Even if Lynch stopped knocking, the ground never stopped shaking.

It's still afraid.

The fear on the ground does not come from the lizard man who looks like a stubborn stone.

Densely dense rodents gnawed at its foundation, shaking its stability and causing it pain far beyond brute force.

The grassland seemed to have turned into a desert, and the hard soil sloped down in pieces, falling like quicksand.

It was as if the earth had opened a huge mouth, and hundreds of meters with Lynch as the center were swallowed into the ground. Amidst the splashing snowflakes and flying grass, a roar in ancient languages ​​carried a more extreme feeling than winter snow. The coldness opened the prelude to the massacre.

Blood Sacrifice Sotek!

The falling ground suddenly erupted with terrifying vibrations, and the ugly creatures that surged up suddenly turned into falling corpses.

Lynch was falling, falling with the death of the Rat Pack.

The densely packed abominations died in the phantom-like attacks. The air waves brought up by the scepter were like sharp blades, brushing past the fragile creatures that died from the shock, pushing their tiny bodies deeper.

To Lynch, the Skaven were merely numerous and insane, with no other advantages.

Unless this is a larger clan with over 100 million members, Lynch is confident that it will be emptied within a week if the Skaven dare to fight to the end.


Run away!

The bodies falling like a flood reminded each Skaven, and the drops of blood filled the gaps between the bodies like falling snow.

The deformed corpses, as dense as bubbles, extinguished all courage.

Have they ever seen such a doomsday scene?

The slave rat, who was about to be squeezed in by his companions, panicked for a moment and kept scratching at the rat man beneath him, trying to escape back to the safety of the tunnel.

The rats on the top were biting their companions like crazy, while the rats below were also frantically drilling deeper.

But in the face of the rat tide, the resistance of hundreds of slave rats is nothing more than a mantis.

The rising tide of rats is like a fountain that cannot be shut off, and the Skaven are the liquid that makes up the flow.

The chaotic commotion failed to stir up any waves. They let out their miserable cries before death in vain, but the rats deeper inside could not hear their warning at all.

Wet blood poured on them, and a harsh roar sounded at the end of the sea of ​​corpses. The rat-men at the top instantly lost their life in the roar, as if the horned rat sounded the death knell of doom for them.

It was as if the falling mountain had been pushed hard by the gods, and the mountain of corpses fell faster.

With an increasingly thick blood mist, it began a wrestling match with a swarm of rats that kept rising. The outcome was already destined.

The corpses with broken bones fell on the living rat men. The softness that usually made them feel endless appetite now only brought them death-like fear.

A heat wave spread to the rats along the falling blood. Then, another roar sounded, and the mountain of corpses blocking the rat man's sight instantly collapsed into a ball of blood. A radiant creature passed through the sea of ​​blood and fell into the sea of ​​blood. Among rats.

The roar louder than the death knell was the last sound heard by the slave rats. The deep pit dug by the rats was slightly expanded by the agitated power. From time to time, soil rolled down from above, falling into the abyss together with the dense fragments in the blood mist.

One after another, the slave rats were pushed to death in despair, and their squeaking screams were lost in the roar of the doomsday bell.

The rat tide breaks out at the first touch.

The huge rat tide failed to change anything. More and more rat men woke up from the rich blood and returned almost madly along the original path.

Bad Tooth Reese was pushed and shoved to the back of the slave rats by other clan rats. This was a dangerous position. Once the slave rats collapsed, the War Supervisor closest to them would be the first to bear the defection blow of the large group of slave rats. .

The slave rat group should not collapse. Their huge number can wipe out everything. In the best case, Reese does not even have to face the enemy. He only needs to pretend to wave the bone sword and drive away the rat group with intimidation and inducement.

But the faint smell of blood wafting from above brought bad news to Reese.

It doesn't see many humans. Even if all the enemies die, it can't create a bloody smell that can extend from the ground to the depths of the underground.

Earthquake-like sounds came continuously from above, shaking Reese's fragile mind again and again.

When it discovered that the swarms of slave rats were like water from a broken embankment, no longer going up the slope, but running in the opposite direction with red eyes, despair instantly dominated all of Reese.

Those weak and incompetent guys in the past have gone crazy. They have disobeyed the orders of the superior ratmen. It is not strange for such slave rats to eat clan rats.

They will be violently suppressed, and all clans will send troops to calm the rioters, using their blood to scare other Skaven who did not participate in the riot.

But I'm afraid Reese won't live until then. After he dies, it won't matter what tragic ending these slave rats encounter.

There was no retreat, because there was no space behind him, and Reese could only be pushed by the general trend to meet the enemy.

It wields the bone sword as before, but no slave rat is afraid of it. These crazy Skaven have something more afraid of. They would rather face the superior existence that they did not dare to resist in the past.

Reese screamed and swung his bone sword, killing the slave rat who turned around and fought back, but death failed to awaken the slave rat's obedience, and there was only hysterical madness in the dense red eyes.

The clan rats killed all the slave rats that fled in front of them in one encounter, but the number of slave rats was endless.

After the tiny Reese chopped down several slave rats in succession, he was swallowed up by the swarm of rats and turned into a skeleton covered with tooth marks in the blink of an eye.

Successive clan rats and fleeing slave rats were fighting in the deep underground. When they found that the riot was unstoppable, clan rats joined the fleeing queue. They waved their weapons at their former companions and fought for an escape route for themselves.

The rat tide completely dissipated, but the true core of the rat clan has not yet collapsed.

The leader of the clan had guessed everything when the first clan rat escaped from the tunnel leading to the surface and crashed into the storm rat's halberd array.

Every warlord is a rat-man among rat-men, a winner who is cunning, despicable, and strong beyond ordinary rat-men.

They are also gradually promoted from the lower-level ratmen.

The warlord blew the bone whistle, and the Storm Rats neatly moved out of the way, allowing groups of escapees to move deeper into the tunnel.

The sticky sliding sound caused the hair of every rat-man to explode. The screams of clan rats came from the depths of the tunnel. The intensive chewing sounds followed the sliding sound, swallowing up the fleeing rats.

A monster that could fill half of the underground tunnel appeared in the horrified eyes of the Storm Rat.

It's like a maggot magnified countless times.

Thousands of fanged mouths formed its head, and the slimy monster swam up the tunnel, devouring all the fleeing ratmen.

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