By the time each berserker crashed into the herd with fine steel wrapped around his body, this local conflict that was almost a farce was almost coming to an end.

The Warhorn Beast used its brutal double axes to kill nine butchers in succession, but no matter how powerful the beast was, it could not challenge hundreds of warriors in turn.

Hagrid and another giant butcher successively fought in front of the beastman champion and blocked the beast's edge.

It is indeed a majestic creature. Its height is almost the same as that of a house, making dwarves face it like humans facing giants.

Its ferocious horns seemed to knock over the dome of Dulong City, but compared to the majesty of the dwarf city-state, it was only a slightly larger calf.

The chaotic mutation made its head, neither human nor beast, look extremely ugly. Its mouth grew diagonally on its face, and from time to time, sticky, yellowish saliva flowed out from its large, deformed mouth that stretched diagonally across its entire face.

It seems that every beastman champion looks strange, and Hagrid is not strange at all. He has killed many strange things.

The Butcher jumped suddenly when he was about to get close to the War Horned Beast. He raised his battle ax high and struck hard at the War Horned Beast, almost as if he was about to die.

This is not a wise strategy. A dwarf with no focus in mid-air is just a target.

His purpose is indeed to die. If the war horned beast is willing to accept his final victory, another giant butcher or any butcher who is charging can take the opportunity to kill it.

To Hagrid's relief, this beastman had the same fury as the Chaos Warriors. It did not dodge. Maybe it was here that Hagrid could get his wish.

Things always do not obey the wishes of mortals. Maybe the engineers in the inner city are following the past practice of bombarding the occupied areas of the outer city with artillery fire, or maybe the engineers are assisting the death squads in their counterattack.

The continuous shells dragged the tail of the fire and fell hard around the blacksmith neighborhood.

Scattered explosions followed.

The roar of the western troll was silenced by the explosion, and the big horned beast that had not yet been killed almost fled.

The shell did not fall in the area where the butcher was, but the warhorn beast was distracted by the blast. This made Hagrid, who was using his life as a bait, become a hero. He chopped down the distracted beastman with a single axe.

The dwarf knocked down the warhorn, pulled out the battle ax stuck in its head, and cursed angrily.

Eggless two-legged bull!

Seeing that the leader of the herd died in battle, the big horned beasts no longer resisted and fled in all directions.

Perhaps they would evolve into several warbeast herds of only a dozen or so horned beasts, if they could survive.

The furious dwarf failed to catch up with the deserter. In just a few breaths, the beastman disappeared.

The indignant butcher and his companions continued northward. The furnaces on Blacksmith Street had long been overturned, and the sound of the craftsmen striking iron was replaced by the sound of kicking in the gunfire.

A kicking sound?

Hagrid held his breath and tried to listen to the noise in the outer city.

It wasn't a butcher or a berserker who was calming his breathing. The dwarf couldn't make such a loud and long breathing sound.

Sounds like some kind of giant thing.

But the ruins of the outer city couldn't hide the giant beast at all.

The dwarves noticed abnormalities one after another, and another group of big horned beasts came from the north. But when the dwarves were preparing to meet the enemy, they suddenly retreated.

Like a herd of deer frightened by a tiger, the hooved man's hasty appearance aggravated the dwarves' uneasiness.

A thick, murmur-like sound in the darkness directly detonated all abnormalities.

The four anti-chaos rune stones that had not been destroyed outside Dulong City disintegrated at the same moment. The light blue halo was dominated by darkness in the blink of an eye, and the light disappeared, just like the hope of the dwarf clan to persevere.

The Chaos warriors holding torches and wandering around the city fell into deathly silence, like puppets on strings. After a short period of silence, the demon armor in the firelight seemed to have aged for thousands of years, completely covering the inside of the plate armor. The rotting flesh was exposed to the air, and the fishy smell spread throughout the city in an instant.

The period of dormancy is fifty years.


That disgusting, sticky tone, as if a stick was stirring dung juice, came from the ruins of Blacksmith Street.

A rhinoceros-like horn pierced the darkness of the ruins on the left. A huge, bloated, fat demon had a body made of pustules and scars stitched together under the horn.

It sat on a ridiculous palanquin made of rusty iron, spikes and tentacles. Strange Nurglings emerged from the palanquin. They silently served the recorders of the Plague Father. So quiet that it doesn't look like a Nurgling.

Nurgle Scribe Epidimius did not pay attention to the dwarf not far away. It was concentrating on recording another extra plague on the paper.

Every time he writes down the words, laborious breathing sounds from the paper, like the moans of a patient, perhaps the sick words are wailing.

It repeats a word in a low voice from time to time to organize its thoughts when recording.

The twenty-four Nurglings are always paying attention to the Blight Liquidator on the plague sedan, actively handing it papers, playing with the death skull abacus, and excreting the ink that records the plague.

They always maintained a solemn silence, because their master did not like to be disturbed. There were countless plagues that Epidimius wanted to record, and his records might be retrieved by his loving father at any time.

It not only records the name of the plague, but also records the casualties and infection rates when the plague breaks out, as well as the external manifestations of the plague.

Its unpredictable destination can only be determined when a new plague is born, because it is one of the seven plague inspectors of the God of All Things.

Clearly, in this century of rising power, Grandfather God is busier than ever.

For the Mountain Kingdom!

No dwarf knew why the enemy broke through the anti-chaos rune blockade and descended directly into Dulong City.

They didn't have a chance to explore.

When the devil comes, there is no other choice but to fight to the death.

The dwarf's roar made the demon on the sedan react, and it glanced sideways at the dwarves in annoyance.

The sudden weakness froze Hagrid's blood, and his swift charge slowed down, as if there were countless bugs swimming in his blood vessels. The severe pain and itching that spread throughout his body made the dwarf, who had never complained about pain, He let out a weak and desperate moan.

Khazukan Khazakit Ha!

The berserkers were like dying fish swimming against the tide, approaching the devil step by step with bulging veins.

They tried their best to throw their bucklers at the demon, but their weakness turned their powerful counterattack into a feeble struggle.

Steel shields landed next to the demon's sedan, without letting it even take a second look.

It simply withdrew its gaze and continued writing.

In the face of disease, a warrior wearing armor and a butcher without armor are equal.

The thick armor failed to protect them. The berserkers who could block the tunnel alone in the past were the first to hold on. They were helplessly crushed by the heavy armor. No matter how hard they tried, they could not get up again.

This is not a glorious death.

The grief he felt drove Hagrid to insist on getting closer to the devil, but in such a state, how could he have a chance to fight?

Even if he got close to the demon, he didn't have the strength to swing the battle ax!

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