The northern half of the giant mountain range has turned into a deformed living creature. The snow is wriggling like maggots, and the white juice in the sky has a small mouth, singing to the grandfather god before falling to the ground.

The ice turned into cuticle, and the snow became a nightmare of festering flesh.

The mist exuding a suffocating smell blocked Calado's sight, and even Noel could not clearly see the mysterious figure swimming in the mist.

The fog became thicker and thicker, turning into a rich yellow like dung water.

The anger cooled in the dwarf's heart, and his grief and anger were replaced by an involuntary feeling of nausea.

Just smelling a stench coming from a distance can make them dizzy. What if they step into the fog?

The sound of retching echoed around Karador, the elf had vomited, this was normal.

When he found that the elf was swaying and seemed to be unable to hold on, he suppressed his anger and desire for revenge, roughly grabbed the elf's hand, and took Noel back to the south.

This is not an area they can get involved in.

The mist maliciously sent by the wind of decay from time to time makes the dwarf's legs and feet weak, and the elf who lacks resistance is directly dizzy. If he does not evacuate in time, I am afraid that this unlucky guy will die directly on this distorted ice field.

Kalado directly grabbed the elf's arm and dragged him towards the south, ignoring the blisters in the mutated snowfield as the elf slid.

At this time, he no longer had too much to worry about. He couldn't hold the elves, let alone take Noel out unscathed like he served his ancestors.

He could hardly hold it any longer.

A huge, strange sound, as if the mountain was stretching, came from behind. Calado couldn't restrain his curiosity and glanced back while fleeing.

Between the fog on the ground and the yellow clouds in the sky, mountains stood up.

If other dwarves heard Kaladur's thoughts, they would think him a deranged madman.

But Shan did stand up.

The cliff turned into a blood-red giant horn, the mountain peak turned into a disgusting thing that kept squirming like the tail end of maggots, and a huge mouth that could swallow the city-state grew in the center of the mountain. A long scarlet tongue that was stickier than a snake was covered by a A mountain peak spits out.

They screamed, like countless dwarves wailing, and the long muffled sound made the dwarves feel spiritual discomfort.

Calado stared blankly at the changes in the north, almost forgetting to escape.

It's not scientific, but it's magic.

Facing the fear of the huge beast, the small thing pressed overwhelmingly against the dwarf. Fortunately, although his legs were so soft that it was difficult to move, his bones were still hard.

Instead of a berserker crawling towards the enemy, Calado gritted his teeth and resisted the icy chill in his veins, not becoming the first to do so.

A terrifying sound that seemed to shatter the mountains almost made the dwarf fall to the ground.

The southernmost mountain announced the end of new life with a cry that echoed throughout the world.

The fleshy rocks on its body left the main body one after another, and in the violent trembling, Gaoshan fell to the ground.

The force of the mountain tilt caused the ground to tremble again and again. Kalado lost his balance and fell to the ground due to the local earthquake.

Before the back of his head hit the ground, a bright light lit up from the mist, and the pure beam of light instantly penetrated another rising mountain.

Like a spear of light thrown by the gods at the monster, it penetrated the monster unimpeded and created a huge gap in the living mountain.

The huge hole was still burning with fire, and the sacred flame did not let go of the unclean things. It was like meeting the fire of paper. The wounds, which were insignificant compared to the monster, were filled with fire in the blink of an eye.

The sacred flame was like an unquenchable wildfire, instantly igniting impurity.

The abnormal effect of the engine ray made Lynch a little suspicious. He had never seen it have such a powerful effect before.

He fired the engine beam towards another mountain peak, but this time the beam only penetrated the mountain peak and did not ignite the distorted creation like before.

It's even more unpredictable than the weather in Kislev.

Lynch no longer struggled with the twisted creations evoked by demons. He always liked to directly solve the existence of the problem that created it, so that the problem disappeared.

Behemoths blocked the lizard man's way, trying to stop him from going north.

But the cold-blooded species was like a nimble swimming fish, darting left and right between the mountains and easily passed through the blockade.

This cannot continue.

Epidimius already had the intention to retreat, and Nurgle's magic seemed completely unable to target the individual in front of him.

If given the chance, it really wanted to capture this mutated lizard man as a test subject to study more outstanding diseases.

While advancing, Lynch randomly activated the engine beam from time to time, causing the beam to disrupt the pace of the mountains, making it easier for him to break out of this area.

The devil is just ahead, and it seems that the other party is not the Great Unclean One, but some kind of more special existence.

That's a good thing. Killing a mountainous Great Unclean One is harder than killing a tiny Vampire.

This is not only reflected in the strength among demons. The tenacious vitality of the Great Unclean Ones makes them like an eternal mountain of flesh. No matter how much flesh is smashed or how much flesh is cut off, they can grow it back in the blink of an eye.

If it was a Great Unclean One, Lynch would have to break into the demon's body and use the flames on his body and the heat of the scepter to purify it.

It would be a long process, and extremely disgusting. No one would want to fight the Great Unclean One unless it was absolutely necessary.

The wind of heaven seems to be a little prosperous, maybe the devil is inducing the magic of heaven.

While distracted, Lynch once again threw an engine beam forward.

He doesn't need to hit the enemy, just maintain the deterrence of suppressive fire.

Nurgling struggled to push Epidimius's sedan chair, but an unexpected laser beam approached Scribe Nurgle in the blink of an eye, who was still thinking about other things.

All the demons thought that the ray would fall into the air with no accuracy like before.

But fate is not good.

Strong light filled the Nurgling's dazed eyes, and the heat rushed towards them. In the next moment, after the light disappeared, their master also disappeared.

The plague carriage was emitting black smoke. It seemed that the temperature of the beam was really high.

Confusion made the Nurglings stop their movements, and they did not react until the yellow clouds in the sky began to dissipate, the chaotic magic that maintained their existence gradually disappeared, and they dispersed like smoke.

Their owner was hit by a stray bullet.

The one in 10,000 chance of being hit is not so easy. There is no doubt that once he is hit by bad luck, the cowardly way of death will leave a deep impression on Epidimius's long memory.

Before dying, it did not miss the wind of heaven that suddenly reached its peak stage. The field of this magic covers destiny.

It must be Tzeentch's fault.


Scribe Nurgle murmured in a low voice, expressing strong malice in an affirmative tone.

This matter is not over yet. One of it and the damn two-headed chicken must be sent to the soul furnace.

Epidimius listened viciously to the whispers of countless tiny beings in the Chaos Demon Realm, and determined the location of the Weaver of Destiny with the help of the omnipresent power of Nurgle.

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