Frivolous whispers appeared next to Tori. It was obvious that vampires could easily climb over wooden walls that were considered tall to ordinary people.

What are you looking at?

Tori stiffened suddenly, then relaxed, keeping his face as panicked as possible, trying to look as panicked as possible.

This moderately successful performance succeeded in arousing greater interest in the vampire.

Tori turned his head stiffly and met the eyes of a pale-skinned businessman. The flash of scarlet in the other's eyes confirmed his identity.

Tori staggered back two steps, and the other person disappeared in the next moment, while a pair of cold hands held Tori's back in another moment.

It seems that vampires are as arrogant as the legend says, and that's right. With their blasphemous and inhuman powers, how can they care about the struggles of ordinary people?

Tori suddenly thrust the sword behind him, and when the feeling of the sharp weapon piercing his flesh came from his hand, he rolled forward without hesitation.

The piercing screams and an irresistible force approached the human at the same time. The force tore open the armor behind Tori, and the burning pain was delayed until the moisture soaked into Tori's inner armor.

He rolled around on the ground several times and used the corner of his eye to see clearly the vampire that had lost its grace, no longer looked like a human, and was turning into ashes.

The deceased person cursed by More took three difficult steps in the direction of Tori before finally resting in peace.

Only then did he know how his father died. As long as the vampire is alert, as long as the human reaction is slow, the outcome will be reversed.

When the Mirror God showed his supernatural powers to a mortal general, he did not gain his faith in exchange.

On the contrary, it almost got hit head on.

Human beings are always like this, only willing to accept the truth they like to see.

Hotar no longer paid attention to this human being, returned to the island, and continued to control the overall situation.

It used the old man's body to cover the mortal body with the transformed flame, and used its pen to write ink on the Book of Destiny.

The great necromancer will be delighted with its gift, and the elven gods will be equally surprised.

There is no doubt that the Eternal Watch who is being hunted by the blood god's minions will use chaos to get out of trouble, and the biggest chaos in the old world currently lies in the empire.

The Wesen Territory, the blind prophet who was hiding himself with the help of the human army, was suddenly reminded by the white crow.

Go to Utbard. Magnus will arrive there and let Skarbrand, the Exile, find his home.

Who can resist the last straw in circumstances?

What's more, this may be a revelation from the Magic Book of Destiny. Although he is blind, the white crow can still read the enlightening words.

What happens next? It's not the only enemy we have.

Join the Empire's army. The devil will never care who he kills. The Empire's legion will protect us.

Humans are no match for demons.

“Not only humans have arrived on the battlefield of Sylvania, but the new Fire Keepers are about to fall into the trap of fate.

Let Blood Rage hold him back, we just need to wait for the changes to happen.

Kabanha and Angras prefer the head of the strong to your skull, and the fire will die in Sylvania.

Taking advantage of the chaos, we have the opportunity to go to Kislev and get the divine blood.

The Supreme Bloodthirsty doesn't come easily.

Some existences hope that they will come. The strongest fortress can be opened from the inside. Even if it is only for a moment, it is enough for the ancient holy god to choose to die. Let us put an end to his legend.

How could Skylin be willing to give up?

The Khorne champion was not a good-natured one.

The God of Mirrors once again fell into ink, guiding the fate of the Bretonnian expeditionary force and the Skelling tribe to intersect.

In the Sea of ​​Claws, half of the mighty longships were missing, and every warrior lost the pride they had when heading south because their attack failed.

If the giant dragon wasn't interested in fighting at sea, they wouldn't even have a chance to organize a retreat.

There is no doubt that this is a shame.

Their champion leader should have easily beheaded the human king and carried the head beneath the crown to lay the foundation for the Skull Throne, but a dragon ruined it all.

If it weren't for the undoubted majesty and power of the Soul Killer, they would have mutinied long ago.

It's so sad that no new champion even dares to step up and challenge the defeated leader's position.

Egil Strbjorn knew exactly what his people were thinking, because he had gradually risen from a warrior to the leader of the tribe.

The defeated leader was in danger, but no one from the Skelling tribe could challenge him.

But it can't go on like this.

Changes had to be made, and Egil had to use victory to wash away his shame.

He had to choose a suitable battlefield and be prepared to slay the dragon.

This battle has just begun.

The turmoil will never end, and all countries need to undergo a reshuffle.

If Magnus were still in power, Hotar's minions would never be able to get ahead.

The Great Necromancer may not be able to defeat two sharp swords, even if one of them is in danger.

New weapons are still needed to end the life of the Emperor of Mankind.

Hotar needs allies.

The changes of fate attracted Hotar's attention. The orc war generals who were not yet dead might be able to use him a little, but the greenskins never stood up to great use.

Maybe it's time to come to terms with the Daemon Prince of the Purple Rose, or make peace with the disgusting Prince of Nurgle.

In Marienburg, the monthly masquerade begins again.

Naturally, the local people do not know the truth behind the mask. Only the transgressors from other worlds know - this is their gathering.

Sherlock Holly, wearing an old hunting robe, found a secluded corner and did not meet any of his fellow villagers at the reception.

Things are getting more and more wrong with them.

Maybe Sherlock stayed in Horsell Town for too long and was frightened by the monsters in the swamp and became a coward who couldn't stand the trouble - Sherlock knew they thought so.

Let the prejudice remain and continue to ferment.

It is said that Ms. Linna now even leads the association members to have fun and have fun after parties. A few of them even brought sauna and cupping to the world.

Of course, modern red wine and new cocktails are indispensable as decorations for their party.

Sherlock took a sip of the bitter-sweet liquid in the goblet, only briefly appreciating the taste, and when no one was paying attention, he quietly spit the drink into the napkin.

It's really ironic that no one even cares about the loss of Light of Doom, everyone is focused on drinking and drinking.

A different kind of physical thirst and mental emptiness woke Sherlock up. He sipped the wine again and found a slight sour taste in it.

It should be unremarkable, after all, that’s what red wine is.

But this sour taste actually has a magical power that makes people want to stop. Sherlock dared to swear to Tarr that some idiot brought chemical compounds into the world that he shouldn't have brought.

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