As if the sky was about to fall, the white crystals piled up on the ground for several meters. The ridiculous mortals were already struggling. Of course, the Necromancer, who was taller than the giant, would not be hindered by the snow.

Nagash used the fresh materials around him to evoke another wave of undead. The most important thing for green skins is quantity, and the same is true for undead.

But those mortals who were not yet dead were stubbornly causing trouble to the great necromancers. Norscan raiders used their toy-like iron axes to knock the newly-standing undead into powder. Human knights were scattered in groups. Among the corpses, they were running wildly.

The Holy Grail Knight burned Nagash's soul, but it was just pain, not even as unbearable as the splitting feeling when the Bloodthirsty's battle ax split Nagash's soul.

The increasingly clear light in the north urges the Necron Supreme. It must defeat the green tide coming from the south as soon as possible and get rid of the difficult champion of Khorne around it.

Once it gets stuck in the mire of melee, it's hard to get out.

The demonic twin axes of Soul Killer Egil kept spilling blood. The bloodthirsty one in the battle ax nearly collapsed under the devastation of the Undead Supreme, but it could still persist, just like its violent axe-wielder.

The chief had no intention of bleeding for the Imperial people on the battlefield of the Empire, and hurriedly ordered a retreat, but he was still fighting by the devil's side.

It was obvious that the berserker warriors who had lost their minds were just like him, and there were very few warriors who could still obey orders at this time.

The sounds of blood sacrifices to the blood god floated stubbornly in the blizzard, and the words of the skull sacrifice seat stubbornly took root on the battlefield.

The heads severed from the undead were piled up into a hill, and the Chaos Warriors and the Chosen rushed to kill in the wave of skeletons, completely forgetting the purpose of their initial arrival - to attack the Bretonnian army.

Only when the knights broke through the array of walkers and rushed to the side of the Khorne warriors did the two sides start a brief but fierce dispute.

The chaotic battle will soon be separated by the overwhelming undead, creating a strange peace.

Unfettered One Anglas became more courageous as he fought. Gradually adapting to the torment and suppression of the material world, the demon soon found his state and entered an extreme killing frenzy.

The demonic leader of the Blood God embedded the ax that once split open Slaanesh's palace of pleasure deep into the bones of the Necromancer, and the whip that once caused so much pain in Nurgle's Garden tightly entangled the great sword of the Necromancer. .

Just like it did with the crystal wall when it broke into the Crystal Maze for the first time, its ferocious horns knocked over Nagash's body, and its powerful hooves stepped on the Necromancer the next moment.

The human servants of the Blood God cooperated with the demon to chain the great necromancer to the ground with brass, but the gloomy necromancer violently struggled to break free of the restraints.

The green tide blocked the rising necromancy in Sylvania. As they covered the soil of the dead, what the great necromancer could absorb became increasingly scarce, disturbing Nagash's thinking in a rare and disturbing way. , it does not seem to be as omniscient and omnipotent as one imagines.

Maybe it will take three or four days before the greenskins will completely occupy Sylvania. Maybe fate will soon side with Nagash and help its evil plan, but time is running out and it is foreseeable. , if the entanglement continues, Nagash's time will soon come to an end.

It could sense that Carstein had given up resisting the green tide, and the greenskin's march would only be faster than Nagash expected.

Even if Vlad doesn't understand the full extent of the Great Necromancer's plan, it can still have an impact on Nagash unintentionally or intentionally, because the base of the Great Necromancer is in Sylvania, Sylvania It is the territory ruled by the Carstein family.

Perhaps vampires prefer to surrender to the children of Sigmar. Nagash does not understand the thinking of these weaklings. Victory is clearly within easy reach, but just a small setback destroyed the seemingly unbreakable alliance.

The ignorant Bretonnians are still disturbing Nagash's army, and the Necromancer wants to make these mortals understand that from now on, it is no longer the biggest threat, and the demon is close at hand.

The ridicule and ridicule of the evil god were vaguely captured by Nagash. Perhaps this can be regarded as a victory. If it did not have the ability to shake the throne of the Chaos Gods, how could they add insult to injury and send ridicule?

The dragon cannot communicate with ants. Nagash became proud again.

The great necromancer's crown became obscured, and the shining light of magic slowly converged. In the end, it turned into an ordinary golden crown again.

Only beings with second sight can discover the terrifying magic lines contained in it. The crazy winter snow cannot extinguish it, and the brute force of the devil cannot shake it.

With the belief of a last-ditch fight and a certain kind of self-confidence unknown to the world, the Necromancer somewhat embarrassedly broke through the joint efforts of the two champions. Amidst the hatred and malice coming from the depths of darkness and the infinite sky, the necromancer stood out in the north. Wherever the sun shines.

This is a place beyond the reach of the gods. They have no power to decide what will disappear and what will last forever. Only Nagash should be its ministers.

Even if the gods appear in front of Nagash, what can be changed? It is as immortal as the gods.

The long howl of the wolf awakened the Necromancer from his delusion, and the devil's long whip that pursued him tripped him to the ground again.

In the past, it only took a few thoughts to reach Sylvania, but now it has become an unattainable luxury.

The barbarian's battle ax shattered the necromancer's newly constructed body, and Nagash had to construct a new body in order not to lose the power of resistance.

The crazy staff kept parrying the demon's slashes, and the dancing giant sword was always on guard against the demon's advances.

It moves south with the newly awakened undead, preparing to use the number of undead to overwhelm the green tide and escape from trouble.

The greenskins have never been reliable warriors, and they will never have reliable rulers or generals. Nagash knows how to destroy them.

But what appeared in Nagash's vision before the green tide or the lizard people was a human, an ordinary human that it had killed before.

The wind and snow surrounded the not-so-stellar figure, and the crystal ice docilely succumbed at His feet, just like the mortal Nagash had faced two thousand three hundred years ago, with white flames flowing in the eyes of the mortal. Then, Nagash's excellent observation ability allowed him to easily detect the white light and discover the wild golden eyes like a winter wolf that had been hidden by it.

The walking corpses and skeletons turned into ice sculptures before they could get close to him. The demon stopped fighting Nagash. Even the demon's slaves noticed the oppression hidden in the wind and snow.

Winter is furious, the God of the North is angry.

The devil does not want to recognize the false god's status, but he has to respect the power he possesses.

The ancient god who once dominated the old world stood quietly in the cold wind. The Lord of Winter stood there. Angras could see that this was just his shadow. The wild anger of the White Wolf Lord flowed in the withered veins of mortals.

The false god raised his warhammer, and Anglas was on full alert. It had the confidence to challenge ordinary false gods, but it did not have the confidence to fight against the strongest among the false gods.

It does not need to face the Lord of Winter directly. This arrogant false god cannot come. All Angras needs to challenge is his shadow.

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