When he got closer, Lynch could see it more clearly.

Human beings have cleverly made use of the small islands in the lake. The small islands are connected by wooden bridges, dotting the largest island near the shore, and then there are exquisite bridges connecting the islands and the city.

Entering the abandoned suburbs of Erengrad, Lynch thought this was a city without roads, and its roads were bridges.

On the bronze gate, there is a simple picture of Misaka, the female khan of the Gospadar nation.

That was the legendary first tsar of Kislev. Before the nations of the conquerors and the conquered merged to form the nation of Kislev, it was Queen Misaka who was revered as a semi-god by the local indigenous Ugor people. Conquered the city.

There are still some Ugor merchants who still remember that this city was once called Norund, but now it is just a word in the history books.

Later generations believed that Misaka was the embodiment of Kislev's ice and snow power, so it was no surprise that Lynch found snowflakes in the pattern of the first tsar, as well as the ice sled she drove.

Maybe she was just a powerful ice witch who was deified in order to rule future generations. The truth is unknown, but Lynch could vaguely touch the power sleeping under this land.

The locals also circulated the legend of Misaka fighting the ancient widow, but Lynch did not believe that the impact of a mage fighting the natural spirit would be far-reaching enough to change the landscape - some people say that the plains of Kislev were influenced by the two. What was bulldozed by the war was originally a mountain.

Lynch would rather believe that it was Esun's punch that punched it out. Yes, those Esun priests thought it was Esun's punch that punched out the flat terrain of Kislev.

Of course, every lizardman knows that this is a good deed done by Slann thousands of years ago.

The younger races of later generations naturally had other ways of interpreting it, and they were all different.

The carriage entered the city unimpeded, and individual defenders noticed the lizard man, but their commanders and teammates did not see Lynch, nor did more merchants, so they could only force themselves to think that they were seeing hallucinations.

The elves may have never seen such a dense flow of people. Regardless of whether they saw the truth or not, all the humans who were close to Lynch unconsciously gave up their positions, which allowed him to still flow unimpeded.

However, ordinary citizens do not have such ability. People are closely connected with each other. From time to time, pickpockets are caught in public, and from time to time, pedestrians shout out when they realize that they have lost their belongings.

There were disputes and shouts from traders, and carriages and carriages competed with each other to get stuck. In the end, riding a horse was worse than walking.

Almost no one dared to ride horses in the city. Occasionally, one or two would be captured on the spot by the guards of passing merchants after knocking over a few unlucky ones.

Only the winged cavalry decorated with the lord's badge can get unanimous concessions from people. There is a difference between ignorant playboys and warriors with heavy responsibilities. At least these guards who have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers respect the warriors with old armor. Rather than showing off one's power.

By the time the servant whom the rider called a servant belatedly came to the rescue, the troublemaker had already disappeared into the crowd.

There are merchants from the empire, traders from Bretonnia, travelers from Tilian cities, and even caravans from the Far East. According to Lynch's observation, the locals are more willing to keep things quiet when there is no big trouble.

The main road forked shortly after entering the city. The workers took the road leading to the Gunners' Guild, the Tilians went to the Tilian business district, and the rich preferred to drive their carriages to the Gaocheng District, which is located in the eastern highlands. Wealthy areas.

Lynch looked at the castle standing in the southeast of the city, where the local boyars were meeting. It is said that the Mikhail family was once a big local family. In the big boy Alexey Mikhail suddenly became angry. After going crazy, the family became lonely.

This Boyer was once a powerful claimant to the throne. Not long after Vladimir of the Borha family came to the throne, he suddenly lost his former reason. Perhaps human greed destroyed his mind, or maybe it was For other reasons, Lynch just listened as a entertainment.

Human beings always like to talk about the pretentiousness of the upper class and the gossips derived from it. Every tavern full of people is discussing the personal lives of Boyers. Lynch can even find local Boyers' underwear from the conversations. s color.

Looking around the city, the lizard people discovered a group of towers that were incompatible with human architecture. The halo of magic filled the towers. There were even city walls that separated the area where the towers were from the city, making it look like a city. city.

There is no doubt that that is the territory of the elves. If there is a lack of material assistance, maybe Lynch should let the carriage drive into the elven area. There is the second largest elven colony in the old world. The Phoenix King and the local elven ambassador should be very happy. Give Teclis in the White Tower some gold or gems.

Of course, Teclis doesn't need money, and neither does Lynch, only dwarves and humans do.

Temples of gods are scattered throughout the city. In addition to the Kislev pantheon, Lynch also saw the Great Temple of Sigmar, which is located near the Imperial Embassy and is far smaller in scale than the Esun Temple.

The most majestic appearance is the Temple of Mannawi. It stands on an island in the lake and is a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Poseidon seems to be quite famous in Erengrad, which is normal. He has unquestionable influence in every coastal city of mankind.

The fear and awe of the sea led the locals to build his temple higher than the native temple in Kislev.

But the Temple of Mannawi is not the most striking structure in the city.

To the southwest, on the edge of the dock area, over the city, crystal clear towers filter the sunlight. A witch with the power to command ice and snow is busy in the majestic building made of ice crystals. They are ice witches and only exist in Kisri. Husband, a spellcaster who loses his power once he leaves Kislev.

Even the drinkers who were full of dirty jokes rarely talked about them. Lynch basically couldn't hear the discussion about them, and the few words he heard were suppressed with awe.

No wonder the Rat Man was defeated outside this city. I am afraid that only the legions of the Blood God or the Lord of Changes can threaten this city. The wizards here are a bit abnormal.

This is a very dangerous thing, so when he heard the cult legends and midnight stories circulating in the city, Lynch was not surprised at all - not all spellcasters are named Teclis, and even elf mages are often under the influence of chaotic magic. In a crisis, let alone mankind.

What's more, there are not only ice witches here, but witches who believe in ancient widows, or in other words, wise women and prophetesses are also rooted in the city. Lynch is very curious whether they will start an unknown battle at midnight.

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