The arrival of the elves will bring material satisfaction and surplus, thereby destroying their local traditions. Lynch does not care about their gains and losses. On a macro level, with the support of various countries, Obien will only be more difficult to be conquered by demons than before.

As for tradition? Where did they throw away the civilization passed down to them by the ancient saints?

Even the Obiun giants have lost their former wisdom. Lynch cares more about the safety of the local spiritual nodes than their old rules.

The subtle sound of prayer lingered in Lynch's ears, stopping the lizard man who was about to join in the fun.

Hot Dalari Bird, please send my prayers to the other side.

In the forest buried by winter snow, deep in the large pine forest in the north of Kislev, the Ugor nomads remained cautious in their words and deeds, respectfully obeying all the requests of the witches.

The torches surrounded the bonfire like stars surrounding the sun, but they could not illuminate the shadows on the witches.

The charming husky female voice sings praises to the ancient gods of the Ugor people.

If the sky has a pillar, you are on its top; if the flame has a beginning, you are its source.

The witches sang and danced, while the Ugor nomads waited in oppressive silence for the selection of the ancient widow.

Their culture has always been inseparable from blood sacrifices.

When a lucky person was chosen by the witches as a sacrifice to the Daha messenger, the bonfire surrounded by everyone flickered like an illusion.

Lin Qi used his mind to fix the spirit that wanted to get close to his spiritual body. He didn't recognize his messenger, and he didn't think he needed a messenger.

The blood sacrifices of the foolish people had no effect on him, and he unabashedly showed his anger through the flames.

Before the witch's sacrificial knife was pulled out from the unlucky guy's body, the bonfire that had been consecrated by humans erupted like a tide.

The metal was dyed red by the hot light in the blink of an eye. The hot daggers were thrown down one after another by the witches. The fire that rose into the sky melted the snow on the pine trees and almost affected the surrounding crowd.

Rumors about divine punishment spread uncontrollably. Now everyone knows that their divine envoys are unwilling to accept the witches' sacrifices. Maybe the witches chose the wrong person, or maybe the divine envoys changed. style.

Spirits are strange beings, whether they are tree men in the great forest or the so-called ancient widows of Kislev.

In Lynch's opinion, they are very similar to demons, and they all have the origin of chaos.

This is also the reason why the Athel Loren forest avoided disaster during the Cataclysm.

But they are not demons.

Lynch ate the little guy cleanly and answered the prayer of his own accord.

The gods need the flesh and blood of demons and ratmen!

The flames retreated into the bonfire like water, and the eldest witch received accurate divine revelation from the sudden glimpse when the flames were in full bloom.

There was no need to continue this ritual to ascertain Daha's health, and even the most skilled witches would not dare to continue it.

Their tentative behavior will undoubtedly lead to disaster.

Their backward blood sacrifice should be changed to a different style. Lynch didn't think it would be effective to kill a weak mortal. At least hundreds of them would have to be killed.

The snake gods will like their style, but Lynch will not reward them.

After correcting a small mistake, Lynch lost interest in watching the elves communicate, and took a brief stroll around the city.

As the moonlight sets in the west, the number of pedestrians in the city begins to decrease sharply.

In Erengrad late at night, only the Elf District was always lit, and even the castle had only sporadic lights.

There was nothing to see. The elves' actions during the day scared the local gangs. The lively night crime activities disappeared tonight. Most people closed their doors tightly, and only sporadic drunkards wandered the streets in groups.

Then they disappeared into the corner like weeds swallowed by the darkness, and the only evidence of their presence was their footprints on the ground.

The entrance to the sewer was dark and wide open. It didn't take much to figure out that these desperate drunkards had been attacked by rat men.

No one cares about their life or death. Those who can get drunk at this time are bankrupt factory owners and homeless people who have lost their families and only have money for their last drink. Even if a few alcoholic scum die here, their families will not care. , will only pray to the gods happily.

At least Lynch heard a lot of prayers that were thankful that someone had not returned home. Most of them had immature voices, and occasionally there were one or two adulterers and adulterers.

Lynch often bumps into some sober passers-by who have to brave the night to travel, but they come and go in a hurry, and they still carry swords. Brave warriors will find hotels to stay as soon as possible at this time, let alone ordinary people.

With nothing to do, Lynch wandered to the dock area and found the sewer entrance that allowed him to enter.

At dawn, dwarves and humans climbed out of bed in a daze. After washing and having breakfast, of course, dwarves did not need to wash.

In short, everyone arrived at Lynch's side in time.

The vendors setting up the stalls were talking about the burning smell wafting from the ground last night. There seemed to be a fire underground last night. Fortunately, the fire did not spread to the ground.

Except for the officials in the city hall, no one cared about the impact of this incident. To ordinary people, it was just an after-dinner chat.

Most people thought that the mice seemed a little restless last night, maybe because the fire had affected them. Everyone who was not sleeping well heard their miserable squeaking sounds.

To this day, whenever the sea breeze blows from the west coast, people can still smell the burnt aroma mixed with the stench.

What did you do last night? The Archmage curiously opened the curtains and asked in a low voice the lizard man who was watching no one else on the street.

I saw a few rat men. Lin Qi calmly dismissed the mage's curiosity.

I think I understand.

Needless to say, everyone knows what a lizard man will do when he sees a rat man.

I heard that someone saw a rat as big as a child last night? Eugen lowered his voice unconsciously. If he wasn't traveling with this group of aliens, he would hide as far away as he heard such rumors. Rat Man Not an easy race to deal with.

In the past six months, he had rarely had to live a life without having to run for his life - those who ran for their lives were often the monsters who encountered them.

It won't happen again.

I think our big friend has done a good thing, Granny! Cheers! Thorian half-drunk and half-awake raised the wine bottle, wanting to have a drink with Eugen.

The oracle who failed to react was bent over by a punch. He struggled to maintain a smile and declined the dwarf's enthusiasm.

Not long after driving down the street, the group saw the city gate. There was a river outside the bronze gate. Some merchants who came by boat along the river had obvious Midden characteristics. This river could lead directly to Middenheim.

Following the river to the west, Lynch didn't go far before he saw the border guard tower between Kislev and the Empire.

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