Lynch knew that great demons were often sent back to the Chaos Demonic Realm by mortals using mortal objects, but this was the first time he saw a champion with a terrifying curse power defeated in front of four mortals.

Even if he was forced to die due to the explosion of the gunpowder magazine, Lynch would not be surprised.

This minion of Chaos should have become a nightmare in an area and a long-lasting weird legend, but now it lies in a small ceremony room.

He may have escaped, at least part of him, and there are only eighteen copies in Lynch's place now. There should be hundreds.

This is not surprising. This is the Shadow Forest. The empire's army obviously did not care about the fall of this town. Who knows what it was like hundreds of years ago?

The empire at that time didn't care about a small border town. Maybe the being who destroyed this place in the empire's records was not a foreign enemy, but a certain elector who was questioned at the time.

Lynch did not see this guy in the oil painting on the spot. A cursed oil painting cannot contain a more powerful curse. Maybe there was someone else who broke the city. The great powers of chaos always like to fight among themselves. Who knows those beasts? Is the relationship between the man and this unfortunate guy cooperative or hostile?

Part of it still remains here, and Lynch speculates that for those beastmen, the champion is also an uninvited guest.

Obviously, this guy is too rich. At the very least, he should bring an army with him, so that he can have a chance to escape when in danger, instead of putting himself in danger.

After knowing the source, Lynch no longer cared about the safety of the pieces of meat. He used his scepter to push apart the pieces of cloth and kicked them together with his feet.

He wanted to see Ekunde.

For a long time, Ikonde had been wandering in the darkness.

There were originally one hundred and twenty-eight of him wandering in the darkness, but now only eighteen were left.

Every Icond is jealous of its lost companions, whether dead or free.

Wandering in the dark is driving them crazy, but they dare not give up hope. Who knows if this is a small temptation from the God of Change?

They couldn't touch each other, but each wanted to devour the other.

This reminded Ekonde of his days in the Arctic Wastes, when the Chaos Lords of Tzeentch were no different.

Their god needed change, and Tzeentch could not accept a believer who was content with the status quo.

He was incomplete and he knew it. He had been cracked since the accident.

No matter how difficult it is, he is trying to cross the invisible blockade and eat each of himself in the darkness

He had been unsuccessful so far, and now something seemed to have happened.

When the eighteen Ekunde were brought together by invisible forces, they knew that fate had already given the answer.

Without hesitation, the champions in fluid colored armor rushed together, tearing each other's flesh with their teeth, and beating those who looked like themselves again and again with their fists.

People merged into one, starting with just the lower body. After the two champions wrestling with each other in the upper body decided the winner, the winner devoured the loser.

The two remaining champions rushed together impatiently, wrestling, eating, and tearing each other's flesh like dogs fighting for food.

After a short and fierce fight, the final winner was born.

Ekunde vowed that he would take revenge for the accident.

The armor that was damaged in the fight healed like flesh and blood. Colorful robes made of feathers grew out of Ekunde's armor. A fleshy crown deformed on his head. The crown instantly transformed into metal, and the metal turned back into metal. It instantly turned into a fluid.

The colorful fluid fluctuated between extremely hard and extremely soft. His hand did not stop growing after it returned to fullness, and instantly turned into a bird's claw.

Crying or laughing faces vaguely appeared on the fluid armor, and thousands of different faces flashed through the colorful metal texture in an instant.

The colorful flames of Tzeentch hissed and exploded on the champion, flowing over cloak, armor, and hard skin.

He's back, just one step away.

The ridiculous shackles can no longer imprison the controller of the Breath of Life. Iconde will never forget the tragic defeat. He will kill everything related to the four priests, their descendants, and the descendants of their relatives and friends.

He will destroy nine hundred Sigmar temples to declare his revenge!

Eugen was careful not to enter the room, and calmly coaxed the dwarf to come to him.

The lizards were clearly up to something less safe.

A thunder broke through the night, and purple lightning in the sky was faintly visible through the cracks in the eaves.

The wind surged in the blink of an eye, and the fierce wind made the treetops rustle. From time to time, broken walls were pushed down by the strong wind. The toppling sound in the darkness intensified the terror of the night.

Everyone in the square camp was sober. Noel took the bow from his back, but he was not sure if he still had the strength to pull the bow string.

But no matter what, he would never be as unbearable as these humans, hiding in all the cracks and trembling.

The elf's keen vision allowed him to see the wildly growing trees. The tall ancient trees outside the town suddenly rose several meters in height. The moss in the city instantly covered the streets, the weeds quickly turned into shrubs, and the vines changed from as thin as snakes to As thick as a giant python.

He couldn't help but recall the tears of Master Teclis, which made him put down the arrow and look at the best escape route.

But his legs gave out.

The minced flesh in the church was mixed into a constantly changing door of flesh and blood, which stood in the center of the room. Through the flashing colors in the door, Eugen could see the opposite wall.

A gust of wind blew into the temple, flying the papers and pages scattered on the ground into the sky, causing a soft splash and a soft sound.

It's like the devil is laughing.

Another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and the thunder caused the colors inside the door to shake for a moment. At the next moment, Eugen held his breath, just like the suddenly calm night.

After the vision disappeared in the blink of an eye, he watched helplessly as a tall Chaos Warrior wrapped in flowing colors walked out of the door.

The hoarse laughter echoed harshly in the room. Perhaps it wanted to make a speech that looked down upon all things, but the lizard man did not give it this chance.

Eugen watched as the champion was dented to the ground by a strong gust of wind, and even his devilish laughter stopped abruptly.

Blood and pieces of flesh splashed everywhere, and before it could fly very far, it was imprisoned by Teclis' magic power.

Flames erupted in the room, and Eugen was forced by the heat wave to take five steps back before he could stop himself.

When the fire dissipated, only a lizard man and an elf were left in the charred house.

Is this... the end?

The oracle swallowed before he could deliver an impassioned speech of defiance to the demon.

The Chaos Champion didn't have time to express his thoughts on the resurrection.

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