Lynch gave Eugen a small task. He was very curious about the paradise in the devil's mouth.

But this was a difficult task for Eugen, and he could not find anything out from the interrogation until he was about to fall asleep.

Lynch didn't care about the follow-up. He couldn't catch all the episodes. That would be unrealistic.

His journey has proved that this is a dark and bloody era. Demons are rampant in this century. Even now that the power of Chaos periodically falls into low ebb, countless tragedies are still happening around the world at the same time.

It is other people's business to make mortals live a better life. Lynch just wants to survive the destined catastrophe smoothly. If survival cannot be guaranteed, what is the point of welfare and enjoyment? Adding followers to the devil?

The evil moon is already very close to the ground. After experiencing the previous mutation, all mortals have become more vigilant.

The lizard man found that the new doctor who joined the camp was quite anxious and uneasy. Everyone was uneasy, but he was even more nervous than his peers.

This guy must be hiding a secret.

With nothing to do, Lin Qi walked towards him slowly.

The mist filled the forest, and the evil moon gave it a green sheen. The skewed shadows intertwined eerily. Karis couldn't help but recall the horror stories he had heard.

Since encountering a series of complicated and bizarre adventures in Sesonmund, Karis has been involved in a sudden crisis.

In that barbaric city of Nordland, Karis, who came from Talabheim, was not welcomed. He could not get used to the locals' roaring accent. The people who ruled Nordland were extremely barbaric, even if they were women. They all have loud voices.

He first had a strange dream. In the dream, he heard an urgent cry. Someone was asking him for help from Father God Tal through the dream. Although this was more like the exaggeration of the Moore priests, they always liked to claim that they I received divine revelation in a dream, which is absurd and unrealistic.

But Karis was certain that it was real, that it wasn't just a bad dream.

Because after he woke up, he had a snake staff at hand, and it was this snake staff that caused him big trouble.

I'm afraid old Magnus didn't even know that he wanted Karis. Maybe it was the local nobles' own initiative, or maybe a bribed local governor cleverly poured dirty water on Karis. Anyway, Karis broke the law. , even though the only thing he did out of line was having a ridiculous dream.

Before that, Karis was still a legitimate businessman, but everything changed after the sudden appearance of the snake staff.

He could guess that everyone came to the snake staff, and he had nothing worth remembering. After leaving his hometown and wandering around, the most valuable thing he had on him was the photo given to him by Selena in the village. It was a color photo photo.

Unfortunately, after being involved in an inexplicable incident, the photo that could help him find solace in the quiet night was gone. He accidentally lost it when he escaped from the hotel.

The most valuable thing on his body now is the exquisite snake staff.

He fled like a headless fly in a strange city. At that time, he also met some companions. They were all wanted unlucky guys like Karis, and they all had the same dream.

This convinced them that it was not just a dream.

A few smart guys discovered a new use for the snake staff. When an inexplicable flu enveloped them and forced them to face the threat of death, they only needed to hold the snake staff to be cured.

This must be Shaurya's miracle!

Karis once thought about throwing away the snake staff, but he knew that even if he threw away the snake staff, it would not change the facts. At the beginning, he was extremely glad that he did not implement the idea.

They used everything available to hide, moving between carriages with uneasiness and nervousness. Karis even got into the trucks transporting pigs and sheep. It was not a wonderful experience.

In order to avoid possible pursuit, his feet had blisters. No one knew where the safe place was. They could only flee south, because the north of Nordland was the cruel Claw Sea, and there were no experienced sailors. Fighting the waves will only feed the sea monster.

To the west is Lauren Loren Forest, where the elves are not barbaric, but humans are not welcome either.

The east is a forest of shadows shrouded in ghost stories. Without an army to escort it, ordinary people entering the forest of shadows are tantamount to seeking death. Even a large-scale caravan does not dare to deviate from the main road, not to mention that they only have a dozen people with different identities. , most of whom have had no military training.

Even now, Karis finds that time difficult and filled with fear.

It seems that there is a sheriff hiding at every corner, soldiers waiting in every tavern, and bounty hunters and mercenaries targeting criminals in every bush. However, it turns out that these are all illusions.

Karis never knew that the rules set by the emperor were not strictly enforced.

He had thought that the entire empire would pursue the fugitives with all its strength. Who would have thought that it would be so lax?

The vigilantes and bounty hunters who had been fixed in Caris's mind did not exist. If they did exist, those evil things would not be too rampant.

By the time they discovered this sad reality, the even more irresistible evil things lurking behind the scenes had already appeared one by one.

It was just a premeditated attack at first, and Karis thought it was just a group of robbers on the run.

When there are warlocks among the people chasing them, no matter how stupid they are, they should realize that something is wrong.

Many people died on the road. If the bravest gentleman had not diverted most of the pursuers alone, Karis would not even have a chance to escape.

He saw death on the road that he had never seen before in his life. The innocent people who were tortured to death by plague, living fire, and mental madness together exceeded the number of living people Karis had ever seen.

In the process of escaping, they had to learn some medical knowledge. It was like an invisible mentor was guiding them. They could understand those obscure books at a glance, and they remembered the complex theories and types of medicines like memories.

He and his companions fought against unknown warlocks with the snake staff in their hands. They saved one village after another, but this did not change the fact that they were powerless.

They had nothing but the snake staff.

And that wooden staff seemed to only have the ability to heal.

Who can it save? Human beings who have returned to health will still fall like wheat straw to the wizard's spell, which cannot bring people back to life.

Every time he fell asleep with fear, Karis could hear the cries and pleas for help from his dreams. He had to tell the person who asked for help in his dreams that he could not save anyone and that he could no longer save himself.

The green full moon hangs high in the sky, illuminating the confused travelers.

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