Light yellow smoke clouds appeared in the wilderness. Everyone who looked here could find that there was an abandoned village in the empty forest.

This time, even the most curious people gave up exploring. The terrifying screams, the flames flowing through the sky, and the continuous thunderstorms all revealed dangers and ominous omens to the world.

Compared to the ghost village that suddenly appeared, Orion and the forest people cared more about the people falling from the sky.

With Yurik on top, they drew a line in mid-air like cannonballs and landed smoothly on the ground.

When the villagers approached the suspicious flying man with crossbows and blacksmith hammers, a group of half-asleep unlucky people suddenly woke up at the same time.

The first thing they did was to look for their snake staff, but all they could see was each other.

Almost everyone thought there was a miracle, but even so, no one wanted to believe the ravings of Karis, who had been sober before.

Like a madman, he repeatedly described a "glowing upright crocodile" to everyone. After confirming that everyone was human, the villagers who helped him touched Karis's head and found strangely that he had no fever.

Since he didn't burn his head, he was probably really crazy.

People supported each other, borrowed water from the villagers, and used their jewelry to pledge food.

After having regained some of their strength, a group of refugees eagerly bid farewell to their rescuers.

They still remember that they are still wanted, and when officials arrive or soldiers pass by, they will be imprisoned and fall into the clutches of those behind the scenes again.

The hoes exchanged from the villagers, the hunting bows purchased from the hunters, and some rusty swords were the self-defense supplies for their new journey.

An exquisite carriage with an obviously aristocratic frame frightened them into fear. Even Karis, who had been muttering about "a luminous bipedal monster", stopped gibbering.

Unlike his companions, he gritted his teeth and looked at the car and the head sticking out of it.


Eugen stepped out of the carriage with a smile. At the same moment, he turned a corner quickly to avoid an approaching figure.

That was definitely not a friendly hug. Karis almost grabbed the corner of Eugen's clothes after getting up from the ground. Fortunately, the dwarf had quick eyesight and quick hands to hold the doctor down.

The explanations were said over and over again, and finally the impatient dwarf let go of Karis, which allowed the oracle who had not exercised enough to successfully receive a severe beating. After effective communication, the contradiction melted like ice and snow in the sun.

The oracle's pretentious and mysterious gesture also turned into air. Finally, the elf mage who stepped off the carriage ended everything.

Teclis hoped to get first-hand information from the victims. Only Karis knew the original situation. He told the warlocks in the forest, the crazy cultists, the unknown barbarian warriors, and one It cannot be mentioned as a blasphemy against the name of God.

Even now, Karis trembles subconsciously when recalling that name in the sunshine.

This is an instinctive fear that mortals learned to fear eight thousand years ago.

Finally, as expected, Karis mentioned a "glowing flying dragon". The Archmage was stunned for a moment before realizing the exaggeration, and quickly found the original form of the "mysterious creature".

Everyone thought that the famous wizard Teclis, the founder of the Imperial Academy of Magic, would solve the consequences of this incident and unravel the mysterious power they encountered.

But this elf mage just comforted everyone and had no intention of taking any action.

Lynch wanted to clean up all the cultists, but he found that these idiots would kill him without him having to do anything.

People often say that underground organizations are dangerous, from their organizational framework to their ideas to the individuals who make up them.

Maybe that's right.

Lin Qi looked at the giant snails crawling on the tree trunks, and the gradually softening figures fighting each other in the dense forest.

When it turned into pus and the bones separated from the skin and flesh, they were still chasing each other.

He seemed to have heard a seemingly powerful title before, the bloody handprint in the shadow, the emperor in the reflection of the empire, the shadow lord of Middenheim.

The person who can be given the title must not be an unknown person. Lin Qi is very sure that no one has escaped, and the emperor in the shadow is still in the forest.

He searched every inch of the land with difficulty, but could not find a complete body.

Simply, the lizard man gave up the search.

Perhaps that human being overestimated his own power and was given too many false reputations.

After the dragon disappeared, the gryphon became the overlord of the sky. After the gryphon left, the manticore became the new king of the sky. After the manticore was killed, any falcon can be called Lord of the Sky, King of Birds.

Those who could still stand upright at this time were all covered with toad-like skins. They were incomplete, with light yellow juice overflowing from the ulcerated gaps, and red blood and white bones were vaguely visible.

Tumor-like glands spread across people's bodies, clogging all sides of the torso's clefts.

The Slaanesh cultists who maintained the existence of the magic circle all let out a cry of pain and exploded at the same time, splashing bursts of juice and mist.

Those cultists who still insisted on not falling down all made no sound, or merged with the ground in the chaotic fighting, or were driven by some kind of fanaticism and raised their necks high, proudly turning into a puddle of feces. water.

The yellow clouds spreading in the forest slowly dispersed, and all the previous visions disappeared like fleeting clouds.

The trees solidified into wooden trunks, and the soil was turned new.

An empty village appeared directly in front of Lynch. The logo on Urick's church turned into a rusty plague wheel, and the sturdy statues of gods and men were replaced by a bloated, toad-like statue.

It has a fat humanoid lower body, a split belly, a fat tongue exposed on the belly, and a toad-like head with several iconic curved horns. Even if it is frozen in a smile, it cannot cover its mouth. Ferocious, shark-like teeth.

Lynch didn't like it, so he smashed it as he passed along the village road. He also tore the Plague Wheel logo into several pieces, smelted it with flames, and maliciously transformed it into Sigma's twin-tailed comet logo was casually inserted opposite the church.

After doing everything, nothing abnormal happened.

This is a village that actually existed, not a miracle made out of nothing.

Lin Qi had no choice but to continue walking deeper into the village. He caught a glimpse of the death hidden behind the scenes. This village was probably caused by demons, and the resentment and unwillingness of the deceased remained here, but they were not complete.

Along the way, Lynch discovered several more chaos shrines. He shaped them one by one and forged them into the emblems of the ancient saints. Due to poor craftsmanship, some of the more complex symbols were slightly inferior and not restored enough.

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