Just like what Lynch had experienced in the fantasy, Middenheim has a huge gap. After entering the city gate and looking around, it is full of undulating highlands and lowlands.

The streets were filled with individuals, humans and dwarves being the most common. Occasionally there were one or two elves and halflings. They didn't seem to stay for a long time and often came and went in a hurry.

People from all over the world were bustling in the streets, and as Lynch saw, the troublemakers would be hung from the towers.

Thorian jumped off the carriage as soon as he entered the city, and excitedly walked along the criss-crossing streets and arch bridges, rudely pushing through the crowds, greeting his compatriots, and was surrounded by crowds and welcomed to the block where more dwarves gathered.

Teclis covered his face wisely. Reasoning with dwarves is difficult for some races. Unfortunately, the dwarves of Middenheim are the second largest race. This is like several races. The clans of Dwarf Fortress have all settled in the White Wolf City.

Middenheim's tall, narrow houses stretch like undulating wavy lines to the center of the mountain, its highest summit.

Two magnificent palaces face each other across the square. They have almost no walls and rely entirely on columns and marble decorations to block the cold wind. They can be called "houses with four walls" in another sense.

From where Lin Qi was, he could vaguely see what was going on in the palace, and any elf could do that.

The palace of the Grand Duke of Middenheim is as grand as a dwarf's palace. Even a giant can walk into the palace without bowing his head.

The Grand Dukes of the past dynasties stand on both sides of the corridor in the palace. According to the layout, it can be seen that it is indeed the work of the dwarves, but the dwarf ancestors and gods were replaced by human ancestors.

From the "King of the Teutons" Artur in the Sigmar period to the Archduke of Middenheim in modern times, they are all listed here.

It's just that the barbarian king who once built a fortress probably wouldn't want to see Mittgard turn into Middenheim. He was also a champion of monster-slaying and undead magic masters, but the old wolf will always be replaced by new ones when he gets old. Replaced by the Wolf King.

The dragon sword of the past has been broken by Sigma, and Atur's descendants have been integrated into the empire.

Only Ulric's holy fire remained burning across from the palace.

Different from the palace of the elector, Lynch could see that the White Wolf Temple was gradually expanded. The silver flames were swaying on the top of the mountain. The circle of stone tablets closest to the flames was probably the original "temple".

It was they who witnessed Artur's coronation as king, and they were also the ones who witnessed Sigma climbing Mount Fuschrag alone, challenging the old king to a duel at the top of the mountain next to the White Wolf's sacred fire.

Bathed in the holy fire in Sigmar, crowned as the new king, and finally proclaimed the emperor. Today, after the establishment of the empire, the simple stone tablets have not been removed. Their outer layers have several loose outer walls made of reliefs, and there are more A dome that can protect you from wind and rain.

The entire city is built on a plateau, so whenever the carriage drove over the pontoon bridge, Eugen would feel obviously uneasy. Perhaps he was worried that the bridge would suddenly collapse and the carriage would fall into the deep valley.

Numerous bones can still be seen in the ravines between the cliffs. I think people often experience the huge height difference in Middenheim.

Lynch failed to find the famous "Cheetah Knights". As the personal guard knights of the Archduke of Middenheim, they were probably all on the front line.


"The Witch Forest ate up a village! There was no one in the village of Schlager when we passed by. After we saw "Mist" and "Mercy" carved on the trees, we sped up and fled to Middenheim. "

"Is that a new thing? People disappear in the woods every year. You should worry about the plague in Tilia. The plague on the sea is getting worse. Now you have to pay double the price before to go to sea."

The villagers of Middenheim seem to have a more colorful life than the people of Erengrad. Lynch can hear the legends of the central mountains in the east, the secrets of the Laurentian Forest in the north, and the beasts in the west. The story of man and greenskin.

No wonder Middenheim is independent of Midden Territory and governs itself. Although it is the largest commercial center in the north of the empire, it stands alone on the side of the central mountain range and completely loses contact with other cities.

There are also dwarf clans who remember their hometown - Karak Kazalak. In fact, they have never forgotten their hometown.

A casual inquiry in the tavern will reveal the "mysterious disaster" that drove the dwarves out of the central mountains. They have spent two thousand and five hundred years with Middenheim, and such days will continue.

There was a group of dwarves tinkering with machinery in the main square. It wasn't until the ball of scrap metal slowly floated that Lynch realized that it was the prototype of an airship.

The square in front of the temple has been nailed with metal rings one after another. The priests of Ulric did not drive them away, but just stared at the crumbling airship.

They seemed to be used to dwarven engineering. After all, dwarven artifacts were always more reliable than the machinery tinkered by the greenskins. Before they could even think of this, the airship exploded in mid-air.

The brilliant fireworks brought the entire city to a standstill for a moment, and the White Wolf Priest skillfully raised his giant shield to block the metal debris splashing towards the temple.

Passers-by on the street were also not surprised and just passed by cursing.

On the contrary, the outsider who had never seen the world showed a normal reaction. The scream stopped abruptly before it lasted for long. Few people could bear the Midden people's contempt for cowards. Most hot-blooded people knew shame.

Lynch was no longer surprised when the hot air balloon ascended into the sky and was hit by a passing Pegasus, triggering a fight.

This city is different from what Lynch imagined.

The brawlers were finally knocked to the ground one by one by the knights who arrived, and were led towards the city wall. It seemed that the unlucky ones hanging on the tower had additional partners.

Regardless of the process, Middenheim's law enforcement efficiency is indeed quite high.


The team originally planned to stay in Middenheim for a week, but was vetoed by Lynch. Eugen had to leave tomorrow after selling the goods.

When they were looking for a hotel to stay in, Lynch saw the bald head of Pastor Sigma again.

Maybe they thought they were very hidden, but the "Purple Hand" had been targeting them since they entered the city.

But the group in the city couldn't contact the Supreme Master, and they couldn't even contact one of the three great masters.

Members who can exercise decision-making power did not return after going out that night. This is normal. Naturally, the upper levels will not let the lower levels know their whereabouts, but they have been missing for too long now.

The only good news is that their old rival "Red Crown" is also in chaos. The "Purple Hand" has long monitored the "Red Crown" trying to cause chaos. Until now, the "suspicious persons" who instigated it have not been able to United together.

This is a normal situation. The "Red Crown" has always been loose. Without a strong individual to firmly control all procedures, their actions are just a mess.

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