The scrawled turmoil had calmed down by dusk. What surprised Lynch most was Eugen's stall. The previous turmoil did not affect his business at all.

The dwarves were quite affected, however. To this day, Sorian is still arguing with human officials as a "representative of the foreign elders."

It may be difficult for foreigners to understand what he represents.

The aftermath of the war finally ended with the city under martial law. Now entering and exiting Middenheim must undergo strict inspections, and all passers-by will be questioned.

The Church of Ulric does not trust the City Hall, and the City Hall is also unwilling to continue to fully trust the White Wolf Church.

The dwarves have become a bridge of communication between the two. They exchange information through the dwarf community. Lynch doesn't quite understand the significance of such a confrontation.

I am afraid that Middenheim will have to wait until the big nobles on the front line return to get back on track.

According to the talk of passers-by on the road, today's turmoil should be another major change after the "Mage War".

Many spellcasters were accused of studying evil spells. Because they were afraid that they would be like Dirt Hersnicht a thousand years ago and take revenge on Middenheim after accumulating power, these spellcasters were Outraged citizens clamored for the death penalty.

They seemed to be extremely afraid of the Necromancer Dirt, the doomsday lord in the Shadow Forest, who is still a serious problem for the people of Middenheim.

Lynch can guarantee that this turmoil affected many innocent people, just like the ignorant people who wanted to publicly try the witches. Some of them were clearly not magicians, but they were also burned alive in the big square.

There were some accidents during this period. Real mages would not be captured without mercy, even if they were all sealed and brought to the square with obsidian shackles.

A few powerful mages launched a desperate resistance, but unfortunately, the multiple weakening methods of magic prevented them from gathering enough magic power. They could only dance in the fire pit, and finally met their death in vain.

The smarter wizard cast a simple fire-proofing spell. It wasn't until the fire weakened and the other accused wizards had turned into charcoal that people noticed that there was still a wizard lying in the flames.

In the end, he was shot with several bloody holes by crossbow arrows, and the panicked crowd rewarded his wit with dozens of crossbow arrows.

The people who gathered to make trouble were satisfied because other people who should have been responsible put the blame on the mages.

Long before the Church of Sigmar took the lead in launching the witch-hunting movement, people did not trust wizards, and they caused countless troubles.

Even a mage apprentice may summon a demon after a failed ritual. The weakest demon can easily kill several non-professional soldiers or secretly corrupt a village.

That is to say, Middenheim has always been open-minded and can tolerate many spellcasters who study non-traditional spells.

After these uproar, it seems that Middenheim will gradually adopt restrictive measures against wizards.

Graf of Middenheim has not returned yet, and it will take some time before formal documents can be drawn up.

The people no longer believe in the self-discipline of wizards.

People are praising the bravery shown by the Todbringer family in this turmoil. Perhaps this noble bloodline will become the next "Graf" of Middenheim.

Obviously, they care more about the chaos experienced by Middenheim than the invisible border war.

Lynch left the square after watching for a while. Sorian had not yet come out of the palace. Maybe he and other longbeards in Middenheim would discuss it all night, hoping that human officials could have the same rights as dwarves. energy to keep the conversation going to the end.

Lynch guessed that it was most likely that humans drove the dwarf delegation out of the palace first and invited them out in a gentle way.

He returned along another downhill road and slowly returned to the hotel Eugen had booked in the Old Town as darkness fell.


"Friend, this is your first time coming to Middenheim? You have to understand that you have to pay something for staying in a strange place."

"You must know that anyone who tries to fight us in Middenheim will eventually disappear!"

The bluff threats were so vivid in the mouth of the idle young man that Eugen was almost dumbfounded.

He didn't know what to say for a while. Even when he was traveling alone before, few criminal gangs dared to blackmail him. At that time, he always used the identity of Pastor Moore, and he was not dressed like he is now. Like a wealthy businessman.

Dealing with the Reverend Maul is like going to the cemetery at midnight to talk to the dead, because the Reverend Maul is the earthly representative of Maul, the god of the dead.

Eugen's stunned expression was misunderstood by the young gangster as fear. Four young men armed with daggers and long sticks dangerously blocked the Oracle in the corner of the tavern. The tavern owner stared at this corner, but he was making trouble. I'm afraid he won't mind his own business before he's killed.

Other drinking guests or travelers staying in the same hotel would avoid him, let alone seek embarrassment.

People who are familiar with Middenheim know that the "humble kings" of Middenheim can scare away the followers of Ranold.

Gods of thieves like Ranold favor orderly crime over violent and bloody coercion.

Maybe some people recognized the emblem on Eugen's carriage, but identifying noble medals was also a science, and it was too difficult for them to expect street gangsters to understand this.

Others may have met Eugen's companions, an elf mage, and a dwarf. They witnessed the meeting between the elves and the law lords of Middenheim on the bridge.

But they just gloated over the misfortune and did not dare to directly help.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that this group of people will leave sooner or later, but the underground world of Middenheim will always exist.

It is very likely that they will not see the sun tomorrow after their intervention, and no one wants to stay under the cliffs of Middenheim with the undead.

"It's terrible. Tilia isn't even that bad." A human who looked like a businessman whispered vaguely.

The drinkers were sipping their drinks and continuing to talk among themselves, with many eyes secretly paying attention to this corner.

Eugen opened his mouth numbly. He was so shocked by the courage and ignorance of the Middenheim gangsters that he forgot how to organize his words for a moment.

He was not worried about his personal safety. Not to mention the mage sitting quietly upstairs, he could get out of trouble with his knowledge of three-legged cat magic, not to mention that there was a lizard man wandering around the city who might return at any time.

"I'm sure you don't pray to Ranold." The oracle joked after a while.

A simple name of God angered young people.

"Ranod? Middenheim is our territory!"

"I'm going to cut out your tongue and give it to "that person"!"

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