Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 7 Chapter 309: successors

When Ferdinand racked his brains to figure out a way to deal with the nobles of Zaragoza, in Vallariddo, Alexander also had a headache because of a problem.

Reports about the war ahead came frequently, from the initial encounter with the Aragonese army near the dam on the upper reaches of the Ebro River to Gonzalo’s report that the coalition forces were trying to get rid of the floodplain and were preparing to advance to the western plateau of Aragon. The whole war didn't seem to be as smooth as originally thought.

This made the Bariyari Dodds become worried.

Many people are not very worried that the war will suffer disadvantages because of this. What they worry about is that the war may fall into a protracted quagmire.

The Iberian Peninsula has not fought for more than ten years, and the long-term peace has allowed many people to adapt to this environment without gunpowder and war.

It is precisely because of this that the rebellion in the south shook the court of Valaritod.

However, the rebellion ended with a result acceptable to everyone, but the war between Yu Aragorn was different.

Aragon is an equally powerful country. The Astilians are beginning to worry that this will make the war between the two countries endless. Some elderly people still remember the succession of the Castilian throne to the final recovery. Lost land, only in the era of Isabella, the war lasted for almost two generations.

So when it was heard that Gonzalo's advancement was slow, and the war might be prolonged in this way, some people began to complain secretly that this was obviously inconsistent with the promise of the queen.

These complaints have not yet appeared in front of the Alexander brothers and sisters, which means that at least people's dissatisfaction has not reached intolerable level.

And not everyone is pessimistic about the attitude of this war. Some military aristocrats who feel bored because of peace for too long are rejoicing, and those who are happier are those at the bottom of the ranks and officers who think that there is no hope for promotion in peacetime. .

What they are looking forward to now is that the scale of the war can be larger, so that they can be given more opportunities.

Alexander did not have any fluke in the war with Aragon.

There is no doubt that Aragon is a powerful country. It is wishful thinking that it can be completely eliminated in a short period of time.

He knew that Ruo Sha would never plan this war with such unrealistic ideas, so although the progress of the war seems a bit slow now, this should be expected.

So it is not these things that give Alexander a headache.

Seeing Ruo Sha, who squinted his eyes while sitting in the opposite rocking chair holding a delicate cup, sips and sips the candied candied fruit, and squinted his eyes because of the sweet and sour taste, Alexander could not help gently rubbing. Forehead.

"I didn't expect it," Alexander said, not knowing whether he was happy or worried. "Why didn't we do that before, but these few times..."

"This shows that it's time," Ruosha said as she took another bite of the candied fruit, and then narrowed her eyes into crescent crescents again. At this time, she looked like a greedy little girl rather than a queen and commander." Besides, are you unhappy?"

"Of course I'm happy. I'm so happy that I almost fainted when you told me yesterday," Alexander knocked on his forehead with his fingers, a little afraid. "Oh my God, we were... that position is really dangerous.

"But you insisted on doing this at the time, didn't you?" Ruosa looked at Alexander with a serious look, and then she suddenly lowered her voice and asked curiously, "Look at your skillful appearance, tell me if you and other women are the same Often?"

Alexander raised his head and looked at Ruosha dumbfounded. He had never expected Ruosha to ask him this kind of question. His past "experience" instinctively flashed through his mind, and he even briefly assessed and This woman felt so and so, and then he was surprised to find that it was Barendi that seemed to satisfy him the most.

Then he shook his head violently, forcing himself to face the problem in front of him.

Ruosha was pregnant. This good and bad news, as Ruosha herself said, was suddenly told to Alexander at a special time, a special place, and a special experience.

At that time, she said "This can't work, I'm pregnant." Almost frightened Alexander so much!

He immediately panicked and put Ruosha on the bed carefully, and then stared blankly at the sister who was lying there looking at him smiling. After a while, suddenly started to turn around on the ground like a demon. , And then shouted to the outside: "Come here, maid! Cher! Where are you Wallachian idiots!"

Alexander’s yelling immediately shocked many people. Fortunately, the waitress seemed to have been prepared. She baffled the attendants who had heard the news, and only asked Schell to guard in the corridor outside the door with a few hunting guards. Then he hurried into the room.

Seeing the queen lying there safe and sound, the waitress breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Alexander who was hurriedly putting on his robe and standing aside with a disgusting look.

Then she looked at the mess in the room and said with a slight dissatisfaction: "His Royal Highness, please allow me to remind you offensively that the current situation of Your Majesty is not suitable for too intense activities, so please restrain yourself."

The maid's words left Alexander speechless, and he could only helplessly look at Ruosha who seemed to be amused lying there.

Alexander didn't sleep well all night, he was busy with it in a panic, and for a while, he regarded Ruosha as an exquisite porcelain doll that could cause trouble with a touch.

This made Ruosha feel very fresh, especially when she just casually said something that she wanted to eat honey candied fruit, Alexander immediately let people look for it overnight. Ruosha felt happy and a little bit upset.

He must be so courteous to other women, this thought made Ruo Sha feel a little puzzled, because she had never had these boring thoughts before. Ok

"It's really not the time now," Alexander said, sitting opposite Ruosa, a little worried. "I thought you should wait until you return to Naples or Sicily before getting you pregnant, so that you can get the best in your court. Care, but now I am very worried."

"Don't worry about this," Ruosha seemed to regain her majesty as a queen at this time. "I have a strong army, which is enough to guarantee my greatest safety, and there are loyal entourages around me. The key is to come to them. Said that only I am safe and sound can have their future, so you don’t have to worry at all."

Alexander nodded silently. He found that even though she was pregnant, Ruo Sha was still the sister he knew well. This was probably the reason why he always thought Ruo Sha was his best partner.

"I want Burley to come to Valladolid," Ruosa said. Seeing Alexander seemed confused, she reminded him in a low voice "It's my brother, the child my father and maid gave birth to, remember? "

"Of course," although he could hardly remember the man, Alexander immediately agreed, "I still remember that you were holding a musket at me and pulling the trigger without hesitation. If I hadn't done anything with the gun in advance, We will not be like this anymore."

Thinking of the scene when the two met for the first time, Ruo Sha couldn't help but express a little emotion. At that time, they would never think of the situation now, let alone think that the two are planning for their children's future.

"Belley has been staying in Cosenza to help me take care of the territory. I want to transfer him to my side as the captain of my guard." Ruosha's hand gently stroked her lower abdomen. "He will protect our mother and child. , Will also be a good uncle."

Alexander thought for a while and then nodded slightly. He knew that Belleley and Ruosha had a deep relationship, and it would be reliable if Ruosha were taken care of by him.

Moreover, Ruosha was not even from Naples and Sicily at this time, but from her hometown of Cosenza, where she grew up. It can be seen that she also made the most prudent plans.

So as her half-brother and servant, Burley is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

The Queen of Sicily became pregnant suddenly in the court of Styria, and the father of the child was missing, which is enough to cause too many conjectures.

Some people may only think that this is a means of Alexander to use someone who does not know where to get the queen pregnant to contain Sicily, and they may even think about being the uncle and godfather of the future king of Sicily to influence neighboring countries.

And as long as it is slightly more complicated, you will think of a guess that seems impossible, but it is really just the only reasonable explanation.

This is bound to cause an uproar.

The Castilians may not admit that speculation out of various scruples, but Alexander's enemies will definitely use this to publicize it.

Alexander had already thought of this possibility, so he and Ruo Sha hoped to have a more appropriate arrangement before, but this kind of thing really seems to be beyond human control.

Sometimes the passion that is completely uncontrollable because of being too invested makes both of them forget the precautions they should have, so a new life is suddenly conceived under this situation.

"Then let us face this little new problem."

After some troubles of joy, Alexander decided to face the reality. He simply relaxed and began to seriously ponder how to deal with this sudden situation. After all, besides Ruosa's pregnancy, there are other problems that he needs to face.

As a father of four children, if there is no accident, this may be the first time Alexander has experienced his child from conception to birth.

He has decided that as long as there is no irresistible change in the situation, he will not let Ruosha leave his side.

Perhaps he is more or less partial. He has never wanted to be with his own woman like he does now, waiting for the moment when their child is born together.

"When will Barendi come to Valladolid?"

It's just that Ruosha's question made Alexander, who could not help but secretly excited about these bright futures, suddenly frustrated.

He stared a little annoyed, looking at his sister with playful eyes, and then said helplessly: "I want her to come to Castile after solving the Austrian problem."

"Then maybe before my child is born, you will be ready to be a father again," Ruo Sha said with ease, as if not talking about her own affairs at all, "I don't know if he or she will have a brother or sister. Or should I now prepare for the next war for the throne early?"

Alexander's expression gradually became serious. He knew that Ruo Sha did not say this casually. Whether as the Queen of Sicily or a future mother, Ruo Sha must make plans for the future rights of her children.

Likewise, Barendi is bound to think so.

And if you think about it carefully, it is likely that Barendi and Ruosha's descendants will cause disputes in this "big family" in the future.

Whether it's Sophia or Lucrezia, they have their own future for their children, and even now they have roughly their own directions.

According to the efforts of the Queen of Bohemia, Sofia’s son Alexandru will become her son-in-law, the future king of Bohemia and Hungary.

And Alexandra was confused by Uli Uliu, so she is likely to be paired with the son of the Queen of Navarra, Akalina.

The relationship between Navarre and the French royal family is also so complicated. This seems to give the future of the Gombray family a new direction.

As for Estreis and Giovanni, Alexander is not very worried about the future of their siblings.

Pizza is not big, but it is enough for Lucrezia.

She is not born a ruler, but a woman who only longs for love and romance, so it is enough for her to have a man and lovely children she likes.

As for the two brothers and sisters of Estreis and Giovanni, there are already arrangements.

Estreis can inherit Pisa and Florence, and then marry the young master of the Medici family, so that everyone can be satisfied with the result.

And little Giovanni, as far as Alexander knew, the child's grandfather had already arranged a bright future for his grandson.

The auxiliary bishop of Pisa, this is the current status of the young Giovanni, and according to Alexander VI's arrangement, once any diocese is vacant, the young Giovanni can immediately substitute for the new cardinal.

So it seems that there is no problem, so the only trouble now lies with Ruosha and Barendi.

These are two women who are very smart and love Alexander, but they are equally ambitious.

When it comes to their children's future, the weight of love may not be worth the struggle for power.

So Alexander had no doubt about Ruosha's words. If he could not make arrangements, then a new battle for the throne might have begun in the belly of the two women from now on.

"I said I will give you the most honorable crown in the world, and I will definitely keep my promise," Alexander said to Ruosha seriously, "but I think maybe you can look farther."

Alexander sat next to Ruosha, first took a bite of the candied fruits she fed him, and then continued to say, "You can imagine a bigger world waiting for you and us after the sour feeling of teeth is soft. Kid? I mean..."

"Your new world?" Ruosha took another bite of the candied fruit, and interrupted him at the same time. "This is your plan to exile our children to a remote uncivilized savage place?"

"It's our new world," Alexander corrected slightly. "It's not a barbaric place, it's a place where you can create miracles like never before in this world if you want."

Ruosa twisted her body slightly and looked at Alexander. After a while, she asked tentatively: "Are you not going to let my child inherit Aragon? Do you want to become the king of Aragon by yourself?"

"No, it's my child," Alexander said seriously. "We all know that the two kingdoms must be unified, and our child, do you think it is really suitable to establish his dynasty on the European continent?"

Ruosha was taken aback for a while, her expression on her face became cold, but then she sighed slightly.

She knew that Alexander was right. Their children were indeed not suitable for staying in Europe.

If it is just an ordinary nobleman, Ruo Sha believes that the power of the two of them is enough to guarantee the happiness of the child's life.

They can make the most malicious person afraid to publicly denigrate his or her origin, and they can make him or her the most worthy prince and princess in Europe!

But if they want that child to become a monarch, then his life experience will undoubtedly become the biggest obstacle to his (her) integration into Europe.

His (her) external enemies will do their utmost to slander and slander, and domestic opposition forces will use this to make trouble.

The most important thing is that the people will be distracted by the unspeakable origin of their monarch, and at that time, even if the young Giovanni became the third pope of the Borgia family as Alexander VI expected, how could it be What kind of reaction there will be can not but make people worry.

A person who is not tolerated by all people cannot gain a foothold, and a monarch who is not tolerated by all countries cannot be an enemy of the whole of Europe.

Even if this monarch is the ruler of the "New Alexander Empire".

"You've thought about this a long time ago, haven't you?" Ruosha asked suddenly "You knew from the beginning that our children could not stay in Europe, so you did your best to open up your new world, so that one day Send your own child to such a remote place?"

"That's not my new world," Alexander shook his head. "It belongs to our children. Everything there, land wealth and population, are extremely precious to someone who wants to build a new dynasty on the land. And I will personally lay the strongest foundation for our children."

Ruosa frowned slightly. She was not angry because Alexander had admitted all this, but was seriously and calmly considering whether all of this was really so unchangeable.

Alexander didn't bother Ruosha, he knew it was difficult for her to admit it, but he also believed that Ruosha could see the key.

The Queen of Sicily is smart and beautiful. She can almost be regarded as the woman most eager to marry by the male aristocrats in Europe in this era.

But for others, her charm lies in her position, power, and perhaps her unparalleled appearance, but only Alexander knows that all this is just an unimportant part of Ruosa's many advantages.

Her real charm lies in her ingenuity and long-term vision than most people.

Her ingenuity was used to rule the kingdom and seize the opportunity to win victory on the battlefield, and her vision allowed her to find a unique man in the world.

And this man also found her among all beings.

"A new world?" Ruosa looked at Alexander, then picked up a spoon and dug a piece of candied fruit into her mouth, and said slowly, "Tell me what kind of place it is. I know you used to dream of being able to one day Go to that place, but now I want to listen carefully."

Alexander smiled. He knew Ruosha might not have accepted the idea of ​​"exiling" their children to a completely strange land, but she would still be willing to calmly consider this possibility.

This is the woman I like, Alexander said proudly in his heart, a true queen.

"Well, where do I start?" Alexander thought for a while and decided to tell his sister a story about Vikings. "About the ninth century, the Vikings began to invade Scotland across the ice sea, and they soon occupied They crossed the coast of northern Scotland and invaded inland, but some of them continued to sail west until one day they reached a distant land that they had never been to before..."

The night was deep, and the whole palace was immersed in a quiet, except for the footsteps of the guards on guard passing by from time to time, the surroundings were so quiet.

Schell walked up the steps to the entrance of the hallway, looked at the two closed doors at the end of the hallway, and then quietly stepped back.

He looked back at the waitress who was standing there motionless, but still staring at him, shrugged and wanted to say something, but just opened his mouth, the waitress had already uttered a succinct tone with a completely incontrovertible tone. Bright single tone: "Bah!"

Xieer looked at the waitress in amazement. He felt that he had been insulted, but he was at a loss for a while. Just when he moved his jaw in a daze to question, the waitress had already given him another lethal death. The blow: "Bah!"

Schell immediately threw his helmet off his armor and fled in embarrassment. He hurried across the garden and walked far away until he felt that he could no longer hear the "bah" that made him at a loss. Then he stopped and panted. Angrily stared at the roses in the flower bed in front of him.

God, the queen is pregnant, who did it? !

Schell could have imagined that the whole city of Valaritod would be boiled over by this blasting news tomorrow morning, which made him feel an instant pressure.

"It is necessary to dispatch personnel to guard the palace immediately. UU Reading has to move the Sicilians. I hope that the cuirass grenadiers are not just mere appearances, and the food brought into the palace must be strictly investigated. It is related to the safety of the future little prince and little princess..."

Schell stood there alone and kept talking to himself. He wanted to use this method to prevent himself from getting lost because of that woman, but he stopped talking to himself for a long time and stared at the flowerbed in front of him. In the end, Schell couldn't help but cursed angrily: "Damn woman!"

In October 1502, a news that shocked everyone quickly spread throughout Iberia.

The Queen of Sicily is pregnant!

There are various speculations about who the child's father is, and this has aroused great interest.

Therefore, compared with this news, the battle between the Cassi coalition and the Aragonese army in the upper reaches of the Ebro River in northwest Aragon is less noticeable.

It was at this time that Gonzalo launched an unexpected attack on the Aragonese!

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