Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 71: Sophia

The evening sunset shone through the window, just projected on Alexander's face lying on the floor.

Maybe it was because of the sun, or she was shocked when she was thrown out, and Alexander felt his head was dull.

So when a figure blocked the sunset outside the window and cast a shadow over his head, he looked up and looked at the figure that was surrounded by the light behind it as if it was coated with a gold rim. Alexander first narrowed his eyes slightly and then struggled suddenly, Get up from the floor.

A dark blue long dress embroidered with gold silk patterns was worn on Sophia, although it was not tall, but it was obviously much better than her peers. A wide ink color around her waist seemed to put her full body in the middle. Suddenly cut off, the upper and lower body that appeared unusually protruding as if two waves happened to surge to the highest place sandwiched a deep valley, so uneven, even just looking at this figure was enough to make people A series of articles emerged.

And in fact, only by looking at this figure Alexander will have the reaction he should have as a man, because when he looked up and saw the face with a pair of smart eyes and a straight nose, he felt that he was right about this The girl with the obvious babyish face would have that kind of reaction, which is really a beast.

At this time, Alexander was really sure that Sophia stood before him!

"Sophia, my Sophia!" Alexander stretched out his hand tremblingly. When he touched the lukewarm smooth skin, he knew that it was not an illusion, and that it was indeed Sophia.

Because although the women in Naples seem to have a variety of styles, they are obviously different from Sophia, especially when they feel that the skin is suddenly tight and full of youthful elasticity, and the anger that has already appeared on that face , Alexander immediately knew what might happen next.

Sure enough, Sophia's shoulder moved slightly, and then just before Alexander could not retract his arm, he grabbed the elbows of his wrists and twisted them only slightly, and Alexander's arm was already twisted to the back, as he made a sound Screaming in pain, the gypsy girl's pair of overweight peaks squeezed directly on his back with a sense of oppression!

Pained and happy, at this moment Alexander finally realized a little bit, what did this sentence with a smell of corruption Wen Qing mean.

But the pain in his joints could not conceal his inner excitement. At this moment, he even had the urge to thank all the gods.

Finally, he found Sophia.

Of course, to be precise, Sophia found him.

"Ah ~" A familiar voice rang in his ears, accompanied by anger and dissatisfaction, as well as the pain after twisting the arm behind him.

"Sophia, you let me go, I think you misunderstood, listen to me explain." Alexander involuntarily used the classic lines most commonly used when this place was broken, although he immediately understood that he was completely saying A nonsense, but the twisted wrist accidentally loosened, and as he lowered his arm to turn around, Sophia's body close to his back suddenly squeezed forward, and then his hands were removed The back was looped around his waist, tightly hooping him as if to suffocate him.

Then, a low cry cried from behind him.

Alexander was about to turn around and his body froze slightly. He stood there motionless, but gently stroked the ring in front of his lower abdomen, as if afraid of his disappearing hands clasped with fingers, when his hand was slow When slowly stroking the ten roots, Sophia's intertwined hands relaxed slightly, but then grabbed his hands tightly,

Twenty fingers were tightly entwined.

The room was so quiet, and the faint sound outside the door was no longer heard. It seemed that there was no one other than the other party in the room.

Not knowing how long it took, Alexander turned slowly. Although Sophia seemed to be reluctant to hug her tightly, she then relaxed her arms lightly.

This time Alexander finally saw the girl in front of him.

Or the smooth skin with a healthy, ivory-like color, still the small oval face that seemed to be set off by the very flexible and huge eyes, and the straight nose bridge that can reflect the shadow from the side, and Thick lips full of wildness.

On this face that still hasn't gotten rid of childishness, tears are sliding down her cheeks.

Alexander looked at this face seriously. When he saw the grievance in Sophia's eyes, he attached his head and kissed Sophia gently on the forehead.

Sophia's forehead was hot and moist. When Alexander's lips touched her skin, she lifted her head slightly, so that Alexander kissed her pretty nose.

"It's really you, you come back to me," Alexander whispered. He seemed to be cautious about touching an invisible wound. When he felt that Sophia was not panicked by his movements, he My lips slowly moved down, gently touching the two soft and hot lips "No matter what happened, you are back to me, this is the most important thing, my little wife, I will never let You left me. "

Alexander's voice was so low and so low that he could hardly hear him.

What happened during this time of separation.

How could Sophia appear in Olgala's house? It is impossible to say that these doubts were not tightly pressed on Alexander's heart. Deep down, he didn't even dare to think about what had happened to Sophia before.

Alexander knew in his heart that the suspicions in his heart could not have been detected by Sophia, who was very sensitive. Perhaps this would also touch the untouchable pain in her heart, but now he did not want to think so much.

He now only wanted to hug the girl in his arms tightly, as he told her, never let her go, and never let her suffer any pain or suffering.

"Ah ~"

Sophia, who was tightly hugged with the pressure mountain, suddenly released him hard, and then pushed his chest hard to struggle backwards. When Alexander looked at him in amazement, he found that Sophia was staring at him with a serious eyes. s face.

"What's the matter, Sophia?" Alexander asked with care. He didn't know if he had touched her at this time. He could only cautiously hug her body gently, and then gently said, "Relax, now you are in I ’m by my side, so do n’t worry anymore, and the two of us wo n’t be separated anymore. "

Sophia's expression didn't get better because of Alexander's words. Her pair of eyes that looked a little strange once she opened it hard, kept glancing at Alexander's face, and then her eyes suddenly narrowed, just when Alexander just felt wrong. Suddenly pushing **** Alexander's shoulder, the feet in the skirt were very flexible and tripped gently over Alexander's heel.

Alexander felt dizzy in an instant, his back hitting a mum on the thick carpet floor again, and Sophia rode on his stomach!

Then, just before Alexander was hit so badly that it was so painful, Sophia had begun to tear his clothes crazy.

Alexander stopped it in a hurry, but because he was afraid of hurting Sophia, he didn't dare to use too much force. Even when he had just put on a beautiful and gorgeous coat that hadn't been for a long time, Sophia directly pulled the neckline out of the big mouth. When the charms boasted by the fat tailor flew around, he could only resist while trying to whisper comfort, so that Sophia, who suddenly became emotional, calmed down.

"Don't do this to Sophia, we don't have to be like this," Alexander finally grasped Sophia's wrist tightly. He fixed her hands on his chest that had been torn to the top, and then stared at Sophia's eyes: "Do you still remember the wedding we held in your tribe, do you remember getting lashed for me, we had a blood fusion ceremony, and at that time I swore that you are my wife and that will always be mine wife."

Sophia stopped struggling, she stared at Alexander with a stunned look, her eyes were so serious and critical, she seemed to find even a little unreal in his face, and then her hand slightly broke away from Alexander's relaxed hands Come out and put on both sides of Alexander's head.

Sophia bent down and hung her upper body forward on Alexander's body. Alexander could feel the force of the squeezed pair of full peaks as she moved. When he could not help but breathe slightly, Sophia's upper body suddenly Gently pressed down, her lips had covered Alexander's lips.

"Ah," a short whisper came out of Sophia's mouth, and then she turned her head and pressed her face to Alexander's chest.

None of the two men moved. As time passed, Alexander heard a soft snore from Sophia's nose.

Sophia actually fell asleep on his chest, which caused Alexander to pour out a pity after the accident.

His heart was filled with comfort and the warmth that gradually calmed down, gently hugging the girl who had been curled up, like a big toy, sleeping, and humming gently in his mouth, he didn't know what it meant. Slowly toning, close your eyes and gradually immerse yourself in the tranquility of this reunion.

At the same time, the two people who fell asleep did not notice that a small door on the side of the room opened quietly, and a beautiful woman walked in lightly, when she saw Sophia slept in her arms by Alexander, A strange expression appeared on the woman's face.

Mrs. Olgala did not expect to see such a scene.

She couldn't forget the scene when the girl was just sent, the kind of vigilance and alertness that seemed to be thrown up like a ferocious lynx at any time to tear open the enemy's throat.

She guarded against anyone who tried to approach her, even the one who sent her, could not easily approach her.

The most incredible thing is that this gypsy girl has an amazing throwing skill, so that as long as she thinks it is dangerous, she ca n’t get close to her. What ’s more exaggerated is that she is still with a handle A musket with a sturdy belt tied to the wrist.

If it weren't for the girl to be a poor dumb, and the person who sent her was really something she didn't want to offend, Olgala really wanted to drive her out of her house.

Thinking of the musket, Olgala looked at the young man named Gumbre curiously again.

The man also carried a musket with him, and when she came to visit her gang, Mrs. Olgala frowned slightly.

Looking at the appearance of these two people, think about the scene where the girl forced her to see this gombre instead of herself. She can think of these two people not only knowing, but also having a simple relationship.

It's just that Olgala felt a little embarrassed because she remembered the man who sent Sophia.

That is a person who cannot be offended.

Olgara felt a bit bitter in her mouth. She picked up a piece of salted preserves on the plate on the side table and put it in her mouth, but the sound of this small movement awakened the seemingly sleepy Sophia!

Sophia, who suddenly jumped from Alexander, raised her hand instinctively. When she realized that the musket that had always been with her was not in her hand, Sophia grabbed a handful of cut fruit from the side table without thinking about it. Knife!

Almost at the same time that Sophia jumped up, Olgala had made a sharp shout. She did it out of experience, because she knew that if it was late, she would know what terrible things to face next. .

Sure enough, the cry saved Olgala's life, looking at the knife that Sophia had lifted, and the Naples courtesan who was holding her head shouting screamed louder.

Alexander also woke up when Sophia jumped up, and he immediately turned over and stood up, looking at him alertly.

Not to mention that there is a little Caldova who just married him downstairs. Even if there is no conflict, Alexander is not at ease with this kind of place that may lead to right and wrong at any time.

Just looking at Sophia holding the knife, and then looking at the woman who was standing not far away and holding her head screaming, Alexander was a bit overwhelmed.

But before he could open his mouth, the door outside was already knocked loudly, and with several clutters, the door was knocked open from the outside!

A group of men swarmed into the room, headed by the servant of Olgala, but Mario and Cordoba little behind him surprised Alexander.

The scene in the room also puzzled the group.

The well-known Mrs. Olgala was so embarrassed that she could not hold her head and yelled. The gombre who walked away stood naked with bare chest, half-chested and naked. What was more unexpected to everyone was that he also had a figure. The unusually hot and beautiful young girl held a swaying knife in his hand. This scene instantly made a group of men who originally wanted a hero to save beauty dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

"Adult, this, this is ..." Mario asked stuttering, he was completely dumbfounded.

Originally thought that the countryman nephew who was just accompanying the Earl came out to spend his time, and because he got the hint from the Earl, he was also ready to toss with him as long as the young master did n’t go too far, but he never thought that this young master would actually Playing, not only threatening Gonzalo's nephew with a musket, but now seems to be playing the game of two males and females, which makes Mario, who always thinks he knows the best, a little bit too much.

Looking at the large group of people, although their expressions are very different, but they are shining one by one, waiting for the audience who watch the good show. Pressure Mountain University knows that Modillo's plan has been successful.

It's estimated that it won't take long for the entire city of Naples to know what happened in Mrs. Olgala's room this evening, and he believes that things will soon be told beyond recognition.

"We leave this ~ ~ Alexander ignored those people. He took the knife from Sophia's arm that he had put down and put it on the table, and then pulled her out of the door in the eyes of everyone.

"How are you, Madam, are you injured." Until Alexander left them, the servant hurried to Lady Olgala and asked carefully.

Mrs. Olgala looked sullenly at the door. Although she was really irritated in front of so many people, she had more important things to do now.

"Send a letter to the master immediately," Olgala whispered. "Tell him that the gypsy girl he brought back was taken away by someone named Gumbre." Mrs. Olgala added a sentence " It ’s that Agrie ’s Gombré. "

At this time, Alexander, who had already come to the street, was pulling Sophia tightly towards the Duran Palace.

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