Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 2 Chapter 82: Trivia

Alexander was interested in the news brought by Olgala, not because he heard that Queen Joanna was about to travel, and it seemed that he happened to be on the same road with him.

He did not have much affection for the distinguished young widow. This was not just because she was involved with Sophia when she brought the letter to Groningen, but according to Alexander ’s own observations, he found that the woman was too greedy and seemed to be insatiable. He had to reconsider whether it was worth investing in her.

Being too greedy will make a person unsatisfied. Alexander is worried about whether it can have a sufficient impact on Joanna, or that this woman will have other "benefactors" besides herself.

At least Groningen was deeply involved in her husband. Although the Dutch had returned the loan to the queen, it was hard to say that there would be no other involvement between them.

Alexandria was really interested in another message that Groningen had brought to Olgala. The Dutch hoped to provide some help for his trip to the north, or that he was willing to pay.

Of course, Alexander would not refuse this kind of thing. It was just that the proposal made by Groningen surprised him a little. It seemed that the negotiation was good. Groningen also made a proposal to buy a lot of grain and ship it to the north, even in order to buy as much as possible. For food, the Dutch told Alexandria through Olgala that he "doesn't care whether he buys wheat or oats, even buckwheat that is not tasty."

In addition, Groningen also suggested that it would be better if Alexander could buy a batch of cotton.

This news made Alexander's trip have to be postponed again. He found the count, and when he heard of such a sale, Modillo was in deep thought.

"Hubert of Groningen. A Dutchman?" Modillo looked at Alexander suspiciously. "What do you think this man wants to do, why did he spend so much money to buy so much food?"

"I think his purpose is the same as ours," Alexander said without thinking. "It seems that the situation of the French is already very bad. If there is not enough food and winter clothes, maybe they will even endure this winter. But go. "

Of course, Alexandria would not tell the count that if it continued in this way, if it could not receive timely support, the French who stayed in Italy would at the beginning of the new year, they would eventually be unable to resist Gonzalo ’s attack and had to surrender completely, Rome, still occupied by the French, will soon fall into Gonzalo's hands.

But if this batch of food and supplies for the winter can really be delivered to the French, maybe things will change.

"That Dutchman wants to support the French, did he discover our plan?" Modillo was a little worried, and colluding with the French secretly was too serious. Once the news leaked, even Modillo People at home cannot escape the severely punished end.

"At least now he doesn't seem malicious, but it helps us a bit," Alexander said dismissively. He could guess the reason for Groningen to do so, but this could not be explained to the count.

Over the years, the interest of the Aragonese in the Netherlands has not diminished. Even in the years when the war of land was regained, the Aragon Kingdom continued to send emissaries and governors to strengthen the rule of the Netherlands, but the real It will take a few more years for the Netherlands to be in his pocket.

But even this must have aroused the vigilance of the Dutch, especially for the Hanseatic League, which has passed its heyday now, the threat from the Mediterranean Levant trade circle has always been their biggest enemy. In the future, this threat will become more and more powerful, especially with the discovery of the new continent and the frequent trade before and after the new and old worlds, the life of the Hanseatic League will only become more and more difficult.

Of course, it will take many years for this to happen. Even in Alexandria ’s memory, although the Hanseatic League has gradually declined for a whole century, it will still be an unshakable giant in the northern European trade centered on the North Sea, until more than 150 years. After that, this alliance will completely disappear.

So I could realize the Aragonese ambition for the entire Netherlands so early, and that Groningen caught Alexander's attention.

"We must be careful anyway," Modillo looked at Alexander with some anxiety. He didn't know if it was too reckless to give such an important thing to the Alexander office, but now I can't find a second one that is more suitable. People, after all, the amount of food delivered this time is too large, and besides Alexandria, there are no other people who can leave Naples at this time with a reasonable excuse but will not receive attention. "How many people are you going to bring this time?"

"I will leave half of the Bohemian cavalry." Alexander said a little helplessly. Although the Bohemians were brave and good at fighting, he still had too few manpower. Taking away half of the cavalry was already the largest man he could mobilize. Although a group of farmers were called in Agri during this time, it was not so simple to turn those hoe-growing farmers into soldiers with spears.

Alexander knew very well that soldiers who had not undergone rigorous training and true baptism of war were at best a group of armed rioters.

"No mistakes are allowed on this trip," Modillo frowned, apparently dissatisfied with Alexander's arrangement. "You must bring enough people, don't forget that except the French and Gonzalo, now the whole north It ’s all messed up, and even the landlords of Lombardy have been armed. That James Columbus suffered this loss. I think he must lick his wounds now. I do n’t want you to do the same. We ca n’t afford to lose. "

"So how many people do you think I should bring?"

"500 people, at least 500 people," Modillo pondered for a moment, and determinedly patted the table. "Isn't that Groningen also to join in, let him pay a fee in advance, this money?" You do n’t want to hire a group of soldiers directly, and remember not to be stingy, you have to pick the best, we have to spend the money. ”

Looking at the determined Earl, Alexander bowed a little, and then said goodbye to leave. He knew his purpose was finally achieved.

Alexander was not really interested in the purpose of Groningen. The Netherlands was too far away from Italy. At least for now it seems that there is no need to worry about the lowlanders in the North Sea.

It was Taranto that disappointed Alexander a little.

Two days ago, Elliott's reply was delivered with a shipment.

What disappointed Alexander slightly was Elliott's cautious endorsement of his proposal. Although he expressed his support for the proposal in a personal tone, when referring to his father, Earl Hosson, there was a line between the lines. There was an evasion, and it was clear that the count was not optimistic about Alexander's suggestion.

At the same time, Elliott objected to the office of Alexander in the port of Taranto. Although he did not speak out, it can be seen that the Taranto people seem to be dissatisfied with Alexander's "free trade".

Obviously, the Taranto people are worried that Alexander will steal their business, or that if the port of Taranto joins this free trade, it will have a bad impact on the local market.

After all, the reduction of various tariffs will allow foreign goods to hit the local market at very low prices. Alexander realized that this was not a thought of Earl Hosson and his son, but a counterattack against him by the Taranto Merchants Association.

"It really seems to be short of staff." Alexander sighed helplessly.

He felt the embarrassment of being stretched out now, so everything must be done by himself so that Alexander ca n’t do everything at all, for example, now he ca n’t think about how to get back to Agrig as soon as possible before going to arrange everything, but also have to think about How to beat the short-sighted and greedy merchants of Taranto, and after speaking out the idea of ​​recruiting mercenaries, I looked at Mahimo ’s eagerness to try, although I have n’t seen anyone who was recruited, but He already began to feel unreliable.

With so many clues, Alexander felt that if he couldn't find a few reliable helpers, he might get tired after a long time.

"Go to Barr," Alexander thought of the lookout boss at this time. "Tell him that this is his chance, as you said, if he doesn't want to live in that broken pub all his life, come and do it for me."

After hearing this, Mahimo immediately exulted. He first exaggerated salute, and then immediately disappeared outside the door.

Barr used to be the captain of Naples' city patrol. Although he was only a small officer, he was at least more reliable than the monks in selecting mercenaries.

There was a sound of metal friction and collision in the courtyard. Alexander looked out of the window and saw Sophia wearing the brand-new trumpet armor, holding the handle in his hands and looking at the weightless sword, waving back and forth, but her The movement was a bit dangerous, at least two of the maids waiting for her had been hiding far away, and from the neatly inclined incisions of the two wooden stakes that fell on the ground as targets, Alexander felt some kind of thick Killing intention.

"Maybe she should be replaced with an uncut sword," Ruosha walked over and stood side by side with Alexander looking at the girl struggling to wield the sword below. "I now understand why you like her. She is really cute. "" Speaking of this, Shao put her chin gently on Alexander's shoulder from behind. "At least she looks cute now."

Luo Sha's words just fell, and with a bang in the courtyard below, the two were surprised to see that as Sophia threw her hands hard, the long sword in her hand instantly became a huge flying knife. The shining track, the long sword was directly inserted on the last remaining wooden pile, the hilt of the sword was shaking, and the momentum was scary.

"I think it's better to withdraw that sentence," Ruosha looked down at Sophia, who was staring up at the two of them in the window, frowned, and then smiled slightly. "But I like to use a musket more than a sword."

Alexander laughed bitterly, he didn't know how these two people could not get along, but he couldn't care about these at this time, he asked: "I'm going back to Agri tomorrow, how about you?"

"I have to stay in Naples," Zuo Sha picked up the purple grape beads on the table and slid a little on her lips. When she saw Alexander's eyes turned to the side immediately, a sly gleam flashed in her eyes. "But you can give me Burelli carried a letter and he is now managing Kosenza for me. "

"Okay," Alexander nodded. Although he knew that Burley had no good feelings for him, he didn't care. "But before that, I hope you can sign an agreement with me."

As he said, Alexander handed a document prepared earlier to Ruo Sha.

"What is it?" Turning over the document, looking at the contents, he had already picked up the quill pen next to him. "You want someone to find a sulfur mine in Kosenza's territory?"

"Vesuvius is there," Alexander pointed in the direction of the volcano. "The territory of Cosenza is not far from the volcano. I think there should be enough sulfur in the mountain."

"Ammunition used to make muskets?" Zuo Sha brushed her smooth, slightly pointed chin with the feather on the pen. "So what can I get?"

"I pay you money," Alexander pointed to the file. "I will not take advantage of my sister."

"Won't take advantage of my sister?"

Hearing Ruosha repeating this sentence in a strange tone, Alexander was slightly startled.

"I don't want your money," Zuosha put the quill pen on the table, and then looked at him carefully. "I want you to make a firearm called a flintlock for me."

"Are you going to arm Cosenza?"

"Just for self-preservation," Zuo Sha took up the pen again, firstly drawn a few abolished horizontal lines on the payment terms, and then thought about starting to fill in her own terms on top. When guns are set aside for Cosenza, and I want you to guarantee that Cosenza will be the first place to share such things with you once new weapons are available.

After finishing the writing, Ruosha thought about it again, and felt that there was nothing more to fill in, and pushed the document to Alexander: "Okay, now you come to sign."

"It seems that the agreement was proposed by me first," Alexander mumbled, then looked at the content again, took a pen and signed the name.

"Alexander Juliant Gumbre," behind her, Zuosha gently read the name on the agreement, and then put her chin on Alexander's shoulder as before. "Why don't you sign Qiao Modi?" Luo's name? "

"Because this is an agreement between the lord of Agri and the Countess of Cosenza, not an agreement between her brother and sister," Alexander first collected the documents before saying to Rusha, "I will bring Sophia tomorrow Go back to Agri, and then we will go directly to the north. "

Luo Sha nodded, and her thoughts at that time had fallen completely on the agreement just signed.

According to this agreement, Cosenza can quickly arm the people in the territory. Ruosha has a feeling that it seems that in addition to those muskets, Alexander will bring some changes that other people have not imagined in this era.

This idea actually existed a long time ago, but at that time she was still ignorant. Although she could feel that this suddenly emerging brother was very different from others, she still couldn't understand what was different.

But now, Ruo Sha can be sure that even those flintlocks that seem to have a lot of power are not the most important. What really matters is just the "brother" in front of him.

If an agreement could be used to connect Cosenza with Agri, Ruosha would n’t care if some of them seemed to be losing money, just as she would n’t care if Alexander looked at her every time. It looks like a brother's eyes.

It's just that this look won't last long. With the sound of footsteps, Sophia appeared at the door of the room wearing her armor.

Ruosha even had an urge to ask Sophia how she wore such a heavy thing upstairs, although she had an armor that looked more gorgeous than Sophia ’s armor, but Ruosha knew that armor had more Just to show that gorgeous appearance, and she has never tried to run around upstairs and downstairs wearing that thing.

"Sophia, we will go to Agri tomorrow," Alexander knew how to deal with Sophia at this time. "Nashan should have returned, and hope he can recognize his daughter."

Sophia immediately smiled on her somewhat heavy face. Although she was a little difficult, she still moved forward quickly, and then stretched out her hands wearing wrists and hugged Alexander's neck tightly.

Immediately afterwards, Ruo Sha seemed to hear a moan from Alexander.

There are two roads from Naples to Agrig, one needs to pass Cosenza, and the other only needs to go north along the mountain ridge all the way to enter the Agrig Plain.

But this road is not only bad for many people, it may even be a nightmare.

In addition to the difficult mountain road, more dangers of this road come from the robbers who are entrenched in the mountains.

Most of these robbers are villagers in some local villages. These people often form a large family with a large number of families. When the tax collectors of the lords come, they will scare away the small officials with bad and fierce. And when a small number of caravans or some unlucky passengers passing by, these villagers will immediately become robbers and rob the unfortunate people.

Because of this, although there is such a more convenient road, few people have passed through it all the year round.

Today, some people have broken the silence on this quiet mountain road.

This is a small team with a small number of people. The person in the front wrapped himself tightly in a blanket. Except for a pair of black eyes, nothing was exposed.

There was a very soft sound at the turning point of the mountain road. If this kind of mountain wind roared, it would not be noticed unless you listened carefully.

But the person in front of the team seemed to immediately capture the voice. He raised his hand slightly to signal that the team in the back stopped advancing, and then he hurriedly urged the horse forward to the turning place alone.

As the blanket moved, the man seemed to twist his lower neck, and then stretched out a hand from the blanket.

The man seemed to be holding something, but it wasn't until he suddenly waved his arm and at the same time that he screamed with this action, the robbers hiding in the dark didn't realize that not only their actions were discovered by others, but they didn't even wait. They started, and a partner was knocked down by the person below!

The robbers almost spontaneously yelled and jumped out. They screamed and ran from the hiding place and ran down, rushing to the person who had killed one of their partners when they came up.

A hoe, a pitchfork, a guillotine, and a sword with a half-cut edge, all kinds of weapons chopped down at the man with his face covered with a variety of weapons!

A few people behind the team couldn't help but grabbed the weapon, but most people just looked at the scene with a good look.

The man suddenly jumped off the horse. Although he was tightly wrapped, he seemed very muscular. He ran away while throwing away the blanket. When he wrapped the head and face of the nearest robber with the blanket, The saber, which had been drawn in his other hand, was slashed with force, and the robber had been smashed to the ground by his handle.

Someone in the back team made a laugh, and with this laugh, the robbers found out that there was a dark skin standing in front of them. Although they were not tall, they were as sturdy as leopards.

The man wears huge gold earrings on his ears, and the clothes on his body are very weird. The most weird thing is the headband with strange patterns on his head.

Such a gypsy will not be popular in any city.

But when the gypsy had a deadly machete in his hand, and every time he waved it might cut someone down, the gypsy was terrible.

After another companion screamed and fell, the robbers finally turned around and were afraid. They were not only afraid of the gypsy, but also the partners behind him who had drawn their weapons and were ready to rush over because of impatience.

"Don't kill people," the Gypsies shouted loudly. "Today is not the day to kill people."

"Nashan, you have become kind, this is a miracle." A man dressed in a thick fur robe outside but shirtless inside cuts through a bandit who just wants to escape ~ ~ Said with a sneer.

"It's time for me to do compassion for my daughter," Nashan laughed happily. "I thought I would never see my Sophia."

"Did the Gombre send you a letter?"

"Yes, that bastard," Nashan chuckled. "At the beginning, I almost cut his head with a knife, but now I like that kid a little, as long as he treats Sophia well."

"So you can't wait to meet them," Dahan shook his head. "How do you know they will go this way."

"I don't know, but I can go directly to the gate and wait for them. I can't wait."

Nashan no longer ignored the robbers, jumped on the horse and prepared to move on.

At this moment, a horn came from a distance, Nashan immediately urged the horse to bypass the foot of the mountain, when he saw the strange pennant in front of the team in the distance, Nashan issued a cry of joy: "My Daughter, my Sophia! "To find this site, please search" "or enter the URL:

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