Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 18: Threaten, lure, solicit

Jeffrey Borgia is said to be a very beautiful person, with a soft and shiny dark brown hair, a delicate and sensitive face unique to teenagers, and innocent eyes only for children.

Among the children of Alexander VI, Jeffrey was not very fond of. Even the outside world has been rumored that the Pope doubts whether this beautiful boy is his own descendant. Because of this, Jeffrey is not close to his father.

Regarding this rumor, almost everyone in the city of Rome knew it.

Another topic that interests people is Jeffrey's wife Xia Sang.

As the daughter of King Alfonso II of Naples, when Joanna's young aunt married Jeffrey two years ago, she came to Rome with a large and dazzling dowry.

At that time, Alexander VI had just ascended to the pope's throne. It was coincidentally that when he was proud of his spring breeze, he saw a daughter-in-law who brought a huge amount of dowry and the territory of the country.

The Pope ’s family also liked the young girl ’s joining, especially Giovanni and Caesar, who were very interested in their younger brother, a 16-year-old beautiful bride. All kinds of rumors spread in Rome.

These are things that are known to almost the entire city of Rome, and even foreigners like Alexander who have not been around for a long time can hear all kinds of rumors about this family, including Xia Sang and The ambiguous stories between her husband's two brothers.

Now that Giovanni said that Xia Sang wanted to see him, Alexander couldn't help thinking of those stories about this brother and a woman.

"Xia Sang hopes to meet you, she will show you the gratitude to you for saving Her Majesty Joanna." Giovanni did not seem to think that he should replace his brother and sister, not Xia Sang. It was so weird that the husband came forward to say these things. After he finished speaking naturally, he signaled Alexander to follow him towards the Gilpitts palace.

Could it be that this lady lived so majesticly in her husband ’s house? Alexander thought a bit surprised, and then look at Giovanni's attitude of not caring about these things. Alexander couldn't help but feel that the man was stabbed by the black knife afterwards. It's really not wrong, at least about him being actually his brother Jeffrey It is not necessarily unreasonable to send people to assassinate this conjecture.

Xia Sang Aragon is 18 years old. The sensation she caused when she married Jeffrey two years ago is still frequently mentioned by people. For this, he brought tens of thousands of florins and a closed country to the Pogia family. Daughter-in-law, the family has shown enough affection, which makes Xia San a pleasant stay in Rome, and her relationship with her husband's sister Lucrezia is not bad.

Xia Sang is now 18 years old. It is the best time for two years of love to change from a young girl to a young and romantic woman. She has already shown a plump posture and let her wear a dress that imitates the ancient Roman era. Her figure looks graceful and energetic, and her light red hair that seems to be lively is somewhat similar to that of Alexander, slightly jumped, but vibrant.

Xia Sang is very lively, or somewhat similar to Giovanni. When Giovanni brought a young man, she stood up from her chair and looked at it with a smile, when Giovanni was about to speak. , But she said first: "I know you, Alexander Juliant Gumbre, right?"

"Ma'am, this is my honor." Alexander bowed slightly, and then he looked up at Xia Sang carefully after raising his head.

Xia Sang seemed a little surprised. She didn't expect the young man's courage to seem so big, she looked at her like that, and then she smiled again: "You are younger than I thought, and you are also bold, or as others say Like that, you are still a child. "

other people? Who?

Alexander thought quickly, his face was just right because Xia Sang's words showed a little shyness.

"I heard a lot about you, I heard that you defeated the French, and on the night that you entered the city, you thwarted a robbery against my brother's wife and saved her?"

"That's all trivial things, and it's my duty to protect the queen." Alexander said modestly. "If I have to be proud, I'm proud of what I did for Naples."

"I heard that you are the lord of Agrig?" Xia Sangrao asked with interest. "And you also sent food when Naples suffered a famine?"

"Yes madam, I stopped a famine, which is also my most proud of myself."

Alexander nodded, and he could not be humble when he was modest. He felt that Mrs. Xia Sang specifically advised him not to listen to him with modesty. Obviously this young woman had a purpose.

As for what she wants to do, I don't know yet.

"Joanna said that your army is very capable of fighting?" Xia Sang still asked in the innocent and romantic way peculiar to the seemingly young lady, which made her question seem straightforward even because of the suspicion in it. It ’s too polite, but it wo n’t be disgusted because of that kind of innocent romance. "Your victory in the Bruini Valley is now famous. People in Rome are talking about it, everyone is laughing at the French. It ’s a group of fools with a picture, which actually defeated a group of farmers from Agry. "

Giovanni coughed next to him, and he gave Alexander a slightly apologetic smile, as if to apologize for his brother's words.

Alexander only smiled: "Madam, you are right, in fact, those people under me are indeed a group of farmers. Many of them are on the battlefield for the first time. Even the veterans who once fought for the lord did not really fight France. People have confronted each other head-on, and most of my victory is due to the Bohemians under me. "

Alexander noticed that when he spoke of the Bohemians, Giovanni, who had been smiling and listening to him next to him, looked slightly correct, and he became concerned with his inattentiveness.

"Then you can tell me the result of that battle, you know that the French will never mention their defeat." Xia Sang seems to be really interested in asking "Although I will not be with The French are openly enemies, but I still hope to hear more about their failure, so I will be more happy in my heart. "

Although he doubted how many of these words were true, Alexander simply talked about the battle of the Bruini Valley. When it came to the French cavalry breaking through the car array, Xia Sang showed a nervous expression, and when he heard After the Bohemians finally drove the French out of the battlefield, she smiled.

"This is really a thrilling battle, isn't it?" Xia Sang asked Giovanni next to him, "What if the battle is under your command?"

Alexander was shocked. He didn't expect Xia Sang to ask this question. Looking at Giovanni who was standing next to him with a patient smile listening, Alexander was a little bit wanting to hear the Duke of Gandia's thoughts.

Of all the children of Alexander VI, Giovanni Borgia was regarded by their father as the most ideal military commander of the future Borgia dynasty, although they also have a half-brother Louis who is actually more suitable for this The role, but unfortunately, the premature death of Louis broke the thought of Alexander VI.

So the Pope put all his hopes on Giovanni. At the same time, he paid a lot of money to hire a lot of famous teachers of this era to teach his son about military affairs. He even sent his son directly to the coalition army to command the battle. It was only because of the agreement with the French King that he had to call Giovanni back to Rome.

It can be said that, in the eyes of Alexander VI, although Caesar was his favorite son, he did at least to this day, and he did not think that Caesar was a soldier.

Giovanni had high hopes.

Alexander is still willing to listen to such personal opinions.

Giovanni glanced at Alexandria before saying to Xia Sang: "Although I didn't experience the battle personally, I can still imagine the danger. Dear Xia Sang, the French are not as bad as you think One blow, otherwise Charlie will not easily defeat your father and brother. As for the French in Rome, their troubles are not just from the coalition. "

After hearing Giovanni's words, Xia Sang's slightly anticipated look was slightly unsightly. She seemed to look at Giovanni a little unhappy, but she didn't say anything, just waiting for him to continue.

Alexander nodded secretly in his heart. Giovanni was not a self-esteemed person, or even in front of the woman he favored, he did not lose his calmness as a soldier when he mentioned the enemy. This alone is enough to show why he would Get the preference of Alexander VI.

"If it was my command, maybe I wouldn't die in the chariot," Giovanni looked at Alexander. "Although the Agri are indeed farmers, they are very good bait. I will personally lead Bohemia. People attacked the French cavalry, and let the Agris try to attract the French ’s sight in the car array. When they broke into the car array, the car array would become an obstacle to their movement. At that time, I will let The Bohemians surrounded the car array and faced all the French who tried to break through. Although it might be necessary to sacrifice those Aggris, I will win the battle a bit happier. "

Giovanni said with a strange smile, as if he had thought of something interesting, and looked at him. Alexander raised his eyebrows slightly.

"But isn't Joanna just in the team, would you like to sacrifice even Joanna as you said?" Xia Sangluo asked with doubt.

"I just said that if I was the conductor," Giovanni said with a smile, and then he looked at Alexander. "In fact, you are doing very well. Now the French are not even willing to mention the name of the Bruini Valley, and it is said that their Commander Louis de Charlene hated what happened there. "

"I've seen that man, a French knight who likes to wear black armor."

"Yes, an arrogant French knight," Giovanni nodded in agreement. "But I have to remind you that this is a French man who is not generous. The reason why he was appointed by Charlie as the commander stationed in Rome was not because he had How smart, just because he has a high degree of loyalty to Charlie himself, but this is not a good thing for you, he will continue to trouble you. "

Alexandria knew that what was really going to start today was just beginning. Giovanni would condescend and invite him, not just to discuss a few art treasures and to hear him brag about his glorious record.

"I'm not afraid of the French, and I won a fair victory on the battlefield. If the French thinks he needs revenge, he can come to me at any time." Alexander deliberately showed a stubborn look, then he looked at Giovanni, Waiting for his performance below.

Sure enough, Giovanni first praised his bravery and fearlessness, and then said in disapproval: "Although you are very brave and very decent, but do n’t forget that this is Rome. Anything in this city may happen. Yes, not to mention that although the French cannot deal with you publicly, as long as you and your people are prohibited from leaving the city, they will always have the opportunity to retaliate against you. "

Alexander showed a little bit of awkwardness, but although he was doing a play, he knew that Giovanni was also telling the truth, and indeed anything could happen in the city of Rome.

Seeing the hesitation between Alexander's expressions, Giovanni finally smiled with satisfaction. What he had been waiting for was such a result.

First he broke Alexander's self-righteous pride. After letting him see the danger in front of him, Giovanni handed out the olive branch he had prepared.

"Of course, it may be different if you have a strong enough protagonist to be your strong supporter," Giovanni seemed to inadvertently wave his hand. "In that way, the French need to consider whether punishing you will cause your protagonist. Dissatisfaction, especially now that the French are having a hard time in Lombardy and Rome, this may be an opportunity for you. "

Alexander looked at Giovanni. He knew that this man was unabashedly threatening and tempting, but even if he was willing to surrender, he could be Lord Agrig. In name, he still belonged to the kingdom of Naples.

So can he directly trust the Duke of Gandia?

Obviously this is impossible ~ ~ So what does Giovanni mean?

When Alexander's gaze flicked over the slightly anticipated look on Xia Sang's face next to him, he knew he had found the answer.

Xia Sang is the daughter of Alfonso II. When she married Jeffrey, she used the Principality of Squillace as the dowry. Speaking of Xia San, it was not only Jeffrey Borgia ’s wife, but also a Napoli leader The Duchess of the Duchy of Squillace.

So, as the Agri lord under the name of Naples, if it is necessary to find a protector, is there more suitable than the daughter of the former king, a duchess of the Principality?

For a while, Alexandria realized, and at the same time looked at the two of them became interesting.

It seems that the rumors about these two people are not necessarily catching the wind, and only by Giovanni Ken's so much effort to fight for the interests of Xia Sang can tell the difference between the two of them.

As Alexander secretly figured out these two people, Xia Sang suddenly asked inadvertently: "I heard that you had some trouble when you entered the city of Rome before?"

Because she didn't understand her intention, Alexander just nodded slightly.

"I heard it was Constantine de la Rovere who helped you out?" Xia Sang continued to ask.

Alexander nodded and admitted that he soon found the gloomy glance on Xia Sang's face. 8)

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