Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 156: Midnight

The banquet at the Gilpitts Palace ended in a chaotic, absurd, and even full of obscene taste.

According to some rumors that came to the end of the street, the taste of male courtship at the banquet was even stronger than that of some circus beast cages, and it is said that Jeffrey ’s wife Xia San seemed to be attracted by this taste. Before the banquet was over, she disappeared early, which made Jeffrey so angry that the bear boy not only found his wife everywhere in the palace, but even beat Giovanni to try to stop him from running around. Favored servant.

However, Jeffrey ’s anger is not without reason. According to some people, the liberator Gonzalo also disappeared, and when someone later discovered that they reappeared together, Gonzalo was refreshed. The contrast between his appearance and the weakness and weakness of Xia Sang next to him.

Jeffrey left the Gilpitts palace in a huff, while Xia Sang stayed here in Giovanni, which made more people think, and some people guessed that Xia Sang was to compare Which of her old and new lovers is more powerful.

Alexander did not leave with Kotzach, but walked slowly along the Tiber River in the night alone.

Gonzalo finally entered Rome, and this person is indeed synonymous with arrogance and arrogance, as legend has it, which made Alexander feel relieved while feeling the great pressure from this person.

At least this time for the people of the Pogia family, dealing with the rampant Gonzalo is obviously the first priority, which is obviously a good thing for him.

Alexander didn't want to be a thorn in the Borgia family, even if it wasn't used to stab themselves, but used to stab others.

The things between Gonzalo and Xia San surprised Alexander a bit, but at the same time he had also found that Jeffrey was not that simple, at least herald Skop seemed to have a close relationship with him.

It ’s also interesting to say that as the illegitimate son of Alexander VI, his children seem to have a good relationship with Julia Farne, another young mistress of their father, even with her relatives, Lukeley. Zia was not annoyed by Julia Farne ’s rivalry with her mother, and Jeffrey even became a close friend with Aunt Julia ’s lover, which made Alexander feel that Farne ’s family was really not easy.

The cold Tiber River blew out the sound of flowing water in the middle of the night, and the bright moonlight gleamed in layers of silver on the surface of the water. The rush of running forward continuously.

Alexander was sitting on a stone, and he needed to wake himself up.

It has been a year since we came to this era, from a young man who fled from the East to a character who has emerged in Rome now. This seems to be quite successful, but Alexander knows that this is not enough.

Due to its special position, the territory of Agry is destined to become a turbulent place that always feels unresolved, and Cosenza looks like a beast, crouching on the high ground beside the plain of Agri, facing the land Squinting.

The reason for saying this is that once Russa gets married one day, Cosenza will become the territory of others. At that time, the lord of Cosenza, who was originally the guardian of Agry, will in turn become the opponent of Ag There is a potential enemy with the greatest threat.

After all, Agrig has the largest production area in Lower Italy. For the south, which is not as large as Lombardy and is almost entirely mountainous, it is obvious what a rich production area means.

Rosa, thinking of that beautiful "sister", Alexander's lips slightly hung a smile.

As for Rosa ’s doubts about his identity, Alexander knew very well, or that the two were actually very tacit. None of them broke through the last thin barrier, but what surprised him was that he never thought of Rosa. Not only is she very talented in business, but it is even more rare that she also has a keen sense of the situation.

It's just that Alexander always felt that the ambiguous relationship between him and Ruo Sha was like a huge vortex. He didn't know if he could finally get rid of this vortex, or he couldn't resist being sucked in and completely swallowed.

Alexander shook his head slightly, and since Sophia had left, he felt that he seemed to be a bit sentimental, but obviously he shouldn't be bothered by these things at this time.

When he was attacked on the way to the Sanero mine, when he saw his portraits from the attackers, Alexander had vaguely guessed that he might have fallen into a trap from the beginning. Of course, the real goal of this trap was not He, but the one who should still be in San Sebaron dungeon nowadays, Joel Modillo, but now this is not important anymore, because now he is Joel Modillo.

Are those people really from Castile?

Alexander thought it might be time to get some news from Gonzalo.

Although he knew that Gonzalo was the first favorite of Queen Isabella, he was not worried that Gonzalo also knew or participated in those conspiracies.

Because of the character of Gonzalo, maybe he will be a bohemian playboy, or an unruly minister of power, but it is not in his temperament to say what conspiracy and tricks to make him do.

With a cold wind, an unpleasant smell came head-on, and Alexander looked up and saw the light in the darkness.

That bad smell came from there.

Alexandria knew that it was a gathering place for Jewish workshops, and many Jewish goldsmiths tended to work late, or perhaps only the darkness of the night would move them a little safe, especially at such times.

After regaining the lost ground movement, Castile Queen Isabella implemented a harsh religious trial system in her country. With the support of the Queen, the church adopted a cruel policy not only for heresy within the church, but also It is a killer against pagans.

As a loyal servant of the Queen, Gonzalo naturally supported the Queen unconditionally, so when facing Alexander VI, he not only asked the Pope to show his allegiance to his Queen and King, but he also did not shy away from accusing the Vatican of being treated. In the case of the Jews, there was some "softness".

With the psychic power of the Jews in the city of Rome, of course, they soon heard the news that made them uneasy. Perhaps now this time the Jews are panicking about how to deal with this suddenly scary devil.

After all, this is a person who even dare to rebuke openly, and no one can guarantee that he will suddenly go crazy and start a **** massacre against the Jews in the city of Rome.

A carriage passed by a road not far from Alexandria. The person in the carriage looked at the river so late. The person couldn't help but glanced a little unexpectedly. When he saw Alexander's profile in the moonlight, he sat in the car. The people in there immediately instinctively hid their faces in the darkness of the carriage.

Alexander also noticed the carriage, but he did not know that the people in the carriage were secretly watching him.

Seeing the carriage gradually disappearing under the chaotic narrow eaves of the Jewish gathering area, Alexander couldn't help thinking, not knowing what kind of conspiracy would be woven by money in such a dark night.

In an inconspicuous house, candles are lit in the semi-sunk basement, and the old but solid long counter is used as a table. Several people sit in a circle and no one speaks. Several faces light in the middle of the counter. The swaying shadow reflected the shadows.

Footsteps sounded, and as the wooden stairs made a boom, two people in dark robes entered the basement.

When he saw the Jews sitting around, Bishop Alfonso walking behind frowned slightly.

If it was not necessary, he would never be willing to come to the Jewish gathering area again, and he did not want to see these people again.

Previously, when he knew that the collateral borrowed from the Jews was the triple crown that the legend had lost, Alfonso knew that he might have been caught in the Clariant trap.

Compared with the Triple Crown, borrowing money from the Jews is just a trivial matter. Alfonso does n’t know how Krian is related to the Triple Crown, but he now understands that since he has been involved, he wants to withdraw Too late.

So when the mask man came to him and said that the Jews offered to see him, Alfonso agreed with a little hesitation.

Seeing Alfonso, several Jews stood up, looking very respectful.

They have heard that Alfonso replaced Alexander VI to preside over the blessing of the Mass. Obviously, it was enviable that the bishop could take on such a heavy role at the time of card selection.

Alfonso was not happy about the respectful attitude of the Jews. On the contrary, the Jewish merchants with grin on their faces were like snakes wriggling in his eyes.

Alfonso knew he would think so because of the triple crown.

Since the inexplicable theft of the triple crown, the Vatican has sent many people to search for it at the same time as it thought it was an ominous sign.

The hope of being able to receive revelation from God was not realized, and the men sent to search for the whereabouts of the Triple Crown did not bring back any news.

The precious crown of the Pope, the symbol of power on the head of the most noble throne in the Christ world, is so inexplicably missing from this world mysteriously.

No one knows the whereabouts of the crown, and no one knows who it is or why it should be stolen at the risk of a penalty.

Although the Holy See subsequently decided to recreate a more precious and luxurious crown, everyone knows what the lost triple crown means to the Holy See.

In addition to the legendary crown of thorns worn by **** Christ carrying the cross and walking towards the place of execution, the triple crown of the Holy See is the only crown in the world that can represent the highest authority in the world of Christ.

Before this crown, no matter whether it is a distinguished king or a distinguished duke, or even an emperor with the supreme glory of the world, he must bow his head to the person wearing this crown.

Power, status, wealth and endless prosperity are not enough to describe the great power contained in the triple crown.

Whether a fanatical believer sees this pious confession with a crown that can't help crying, or an arrogant nobleman who has to bow his arrogant head in the face of it, the Triple Crown is the embodiment of an indescribable power.

But it was such a priceless treasure that could make countless people crazy, but it became a collateral for a 12,000 gold florin loan from a group of Jews, and then it was handed over so easily.

Alfonso remembers the moment when he saw the triple crown he was almost suffocated by accident and shock. At that time, because of the excitement, he felt that his breathing would be stopped.

Even after a long time, whenever the night was quiet, Alfonso kept reminding himself that his fate had been linked to the 12,000 florins, or more so, the triple crown.

Alfonso hated the Jews, but although he knew everything was just to get the loan from them, he still felt very annoyed looking at the faces of these people.

It's just that he had to come.

Just as his fate was inseparable from the triple crown, from the moment the triple crown appeared, the relationship between these Jews and him had become entangled.

"Adult," is the oldest Jewish man again. The wrinkles on his face have covered all parts of his face. It looks like a piece of orange peel that has been dried for a long time. "We invite you to hope to get you s help."

"I don't think there will be any other reason," Alfonso whispered in his eyes, with impatient and angry lights flashing in his eyes. He took a deep breath and said quietly, "We have an agreement, You lent me money, and I will pay you interest, except for this we have nothing to do with ~ ~ said, he suddenly stared at the Jewish man angrily "or do you want to blackmail me?" "

"Oh no, Master Bishop, we wouldn't do that kind of thing, we wouldn't be so stupid," the old Jew whispered. He reached out and made an invitation gesture, indexed Alfonso to the counter, and then a pair of slightly lost Looking at Alfonso, "We need your help, but according to the experience left by our ancestors, tell us that if you want to gain something, you have to pay."

The old Jewish man clapped his hands slightly, and the Jews sitting around bent down and took out a few heavy purses from the back door of the counter and put them on the table.

When the money bag and the desk made a dull collision, Alfonso's heart jumped.

"Master Bishop, we are willing to provide you with another sum of money," the old Jewish man said with a smile. "This will ensure that you can achieve your goals more easily."

Looking at the heavy bulging money bags on the counter, Alfonso's breath could not be slightly increased. He knew that it should be a small sum of money. He also believed that if there was such a sum of money, perhaps the Cardinal's throne is really It may fall into his hands.

However, he also knew that the money was never so easy to get.

"What do you want me to do?"

After thinking for a while, Alfonso finally asked lowly.

The old Jewish man lowered his head humbly, his face did not show joy, but said in a more respectful tone: "We need your protection, Bishop, we know what Gonzalo will bring us, So we will help you become a cardinal, because only you can protect us. "

Listening to the old man's words, looking at the money bags, and then looking at the faces that were fading in the light and shadow of the swaying lights, Alfonso suddenly felt like Adam in the Garden of Eden who was tempted to eat the forbidden fruit Snakes facing each other.

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