Conquer the Dawn of Heaven

Vol 3 Chapter 195: Rome, Rome

"The people of the Borgia family are born so romantic."

Nomelo was standing under a colonnade not far from Miracle Square while stroking the short beard so lamenting.

The weather is already a bit hot, especially at noon, the unique Mediterranean climate shows its power at this time. Although it is only at noon, it can feel hot after standing on the lawn for a long time.

But speaking of not really hot during the year, just looking at the young men and women standing on the grass, Nomelo felt that the two were really unbearable.

Alexandria and Lucrezia were sitting on the grass not far from the Palace of Wisdom at this time, poked a large parasol behind them, and fast-forwarding to noon in May, sitting in the shade under the umbrella, obviously It's very pleasant.

In the courtyard of the Palace of Wisdom in the distance, there was a monotonous bell ringing, which was the bell at noon.

Looking at the famous "Faith, Freedom and Piety" engraved on the marble porch of the Palace of Wisdom in the distance and given by the Pope John IV to the University of Pisa, the words "Faith, Freedom and Piety" were a little bit emotional.

If there is another university in the history of Italy that can rival the world-famous University of Bologna, then it is the University of Pisa.

It can be said that it is completely unexpected to everyone. Pisa, a city with no special place, has a famous enviable university.

This university, which was first established in the 12th century, not only has a superb level of education, but also, together with the University of Bologna, has become a model for establishing a truly modern university.

"Caesar studied here," Lucrezia said in Alexander's ear. "He studied theology, philosophy, art, and rhetoric here, and he has received many rewards."

Seeing Lucrezia talking about her brother with a proud tone, Alexander felt uncomfortable for a reason.

Caesar Borgia is a mean and shameless girl who is perverted.

Alexander set the word for his uncle in his heart, and he felt that his comment was not excessive. As long as Caesar thought about how cruel he was to his men related to Lucrezia, Alexander felt that this title was not desired at all. he.

But now it seems that he has become one of the men that Caesar hates the most.

But Alexander didn't want to be just a part of Lucrezia's colorful memories of his future love life, so he wrote a letter to Count Modillo as soon as Nomelo left his room.

In the letter, he asked the count to undermine Caesar's request to marry Lucrezia and Duke of Alfonso Alfonso. To this end, he gave the count an analysis of the situation that is happening in central Italy.

"Dear Earl, I think you have noticed the many disputes that broke out around the control of Romagna recently. I also believe that with your wisdom, you can clearly see the truth behind these many mists, but I still want to show you Explain that today Alexander VI is in a much more difficult situation than others have seen, "Alexander wrote in detail in his letter." The Vatican today has nothing but a sacred reputation. Gonzalo The arrogance and arrogance of the pope lost the last dignity of the pope. It was at this point in Milan and the Venetians that they rashly decided to invade Romagna ... "

"Although they did not expect that the Genoese would react so strongly to their entry into Romagna, but I believe everyone knows that as long as there is a chance to reassure Genoa, they will be the first to abandon Alexander VI. , So at this time for Borgia, the alliance with Naples has become pivotal ... "

"At this time, if you can destroy the marriage between Lucrezia and Billy Shelley's Alfonso, then the Pope is bound to fall into despair and difficulties. I believe that if you can stand up at this time, then you will definitely get from him. More rewards than expected. "

"As for me, I can also get more chips when negotiating with the Vatican. The weight of these chips is related to whether I can become the protector of the new Principality of Pisa as Count Montina."

When Alexander wrote the letter, Lucretia sat in the chair opposite his table and looked at him.

From time to time, she would walk around the table to Alexander's side, either gently nudge Alexander's hair with her hand, or bow her head to kiss his neck.

Lucrezia apparently did not know that at this time her lover was doing everything she could to destroy her second marriage.

Nomelo has written a report about the many events in Pisa and sent them back to Rome. He believes the pope should know what to do.

In these reports, Nomelo strongly opposed Alexander's proposal to become the protector of the Principality of Pisa. He even put forward many reasons for objection, and the most important one is Pisa's importance.

The ruler of Florence today is Savonarola.

This man is said to be dismissive of the Pope ’s deliberate attempts, and even sent someone specifically to Alexander VI to tell him that as long as he is willing to praise the Pope in public and apologize for the many previous disrespects, he can get the honorable identity of the Cardinal. After the promise, Savonarola still embarrassed Alexander VI with his sharp language and merciless refutation.

Such a Florence is clearly the pinnacle of the Vatican, and at this time a family not supported by the pope would have to inherit Pisa, which is definitely not good news for Alexander VI.

What puzzled Nomelo was that the newly released Earl of Montina seemed to be really fascinated by Lucrezia. Instead of rushing to the north to rescue Montina immediately, he continued to stay in Pisa City. Luckrezia lived a sweet love life.

Of course, while enjoying his friendship with the Pope's daughter, Alexander also did not forget to frequent the pizza nobles, merchants, and all kinds of people who had a major influence on Pizza.

Nomelo also wanted to meet the pizza people, but he soon discovered that it was not easy.

The Agries and the Bohemians wandered around in the city of Pisa. This looked nothing. After hearing the **** smell of these people's weapons, the Pizza quickly understood who to choose.

Gompati still served as his captain of the city defense, and from the orders given to him by Alexander, Gompati vaguely noticed something strange.

Obviously, Alexander did not want to give up his dominance over Pisa.

However, for the Milan who occupied the city of Realo, Alexander still paid great attention to it. When he heard that the Milanese had crossed the small plain between Realo and Montina twice, trying to threaten Montina, Alexander dispatched Aufrei, who had just heard the news to Pisa and joined him again.

"Collect enough information about Milan and the Venetians, and let them know that their citizens are under my control."

Alexander commanded Aufrei in this way. In fact, he felt that this second order was more important. I believe that once the Venetian knew that there was almost a company of Venetian citizens who had become captives, even the cunning old fox Barbaric could not Carefully consider how to face this problem.

Sure enough, within two days of the news of the Battle of Pisa, there was news that the Milanese had received a letter from the Venetian.

The specific content of the letter is unknown, but from that day the Milanese harassed Montina has become silent, even if he sent a scout to ride close to Montina to investigate, it has become cautious and dare not go into Mongolia easily. Tina area.

Obviously, the Venetian dissuaded the Milanese who tried to attack Montina.

All this comes from the news that Alexander later sent a captive to take it back.

The Venetians did not believe that Alexander threatened to execute all the captives, but they did not dare to believe it.

It was during such a period of time that Alexander decided to allow the army to stay in Pisa for an additional two days.

The Agri set off immediately after receiving a letter of assistance from Alexander.

After nearly two days of trekking, the move to the battlefield immediately saved Alexander and Pisa, but the entire army was almost approaching the edge of collapse.

When Nomelo later discovered that the Agri army was actually the end of the crossbow, he had lost the best chance of attack.

Nomelo was not a soldier, so he didn't understand what a trivial mistake on the battlefield would bring.

But even if he is aware, there is really no way, because Lucrezia has always been with Alexander. He really cannot guarantee that after launching an attack on Alexander ’s army, how can he ensure that Lucrezia will not be hurt, or simply take the initiative to give The enemy was taken hostage and in turn threatened Nomelo.

There is another reason why the Alexander Conference stayed in Pisa for the time being. He took a fancy to the sailors who showed unusual luck when defending Pisa.

Alexander was very concerned about the casualties of the Agri, especially after watching the Pisa's move. Although he was eager to change the method of recruiting mercenaries as soon as possible to form an army, he had not been able to implement the conscription system for a while.

At least even as he envisioned, pushing the people of the Tomnio family to the throne of the Duke of Pisa, he temporarily had no right to conscript directly in Pisa.

In addition, he dared not use an army like the Pizza.

It is true that he is trustworthy in his impression and can be trained as a good soldier. It seems that only the mountain people in southern Italy, or the Sicilians who are famous for xenophobia and embracing.

So desperately, Alexander's eyes were on those crew members who had proven themselves with actual combat, and the other was Gumpati who made him quite surprised.

"Are you going to take that Comparty?" Sitting on the grass, Lucrezia was eating sweet and juicy berries while looking at Alexander. "I noticed that your eyes were warmer than mine. Do you know that I am a little jealous of the butcher? "


"Yes, butcher," Lucrezia nodded. "Everyone calls him in the back now, and the ladies describe him as a terrible executioner, saying that he killed many people at once with a terrible cannon. "When it comes to this, Lucrezia nodded vowedly, then lowered his voice and said," Someone said that when he saw the dead, he jumped and jumped excitedly, and they all said that this man was seduced by the devil. "


Alexander coughed a bit stiffly, because he knew that the so-called devil was supposed to be him.

However, Gompati did give him a lot of surprises. In addition to the surprise that Alexander was quite beyond the skill of defense in the current era, what he did not expect is that Gompati seems to have become a good one. Relocation of artillery officers.

Especially as Lucrezia said, after seeing the excitement of the artillery fired by the artillery at the dense formation of enemies, Alexander believed that he should have read it right.

The decision to requisition Pisa ’s artillery did not cause much disturbance in Pisa ’s provisional parliament, and even the proposal was immediately adopted as soon as it was proposed.

It was only when Pisa paid the Agri and Genoese forces that there was a big disagreement.

When I heard that Alexander had asked to pay 50,000 Ducats, many people in the Pisa Provisional Parliament immediately became excited. Some of them said that they could not get such a large amount of money, while others simply said that even the Venetians occupied With pizza, the request is no more than that!

The 50,000 Ducat's remuneration requirement instantly reduced the pizza's favor with Alexandria, which made some people even plan to get help from Nomelo.

But the Pizza soon heard another news that made many of them curious.

After hearing that 50,000 Ducat's military remuneration was rejected, Alexander did not get angry, but quickly made a new proposal to the Pisa Parliament through Tomnio.

"Joining my free trade union will not only reduce the military expenses that you should pay, but also give Pisa the opportunity to become a younger Lenian, or even a power in the Mediterranean."

For such a sudden proposal, the Pisa Parliament was moved by surprise. They did not know why Alexander suddenly gave up such a big step, which made them instinctively cautious.

And then the many suggestions made by Alexander made the Pizza people feel very strange.

Only two days, and most of the time it seems to others that it has always been with Lucrezia to enjoy the good times of spring.

Even Lucrezia himself didn't notice anything.

But Nomelo found a lot of unusual things.

He began to look more closely at Alexander, and by this time Nomelo believed that everyone had underestimated the young man.

Compared with a general who commanded the army to defeat his opponent on the battlefield, Nomelo believed that this young man was a cunning diplomat.

After three days of repairs, Alexander ordered to continue his march to Northern Italy.

Roughly 1,000 Genoese.

Nearly 650 Bohemians and Agris.

There are also about 200 temporary mercenaries recruited in Pisa.

On April 28, Alexander left Pisa with an army of almost 2,000 men.

Nomelo also did not stay in Pisa, but he did not follow Alexandria to the north, but returned to Rome with Lucrezia.

On the eve of the separation, Lucrezia desperately kissed Alexander's lips, and then asked the sentence again: "Will you propose to my father?"

Alexander's answer to Lucrezia's question was to block her with more passionate kisses.

A few days later, on the undulating sea, when the beautiful port of Santa Lucia appeared in the distance, a beautiful girl with blonde hair and light white skin that was slightly tanned and healthy and light brown came out of the cabin. There was a monk next to her. When she put her arms on the boat to look at the rolling coast, a smile appeared on her face ~ ~ We have been out long enough, have n’t we? The girl turned back and asked the monk.

"It's really long enough, Miss." The monk answered absently.

"Monk, you seem to have something to worry about," the girl asked a little curiously, and then she said suddenly, "I heard my brother is engaged?"


The monk was startled.

"It's from the Rovere family."


The monk responded dumbly.

"We are not going back to Naples," the girl suddenly smiled. "We go to Rome to see my brother's wife."


Modillo's legs suddenly softened and he almost collapsed on the ship's board.

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